path: root/parabolaiso
diff options
authorbill-auger <>2018-05-29 01:58:02 -0400
committerbill-auger <>2020-03-27 19:32:36 -0400
commit28a3048aa76b21d9852738059ef64e8714a12dda (patch)
tree1ce563f1accfb7beacdf6ceac144a2d9be456933 /parabolaiso
parentfbca4bce8b103bc3606d97c5961e68e99a260d89 (diff)
create torrent and magnet files
Diffstat (limited to 'parabolaiso')
3 files changed, 108 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/parabolaiso/TORRENT_METADATA.sample b/parabolaiso/TORRENT_METADATA.sample
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b385ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parabolaiso/TORRENT_METADATA.sample
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# metadata requisites: 'mktorrent', 'rhash'
+# if these are not installed, then no .torrent, magnet, or checksum files will be created
+# to enable .torrent file generation, copy this file to ./TORRENT_METADATA
+# all of the constant values in this sample file are specific to parabola official releases
+# for custom ISOs, all of these values should be changed in ./TORRENT_METADATA
+# if a torrent file is not desired, then this file can be ignored
+# will be embedded into the .torrent file
+# if this is not defined, then no .torrent file will be created
+# TORRENT_WEBSEED_URLS (newline-separated list of strings)
+# will be embedded into the .torrent file
+# will be embedded into the .torrent file
+# if ISOS_URL is defined below, a URL will be appended to this, pointing
+# to where the GPG signature of the ISO will be expected to be hosted
+readonly TORRENT_COMMENT="Parabola GNU/Linux-libre _RELEASE_ Release"
+# ISOS_URL (string)
+# is used to make a URL to the master repo where the ISO will be hosted
+# the torrent comment will indicate this as the location of the canonical GPG signature
+readonly ISOS_URL=
diff --git a/parabolaiso/mkmetadata b/parabolaiso/mkmetadata
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..263f63b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parabolaiso/mkmetadata
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+readonly OUT_DIR=$1
+readonly IMG_NAME=$2
+readonly PKGLIST="$(readlink -f $3 2> /dev/null)"
+readonly THIS_DIR="$(readlink -f "$(dirname $0)")"
+# if an optional .torrent file is desired, see ./TORRENT_METADATA.sample
+which mktorrent &> /dev/null && readonly HAS_MKTORRENT=1 || readonly HAS_MKTORRENT=0
+which rhash &> /dev/null && readonly HAS_RHASH=1 || readonly HAS_RHASH=0
+[[ -n "${ISOS_URL}" ]] && readonly PUBLIC_URL="${ISOS_URL}/$(basename ${OUT_DIR})"
+[[ -n "${ISOS_URL}" ]] && readonly SIG_URL="${PUBLIC_URL}/${IMG_NAME}.sig"
+[[ -n "${ISOS_URL}" ]] && readonly PUBLISH_MSG="The directory: '${OUT_DIR}' should be copied to the repo server entirely, preserving the directory name; such that it is accessible via the URL:\n\t${PUBLIC_URL}/\nThe GPG signature of the ISO should be added to that directory; such that it is accessible at the URL:\n\t${SIG_URL}"
+readonly ISO_HOST_PATH=$(echo "$(basename ${OUT_DIR})/${IMG_NAME}" | sed 's|\s|%20|')
+readonly WEBSEEDS_CSV=$(echo ${TORRENT_WEBSEED_URLS} | sed -E "s|([^ ]+)|\1${ISO_HOST_PATH}|g" | tr ' ' ',')
+readonly PKGLIST_SUCCESS_MSG="\t=> copied $(basename ${PKGLIST} 2> /dev/null)"
+readonly SHA512SUMS_SUCCESS_MSG="\t=> SHA512SUMS appended"
+readonly MAGNET_SUCCESS_MSG="\t=> ${IMG_NAME}.magnet saved"
+readonly TORRENT_SUCCESS_MSG="\t=> ${IMG_NAME}.torrent saved"
+readonly RHASH_NOT_FOUND_MSG="[mkmetadata]: 'rhash' is not installed - metadata files will not be created"
+readonly MAKE_METADATA_MSG="[mkmetadata]: preparing metadata"
+ # copy package lists and generate checksums and optional torrent file
+ (( ${SHOULD_MKTORRENT} )) && MakeTorrent && echo -e ${TORRENT_SUCCESS_MSG}
+ [[ -f "${PKGLIST}" ]] && cp ${PKGLIST} . && echo -e ${PKGLIST_SUCCESS_MSG}
+ rhash --sha512 "${IMG_NAME}" >> SHA512SUMS && echo -e ${SHA512SUMS_SUCCESS_MSG}
+ rhash --whirlpool "${IMG_NAME}" >> WHIRLPOOLSUMS && echo -e ${WHIIRLPOOLSUMS_SUCCESS_MSG}
+ rhash --magnet "${IMG_NAME}" > "${IMG_NAME}.magnet" && echo -e ${MAGNET_SUCCESS_MSG}
+ sort SHA512SUMS --key=2 --output=SHA512SUMS
+ local release=$( sed 's|[^-]*-\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)\.iso|\u\1/\U\2 \L\3 \u\4 \5|' <<<${IMG_NAME})
+ local sig="$( [[ -n "${ISOS_URL}" ]] && echo "GPG signature: '${SIG_URL}")"
+ local comment="$(sed 's|_RELEASE_|'"${release}"'|' <<<${TORRENT_COMMENT})\n${sig}"
+ # generate torrent file
+ mktorrent --announce=${TORRENT_ANNOUNCE_URL} \
+ --comment="${comment}" \
+ $([[ -n "${WEBSEEDS_CSV}" ]] && echo "--web-seed=${WEBSEEDS_CSV}") \
+ --piece-length=20 --no-date --verbose \
+ "${IMG_NAME}"
+if ! (( ${HAS_RHASH} ))
+then echo "$RHASH_NOT_FOUND_MSG"
+elif [[ -d "${OUT_DIR}" ]] && [[ -f "${OUT_DIR}/${IMG_NAME}" ]]
+then echo "$MAKE_METADATA_MSG"
+ pushd ${OUT_DIR} > /dev/null
+ MakeMetadata
+ popd > /dev/null
+[[ -n "${ISOS_URL}" ]] && echo -e "\n${PUBLISH_MSG}\n"
diff --git a/parabolaiso/mkparabolaiso b/parabolaiso/mkparabolaiso
index 248879e..eb2366e 100755
--- a/parabolaiso/mkparabolaiso
+++ b/parabolaiso/mkparabolaiso
@@ -514,11 +514,9 @@ command_iso () {
_msg_info "Done! | $(ls -sh "${out_dir}/${img_name}")"
- cp "${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/pkglist.${arch}.txt" ${out_dir}/
- pushd ${out_dir} > /dev/null
- sha512sum "${img_name}" >> SHA512SUMS 2> /dev/null || true
- rhash --whirlpool "${img_name}" >> WHIRLPOOLSUMS 2> /dev/null || true
- popd > /dev/null
+ # copy package lists and create checksums and optional torrent files
+ pkglist="${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/pkglist.${arch}.txt"
+ mkmetadata "${out_dir}" "${img_name}" "${pkglist}" || true