path: root/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/
deleted file mode 100755
index 203a356..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-source /root/
-readonly WHEEL_SUDOERS_SED_CMD='s|[#] [%]wheel ALL=[(]ALL[)] ALL|%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL|'
-ValidateLogin() { Login=$(tr -d '[:space:]' <<<${Login}) ; [[ -n "${Login}" ]] ; } # TODO:
-GsettingsSet() # (kvp)
- sudo -u ${Login} gsettings set $*
-## main entry ##
-DlgTitle=$( ${TR[dlg_user-${TR_KEY}]/*) }
-# create unprivileged user
-until ValidateLogin
-do Login=$( WizardDlg "${DlgTitle}" \
- --inputbox "${TR[user_login-${TR_KEY}]}" 8 40 )
-Pass='changeme' Pass2=''
-while [[ "${Pass}" != "${Pass2}" ]]
-do Pass=$( WizardDlg "${DlgTitle}" \
- --passwordbox "${TR[user_pass-${TR_KEY}]} '${Login}':" 8 40 )
- Pass2=$( WizardDlg "${DlgTitle}" \
- --passwordbox "${TR[user_pass2-${TR_KEY}]} '${Login}':" 8 40 )
-useradd -m -g users -G 'wheel' -s /bin/bash -p $(openssl passwd ${Pass}) ${Login}
-# set keymap
-Keymap=$(GetStateVar 'XKBMAP')
-echo "setxkbmap ${Keymap}" >> /home/${Login}/.bashrc
-# configure desktop environment
-wmde=$(GetStateVar 'WMDE')
-if [[ "${wmde}" == 'mate' && -x /usr/bin/gsettings ]]
-then if [[ -d /usr/share/themes/Radiance-Purple ]]
- then GsettingsSet org.mate.interface gtk-theme 'Radiance-Purple'
- GsettingsSet org.mate.Marco.general theme 'Radiance-Purple'
- fi
- if [[ -d /usr/share/icons/RAVE-X-Dark-Purple ]]
- then GsettingsSet org.mate.interface icon-theme 'RAVE-X-Dark-Purple'
- fi
- if [[ -d /usr/share/icons/mate ]]
- then GsettingsSet org.mate.peripherals-mouse cursor-size '18'
- GsettingsSet org.mate.peripherals-mouse cursor-theme 'mate'
- fi
- if [[ -f /usr/share/backgrounds/parabola-laf/parabola-laf.png ]]
- then GsettingsSet org.mate.background picture-filename '/usr/share/backgrounds/parabola-laf/parabola-laf.png'
- fi
-# allow members of group wheel to execute any command
-sed -i "$WHEEL_SUDOERS_SED_CMD" /etc/sudoers