path: root/configs/profile/root-image/root
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'configs/profile/root-image/root')
-rw-r--r--configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/parabolaicon.pngbin857 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/parabolaicon.pngbin857 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/.session_state (renamed from configs/profile/root-image/root/.codecheck)1
-rwxr-xr-xconfigs/profile/root-image/root/.session/ (renamed from configs/profile/root-image/root/
45 files changed, 1328 insertions, 4158 deletions
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/en/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/en/
deleted file mode 100755
index a924e4c..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/en/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-#Temporal is a file that contains parameters to use when access to chroot
-if [ ! -f /root/.install-openrc-lxde/.pacman ]; then
- pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring archlinux32-keyring parabola-keyring --noconfirm
- pacman-key --populate archlinux archlinux32 parabola
- pacman-key --refresh-keys
- case $? in
- 0) touch /root/.install-openrc-lxde/.pacman
- ;;
- *) false
- ;;
- esac
- #Search and show the Hard Disks to select
- aux=$(ls /dev/sd?)
- index=0
- for i in $aux; do
- hdds[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off"
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- hdd=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Select Hard Disk" 20 70 50 ${hdds[@]})
- #If exist the line delete
- if (cat /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal | grep "hdd=") &>/dev/null
- then
- sed -i -e '/hdd=*/d' /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal
- fi
- #And add the new line with new parameter
- echo "hdd=$hdd" >> /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal
- selection=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Partitioning method" 20 70 50 \
- 1 "Use all disk with swap (1GB) and /" \
- 2 "Use gparted to customize" )
- case $selection in
- 1)
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- #Create msdos partition table
- parted -s $hdd -- mklabel msdos
- #Create partition swap and /
- parted -s $hdd -- mkpart primary 1MiB 1000MiB mkpart primary 1000MiB -1s
- #Boot option partition /
- parted -s $hdd -- set 2 boot on
- #Format and partitions and mount /
- (echo t; echo 1; echo 82; echo w) | fdisk $hdd
- mkswap ${hdd}1
- mkfs.ext4 ${hdd}2
- mount ${hdd}2 /mnt
- ;;
- 2)
- gparted $hdd
- #Search and show the partitions that select before.
- aux=$(ls $hdd?)
- index=0;
- for i in $aux; do
- partitions[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off"
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- partition=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Mount / Partition" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]})
- #Mount partition /
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- mount $partition /mnt
- #Ask if you want mount other partitions
- other=0
- while [ $other != 3 ]; do
- other=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Mount other partition?" 20 70 50 1 "/home" 2 "/boot" 3 "No")
- case $other in
- 1)
- umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- mkdir /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Mount /home Partition" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/home
- ;;
- 2)
- umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- mkdir /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Mount /boot Partition" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/boot
- ;;
- *)
- other=3
- ;;
- esac
- done
- ;;
- esac
-while [ option != 7 ]; do
- option=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Parabola Installation CLI" 20 70 50 \
- 1 "Format and Mount Partitions" \
- 2 "Install Base System" \
- 3 "Install GRUB" \
- 4 "System Configure" \
- 5 "Create User Account" \
- 6 "(Optional) Install Live DVD Desktop/Applications" \
- 7 "Exit" )
- case $option in
- 1)
- partition
- ;;
- 2)
- #Install base system
- pacstrap /mnt base-openrc
- pacstrap /mnt dialog
- ;;
- 3)
- #Install grub
- pacstrap /mnt grub
- #Enable Parabola theme for grub
- sed -i 's|^#GRUB_THEME=.*|GRUB_THEME=/boot/grub/themes/parabola-laf/theme.txt|' /mnt/etc/default/grub
- ;;
- 4)
- #Generate fstab and acces to chroot to do System Config
- genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
- cp /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal /mnt
- cp /root/.install-openrc-lxde/ /mnt
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm -r /mnt/
- ;;
- 5)
- #Create a new username and save in temporal, to use after
- if (cat /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal | grep "userName=") &>/dev/null
- then
- sed -i -e '/userName=*/d' /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal
- fi
- echo "userName=$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Enter an User Name" 8 40)" >> /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal
- cp /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal /mnt
- cp /root/.install-openrc-lxde/ /mnt
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm -r /mnt/
- ;;
- 6)
- #Packages to the X11 live
- packages=( $( cat ./packages ) )
- #Install packages
- pacman -Sy -r /mnt ${packages[@]} --needed --noconfirm
- user=$(cat /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal | grep "userName" )
- #Copy skel in the new system and desktop's background
- cp -a /etc/skel/ /mnt/etc/
- #Puts the XKBMAP, start X11 automatically and icewm desktop
- echo "setxkbmap $(cat /root/.codecheck | grep XKBMAP= | cut -d '=' -f 2)" > /mnt/etc/skel/.xinitrc
- echo "exec startlxde" >> /mnt/etc/skel/.xinitrc
- echo "startx" >> /mnt/etc/skel/.bash_profile
- chmod +x /mnt/etc/skel/.xinitrc
- cp -a /mnt/etc/skel/.[a-z]* /mnt/home/${user#*=}/
- cp -a /root/.install-openrc-lxde/ /mnt
- #Enable services with OpenRC and configure other stuff
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm /mnt/
- ;;
- *)
- #Delete temporal file and umount partitions
- rm -r /mnt/temporal
- umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- exit
- ;;
- esac
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/en/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/en/
deleted file mode 100755
index d5195fb..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/en/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-HOSTNAME=$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Enter Hostname:" 8 40)
-sed 's|localhost|'"${HOSTNAME}"'|' -i /etc/conf.d/hostname
-ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Enter your Zone Time:\nFor example: Europe/Athens" 8 40) /etc/localtime
- "ANSI-dvorak ANSI-dvorak off"
- "amiga-de amiga-de off"
- "amiga-us amiga-us off"
- "applkey applkey off"
- "atari-de atari-de off"
- "atari-se atari-se off"
- "atari-uk-falcon atari-uk-falcon off"
- "atari-us atari-us off"
- "azerty azerty off"
- "backspace backspace off"
- "bashkir bashkir off"
- "be-latin1 be-latin1 off"
- "bg-cp1251 bg-cp1251 off"
- "bg-cp855 bg-cp855 off"
- "bg_bds-cp1251 bg_bds-cp1251 off"
- "bg_bds-utf8 bg_bds-utf8 off"
- "bg_pho-cp1251 bg_pho-cp1251 off"
- "bg_pho-utf8 bg_pho-utf8 off"
- "br-abnt br-abnt off"
- "br-abnt2 br-abnt2 off"
- "br-latin1-abnt2 br-latin1-abnt2 off"
- "br-latin1-us br-latin1-us off"
- "by by off"
- "by-cp1251 by-cp1251 off"
- "bywin-cp1251 bywin-cp1251 off"
- "cf cf off"
- "colemak colemak off"
- "croat croat off"
- "ctrl ctrl off"
- "cz cz off"
- "cz-cp1250 cz-cp1250 off"
- "cz-lat2 cz-lat2 off"
- "cz-lat2-prog cz-lat2-prog off"
- "cz-qwertz cz-qwertz off"
- "cz-us-qwertz cz-us-qwertz off"
- "de de off"
- "de-latin1 de-latin1 off"
- "de-latin1-nodeadkeys de-latin1-nodeadkeys off"
- "de-mobii de-mobii off"
- "de_CH-latin1 de_CH-latin1 off"
- "de_alt_UTF-8 de_alt_UTF-8 off"
- "defkeymap defkeymap off"
- "defkeymap_V1.0 defkeymap_V1.0 off"
- "dk dk off"
- "dk-latin1 dk-latin1 off"
- "dvorak dvorak off"
- "dvorak-ca-fr dvorak-ca-fr off"
- "dvorak-es dvorak-es off"
- "dvorak-fr dvorak-fr off"
- "dvorak-l dvorak-l off"
- "dvorak-r dvorak-r off"
- "dvorak-ru dvorak-ru off"
- "dvorak-sv-a1 dvorak-sv-a1 off"
- "dvorak-sv-a5 dvorak-sv-a5 off"
- "dvorak-uk dvorak-uk off"
- "emacs emacs off"
- "emacs2 emacs2 off"
- "es es off"
- "es-cp850 es-cp850 off"
- "es-olpc es-olpc off"
- "et et off"
- "et-nodeadkeys et-nodeadkeys off"
- "euro euro off"
- "euro1 euro1 off"
- "euro2 euro2 off"
- "fi fi off"
- "fr fr off"
- "fr-bepo fr-bepo off"
- "fr-bepo-latin9 fr-bepo-latin9 off"
- "fr-latin1 fr-latin1 off"
- "fr-latin9 fr-latin9 off"
- "fr-pc fr-pc off"
- "fr_CH fr_CH off"
- "fr_CH-latin1 fr_CH-latin1 off"
- "gr gr off"
- "gr-pc gr-pc off"
- "hu hu off"
- "hu101 hu101 off"
- "il il off"
- "il-heb il-heb off"
- "il-phonetic il-phonetic off"
- "is-latin1 is-latin1 off"
- "is-latin1-us is-latin1-us off"
- "it it off"
- "it-ibm it-ibm off"
- "it2 it2 off"
- "jp106 jp106 off"
- "kazakh kazakh off"
- "keypad keypad off"
- "ky_alt_sh-UTF-8 ky_alt_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "kyrgyz kyrgyz off"
- "la-latin1 la-latin1 off"
- "lt lt off"
- "lt.baltic lt.baltic off"
- "lt.l4 lt.l4 off"
- "lv lv off"
- "lv-tilde lv-tilde off"
- "mac-be mac-be off"
- "mac-de-latin1 mac-de-latin1 off"
- "mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys off"
- "mac-de_CH mac-de_CH off"
- "mac-dk-latin1 mac-dk-latin1 off"
- "mac-dvorak mac-dvorak off"
- "mac-es mac-es off"
- "mac-euro mac-euro off"
- "mac-euro2 mac-euro2 off"
- "mac-fi-latin1 mac-fi-latin1 off"
- "mac-fr mac-fr off"
- "mac-fr_CH-latin1 mac-fr_CH-latin1 off"
- "mac-it mac-it off"
- "mac-pl mac-pl off"
- "mac-pt-latin1 mac-pt-latin1 off"
- "mac-se mac-se off"
- "mac-template mac-template off"
- "mac-uk mac-uk off"
- "mac-us mac-us off"
- "mk mk off"
- "mk-cp1251 mk-cp1251 off"
- "mk-utf mk-utf off"
- "mk0 mk0 off"
- "nl nl off"
- "nl2 nl2 off"
- "no no off"
- "no-dvorak no-dvorak off"
- "no-latin1 no-latin1 off"
- "pc110 pc110 off"
- "pl pl off"
- "pl1 pl1 off"
- "pl2 pl2 off"
- "pl3 pl3 off"
- "pl4 pl4 off"
- "pt-latin1 pt-latin1 off"
- "pt-latin9 pt-latin9 off"
- "pt-olpc pt-olpc off"
- "ro ro off"
- "ro_std ro_std off"
- "ro_win ro_win off"
- "ru ru off"
- "ru-cp1251 ru-cp1251 off"
- "ru-ms ru-ms off"
- "ru-yawerty ru-yawerty off"
- "ru1 ru1 off"
- "ru2 ru2 off"
- "ru3 ru3 off"
- "ru4 ru4 off"
- "ru_win ru_win off"
- "ruwin_alt-CP1251 ruwin_alt-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_alt-KOI8-R ruwin_alt-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_alt-UTF-8 ruwin_alt-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_alt_sh-UTF-8 ruwin_alt_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_cplk-CP1251 ruwin_cplk-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_cplk-KOI8-R ruwin_cplk-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_cplk-UTF-8 ruwin_cplk-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-CP1251 ruwin_ct_sh-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-KOI8-R ruwin_ct_sh-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 ruwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-CP1251 ruwin_ctrl-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-KOI8-R ruwin_ctrl-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-UTF-8 ruwin_ctrl-UTF-8 off"
- "se-fi-ir209 se-fi-ir209 off"
- "se-fi-lat6 se-fi-lat6 off"
- "se-ir209 se-ir209 off"
- "se-lat6 se-lat6 off"
- "sg sg off"
- "sg-latin1 sg-latin1 off"
- "sg-latin1-lk450 sg-latin1-lk450 off"
- "sk-prog-qwerty sk-prog-qwerty off"
- "sk-prog-qwertz sk-prog-qwertz off"
- "sk-qwerty sk-qwerty off"
- "sk-qwertz sk-qwertz off"
- "slovene slovene off"
- "sr-cy sr-cy off"
- "sun-pl sun-pl off"
- "sun-pl-altgraph sun-pl-altgraph off"
- "sundvorak sundvorak off"
- "sunkeymap sunkeymap off"
- "sunt4-es sunt4-es off"
- "sunt4-fi-latin1 sunt4-fi-latin1 off"
- "sunt4-no-latin1 sunt4-no-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-cz-us sunt5-cz-us off"
- "sunt5-de-latin1 sunt5-de-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-es sunt5-es off"
- "sunt5-fi-latin1 sunt5-fi-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-fr-latin1 sunt5-fr-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-ru sunt5-ru off"
- "sunt5-uk sunt5-uk off"
- "sunt5-us-cz sunt5-us-cz off"
- "sunt6-uk sunt6-uk off"
- "sv-latin1 sv-latin1 off"
- "tj_alt-UTF8 tj_alt-UTF8 off"
- "tr_f-latin5 tr_f-latin5 off"
- "tr_q-latin5 tr_q-latin5 off"
- "tralt tralt off"
- "trf trf off"
- "trf-fgGIod trf-fgGIod off"
- "trq trq off"
- "ttwin_alt-UTF-8 ttwin_alt-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_cplk-UTF-8 ttwin_cplk-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 ttwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_ctrl-UTF-8 ttwin_ctrl-UTF-8 off"
- "ua ua off"
- "ua-cp1251 ua-cp1251 off"
- "ua-utf ua-utf off"
- "ua-utf-ws ua-utf-ws off"
- "ua-ws ua-ws off"
- "uk uk off"
- "unicode unicode off"
- "us us on"
- "us-acentos us-acentos off"
- "wangbe wangbe off"
- "wangbe2 wangbe2 off"
- "windowkeys windowkeys off"
-echo "KEYMAP=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Select Keymap" 20 70 50 ${keymaps[@]})" > /etc/vconsole.conf
-aux=$(sed -e '1,23d' -e 's/#//g' -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/..$//' /etc/locale.gen)
-for i in $aux; do
- i=$(echo $i | sed -e 's/#/ /g')
- locales+=("$i" "$i" off)
- if [[ $i == "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" || $i == "en_US ISO-8859-1" ]]; then
- locales[$index]="$i"
- locales[$((index+1))]="$i"
- locales[$((index+2))]="on"
- fi
- index=$((index+3))
-locale=$(dialog --stdout --checklist "Select Locales" 20 70 50 "${locales[@]}")
-locale=$(echo ${locale} | sed -e 's/" "/\n/g' -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/"//g')
-for i in ${locale[@]}; do
- i=$(echo $i | sed -e 's/#/ /g')
- sed -i -e "s/#$i/$i/g" /etc/locale.gen
-aux=$(locale -a)
-for i in $aux; do
- langs+=("$i" "$i" on)
- index=$((index+1))
-echo "LANG=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Select your language" 20 70 50 ${langs[@]})" > /etc/locale.conf
-mkinitcpio -p linux-libre
-hdd=$(cat /temporal | grep 'hdd=')
-grub-install ${hdd#*=}
-grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
-password=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Insert root password" 8 40)
-while [[ $password != $password2 ]]; do
- password2=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Repeat root password" 8 40)
-usermod -p $(openssl passwd ${password}) root
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/en/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/en/
deleted file mode 100755
index a9551d8..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/en/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-user=$(cat /temporal | grep "userName")
-password=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Insert ${user#*=} password" 8 40)
-while [[ $password != $password2 ]]; do
- password2=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Reply password" 8 40)
-useradd -m -g users -G "wheel" -s /bin/bash -p $(openssl passwd $password) ${user#*=}
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/es/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/es/
deleted file mode 100755
index d38b12a..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/es/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-#Temporal is a file that contains parameters to use when access to chroot
-if [ ! -f /root/.install-openrc-lxde/.pacman ]; then
- pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring archlinux32-keyring parabola-keyring --noconfirm
- pacman-key --populate archlinux archlinux32 parabola
- pacman-key --refresh-keys
- case $? in
- 0) touch /root/.install-openrc-lxde/.pacman
- ;;
- *) false
- ;;
- esac
- #Search and show the Hard Disks to select
- aux=$(ls /dev/sd?)
- index=0
- for i in $aux; do
- hdds[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off"
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- hdd=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Selecciona Disco Duro" 20 70 50 ${hdds[@]})
- #If exist the line delete
- if (cat /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal | grep "hdd=") &>/dev/null
- then
- sed -i -e '/hdd=*/d' /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal
- fi
- #And add the new line with new parameter
- echo "hdd=$hdd" >> /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal
- selection=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Metodo de Particionado" 20 70 50 \
- 1 "Usar todo el disco con swap (1GB) y /" \
- 2 "Usar gparted para personalizar" )
- case $selection in
- 1)
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- #Create msdos partition table
- parted -s $hdd -- mklabel msdos
- #Create partition swap and /
- parted -s $hdd -- mkpart primary 1MiB 1000MiB mkpart primary 1000MiB -1s
- #Boot option partition /
- parted -s $hdd -- set 2 boot on
- #Format and partitions and mount /
- (echo t; echo 1; echo 82; echo w) | fdisk $hdd
- mkswap ${hdd}1
- mkfs.ext4 ${hdd}2
- mount ${hdd}2 /mnt
- ;;
- 2)
- gparted $hdd
- #Search and show the partitions that select before.
- aux=$(ls $hdd?)
- index=0;
- for i in $aux; do
- partitions[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off"
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- partition=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Montar particion /" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]})
- #Mount partition /
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- mount $partition /mnt
- #Ask if you want mount other partitions
- other=0
- while [ $other != 3 ]; do
- other=$(dialog --stdout --menu "¿Montar otra particion?" 20 70 50 1 "/home" 2 "/boot" 3 "No")
- case $other in
- 1)
- umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- mkdir /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Montar particion /home" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/home
- ;;
- 2)
- umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- mkdir /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Mount particion /boot" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/boot
- ;;
- *)
- other=3
- ;;
- esac
- done
- ;;
- esac
-while [ option != 7 ]; do
- option=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Instalación CLI de Parabola" 20 70 50 \
- 1 "Formatear y Montar Particiones" \
- 2 "Instalar Sistema Base" \
- 3 "Instalar GRUB" \
- 4 "Configuración del Sistema" \
- 5 "Crear Cuenta de Usuario" \
- 6 "(Opcional) Instalar Escritorio/Aplicaciones del Live DVD" \
- 7 "Salir" )
- case $option in
- 1)
- partition
- ;;
- 2)
- #Install base system
- pacstrap /mnt base-openrc
- pacstrap /mnt dialog
- ;;
- 3)
- #Install grub
- pacstrap /mnt grub
- #Enable Parabola theme for grub
- sed -i 's|^#GRUB_THEME=.*|GRUB_THEME=/boot/grub/themes/parabola-laf/theme.txt|' /mnt/etc/default/grub
- ;;
- 4)
- #Generate fstab and acces to chroot to do System Config
- genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
- cp /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal /mnt
- cp /root/.install-openrc-lxde/ /mnt
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm -r /mnt/
- ;;
- 5)
- #Create a new username and save in temporal, to use after
- if (cat /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal | grep "userName=") &>/dev/null
- then
- sed -i -e '/userName=*/d' /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal
- fi
- echo "userName=$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Introduce nombre de usuario" 8 40)" >> /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal
- cp /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal /mnt
- cp /root/.install-openrc-lxde/ /mnt
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm -r /mnt/
- ;;
- 6)
- #Packages to the X11 live
- packages=( $( cat ./packages ) )
- #Install packages
- pacman -Sy -r /mnt ${packages[@]} --needed --noconfirm
- user=$(cat /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal | grep "userName" )
- #Copy skel in the new system and desktop's background
- cp -a /etc/skel/ /mnt/etc/
- #Puts the XKBMAP, start X11 automatically and icewm desktop
- echo "setxkbmap $(cat /root/.codecheck | grep XKBMAP= | cut -d '=' -f 2)" > /mnt/etc/skel/.xinitrc
- echo "exec startlxde" >> /mnt/etc/skel/.xinitrc
- echo "startx" >> /mnt/etc/skel/.bash_profile
- chmod +x /mnt/etc/skel/.xinitrc
- cp -a /mnt/etc/skel/.[a-z]* /mnt/home/${user#*=}/
- cp -a /root/.install-openrc-lxde/ /mnt
- #Enable services with OpenRC and configure other stuff
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm /mnt/
- ;;
- *)
- #Delete temporal file and umount partitions
- rm -r /mnt/temporal
- umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- exit
- ;;
- esac
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/es/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/es/
deleted file mode 100755
index 773d10c..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/es/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-HOSTNAME=$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Introduce el nombre del sistema:" 8 40)
-sed 's|localhost|'"${HOSTNAME}"'|' -i /etc/conf.d/hostname
-ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Introduce la Zona Horaria:\nPor ejemplo: Europe/Athens" 8 40) /etc/localtime
- "ANSI-dvorak ANSI-dvorak off"
- "amiga-de amiga-de off"
- "amiga-us amiga-us off"
- "applkey applkey off"
- "atari-de atari-de off"
- "atari-se atari-se off"
- "atari-uk-falcon atari-uk-falcon off"
- "atari-us atari-us off"
- "azerty azerty off"
- "backspace backspace off"
- "bashkir bashkir off"
- "be-latin1 be-latin1 off"
- "bg-cp1251 bg-cp1251 off"
- "bg-cp855 bg-cp855 off"
- "bg_bds-cp1251 bg_bds-cp1251 off"
- "bg_bds-utf8 bg_bds-utf8 off"
- "bg_pho-cp1251 bg_pho-cp1251 off"
- "bg_pho-utf8 bg_pho-utf8 off"
- "br-abnt br-abnt off"
- "br-abnt2 br-abnt2 off"
- "br-latin1-abnt2 br-latin1-abnt2 off"
- "br-latin1-us br-latin1-us off"
- "by by off"
- "by-cp1251 by-cp1251 off"
- "bywin-cp1251 bywin-cp1251 off"
- "cf cf off"
- "colemak colemak off"
- "croat croat off"
- "ctrl ctrl off"
- "cz cz off"
- "cz-cp1250 cz-cp1250 off"
- "cz-lat2 cz-lat2 off"
- "cz-lat2-prog cz-lat2-prog off"
- "cz-qwertz cz-qwertz off"
- "cz-us-qwertz cz-us-qwertz off"
- "de de off"
- "de-latin1 de-latin1 off"
- "de-latin1-nodeadkeys de-latin1-nodeadkeys off"
- "de-mobii de-mobii off"
- "de_CH-latin1 de_CH-latin1 off"
- "de_alt_UTF-8 de_alt_UTF-8 off"
- "defkeymap defkeymap off"
- "defkeymap_V1.0 defkeymap_V1.0 off"
- "dk dk off"
- "dk-latin1 dk-latin1 off"
- "dvorak dvorak off"
- "dvorak-ca-fr dvorak-ca-fr off"
- "dvorak-es dvorak-es off"
- "dvorak-fr dvorak-fr off"
- "dvorak-l dvorak-l off"
- "dvorak-r dvorak-r off"
- "dvorak-ru dvorak-ru off"
- "dvorak-sv-a1 dvorak-sv-a1 off"
- "dvorak-sv-a5 dvorak-sv-a5 off"
- "dvorak-uk dvorak-uk off"
- "emacs emacs off"
- "emacs2 emacs2 off"
- "es es off"
- "es-cp850 es-cp850 off"
- "es-olpc es-olpc off"
- "et et off"
- "et-nodeadkeys et-nodeadkeys off"
- "euro euro off"
- "euro1 euro1 off"
- "euro2 euro2 off"
- "fi fi off"
- "fr fr off"
- "fr-bepo fr-bepo off"
- "fr-bepo-latin9 fr-bepo-latin9 off"
- "fr-latin1 fr-latin1 off"
- "fr-latin9 fr-latin9 off"
- "fr-pc fr-pc off"
- "fr_CH fr_CH off"
- "fr_CH-latin1 fr_CH-latin1 off"
- "gr gr off"
- "gr-pc gr-pc off"
- "hu hu off"
- "hu101 hu101 off"
- "il il off"
- "il-heb il-heb off"
- "il-phonetic il-phonetic off"
- "is-latin1 is-latin1 off"
- "is-latin1-us is-latin1-us off"
- "it it off"
- "it-ibm it-ibm off"
- "it2 it2 off"
- "jp106 jp106 off"
- "kazakh kazakh off"
- "keypad keypad off"
- "ky_alt_sh-UTF-8 ky_alt_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "kyrgyz kyrgyz off"
- "la-latin1 la-latin1 off"
- "lt lt off"
- "lt.baltic lt.baltic off"
- "lt.l4 lt.l4 off"
- "lv lv off"
- "lv-tilde lv-tilde off"
- "mac-be mac-be off"
- "mac-de-latin1 mac-de-latin1 off"
- "mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys off"
- "mac-de_CH mac-de_CH off"
- "mac-dk-latin1 mac-dk-latin1 off"
- "mac-dvorak mac-dvorak off"
- "mac-es mac-es off"
- "mac-euro mac-euro off"
- "mac-euro2 mac-euro2 off"
- "mac-fi-latin1 mac-fi-latin1 off"
- "mac-fr mac-fr off"
- "mac-fr_CH-latin1 mac-fr_CH-latin1 off"
- "mac-it mac-it off"
- "mac-pl mac-pl off"
- "mac-pt-latin1 mac-pt-latin1 off"
- "mac-se mac-se off"
- "mac-template mac-template off"
- "mac-uk mac-uk off"
- "mac-us mac-us off"
- "mk mk off"
- "mk-cp1251 mk-cp1251 off"
- "mk-utf mk-utf off"
- "mk0 mk0 off"
- "nl nl off"
- "nl2 nl2 off"
- "no no off"
- "no-dvorak no-dvorak off"
- "no-latin1 no-latin1 off"
- "pc110 pc110 off"
- "pl pl off"
- "pl1 pl1 off"
- "pl2 pl2 off"
- "pl3 pl3 off"
- "pl4 pl4 off"
- "pt-latin1 pt-latin1 off"
- "pt-latin9 pt-latin9 off"
- "pt-olpc pt-olpc off"
- "ro ro off"
- "ro_std ro_std off"
- "ro_win ro_win off"
- "ru ru off"
- "ru-cp1251 ru-cp1251 off"
- "ru-ms ru-ms off"
- "ru-yawerty ru-yawerty off"
- "ru1 ru1 off"
- "ru2 ru2 off"
- "ru3 ru3 off"
- "ru4 ru4 off"
- "ru_win ru_win off"
- "ruwin_alt-CP1251 ruwin_alt-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_alt-KOI8-R ruwin_alt-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_alt-UTF-8 ruwin_alt-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_alt_sh-UTF-8 ruwin_alt_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_cplk-CP1251 ruwin_cplk-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_cplk-KOI8-R ruwin_cplk-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_cplk-UTF-8 ruwin_cplk-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-CP1251 ruwin_ct_sh-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-KOI8-R ruwin_ct_sh-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 ruwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-CP1251 ruwin_ctrl-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-KOI8-R ruwin_ctrl-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-UTF-8 ruwin_ctrl-UTF-8 off"
- "se-fi-ir209 se-fi-ir209 off"
- "se-fi-lat6 se-fi-lat6 off"
- "se-ir209 se-ir209 off"
- "se-lat6 se-lat6 off"
- "sg sg off"
- "sg-latin1 sg-latin1 off"
- "sg-latin1-lk450 sg-latin1-lk450 off"
- "sk-prog-qwerty sk-prog-qwerty off"
- "sk-prog-qwertz sk-prog-qwertz off"
- "sk-qwerty sk-qwerty off"
- "sk-qwertz sk-qwertz off"
- "slovene slovene off"
- "sr-cy sr-cy off"
- "sun-pl sun-pl off"
- "sun-pl-altgraph sun-pl-altgraph off"
- "sundvorak sundvorak off"
- "sunkeymap sunkeymap off"
- "sunt4-es sunt4-es off"
- "sunt4-fi-latin1 sunt4-fi-latin1 off"
- "sunt4-no-latin1 sunt4-no-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-cz-us sunt5-cz-us off"
- "sunt5-de-latin1 sunt5-de-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-es sunt5-es off"
- "sunt5-fi-latin1 sunt5-fi-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-fr-latin1 sunt5-fr-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-ru sunt5-ru off"
- "sunt5-uk sunt5-uk off"
- "sunt5-us-cz sunt5-us-cz off"
- "sunt6-uk sunt6-uk off"
- "sv-latin1 sv-latin1 off"
- "tj_alt-UTF8 tj_alt-UTF8 off"
- "tr_f-latin5 tr_f-latin5 off"
- "tr_q-latin5 tr_q-latin5 off"
- "tralt tralt off"
- "trf trf off"
- "trf-fgGIod trf-fgGIod off"
- "trq trq off"
- "ttwin_alt-UTF-8 ttwin_alt-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_cplk-UTF-8 ttwin_cplk-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 ttwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_ctrl-UTF-8 ttwin_ctrl-UTF-8 off"
- "ua ua off"
- "ua-cp1251 ua-cp1251 off"
- "ua-utf ua-utf off"
- "ua-utf-ws ua-utf-ws off"
- "ua-ws ua-ws off"
- "uk uk off"
- "unicode unicode off"
- "us us on"
- "us-acentos us-acentos off"
- "wangbe wangbe off"
- "wangbe2 wangbe2 off"
- "windowkeys windowkeys off"
-echo "KEYMAP=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Selecciona la distribucion del teclado" 20 70 50 ${keymaps[@]})" > /etc/vconsole.conf
-aux=$(sed -e '1,23d' -e 's/#//g' -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/..$//' /etc/locale.gen)
-for i in $aux; do
- i=$(echo $i | sed -e 's/#/ /g')
- locales+=("$i" "$i" off)
- if [[ $i == "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" || $i == "en_US ISO-8859-1" ]]; then
- locales[$index]="$i"
- locales[$((index+1))]="$i"
- locales[$((index+2))]="on"
- fi
- index=$((index+3))
-locale=$(dialog --stdout --checklist "Selecciona las Localizaciones" 20 70 50 "${locales[@]}")
-locale=$(echo ${locale} | sed -e 's/" "/\n/g' -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/"//g')
-for i in ${locale[@]}; do
- i=$(echo $i | sed -e 's/#/ /g')
- sed -i -e "s/#$i/$i/g" /etc/locale.gen
-aux=$(locale -a)
-for i in $aux; do
- langs+=("$i" "$i" on)
- index=$((index+1))
-echo "LANG=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Selecciona tu idioma" 20 70 50 ${langs[@]})" > /etc/locale.conf
-mkinitcpio -p linux-libre
-hdd=$(cat /temporal | grep 'hdd=')
-grub-install ${hdd#*=}
-grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
-password=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Inserta la contraseña para el administrador" 8 40)
-while [[ $password != $password2 ]]; do
- password2=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Repite la contraseña para el administrador" 8 40)
-usermod -p $(openssl passwd ${password}) root
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/es/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/es/
deleted file mode 100755
index 4ed7437..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/es/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-user=$(cat /temporal | grep "userName")
-password=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Introduce la contraseñara para el usuario ${user#*=}" 8 40)
-while [[ $password != $password2 ]]; do
- password2=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Repite la contraseña" 8 40)
-useradd -m -g users -G "wheel" -s /bin/bash -p $(openssl passwd $password) ${user#*=}
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/gl/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/gl/
deleted file mode 100755
index dc6c49b..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/gl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#Temporal is a file that contains parameters to use when access to chroot
-if [ ! -f /root/.install-openrc-lxde/.pacman ]; then
- pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring archlinux32-keyring parabola-keyring --noconfirm
- pacman-key --populate archlinux archlinux32 parabola
- pacman-key --refresh-keys
- case $? in
- 0) touch /root/.install-openrc-lxde/.pacman
- ;;
- *) false
- ;;
- esac
- #Search and show the Hard Disks to select
- aux=$(ls /dev/sd?)
- index=0
- for i in $aux; do
- hdds[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off"
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- hdd=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Selecciona Disco Duro" 20 70 50 ${hdds[@]})
- #If exist the line delete
- if (cat /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal | grep "hdd=") &>/dev/null
- then
- sed -i -e '/hdd=*/d' /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal
- fi
- #And add the new line with new parameter
- echo "hdd=$hdd" >> /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal
- selection=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Metodo de Particionado" 20 70 50 \
- 1 "Usar todo o disco con swap (1GB) and /" \
- 2 "Usar gparted para personalizar" )
- case $selection in
- 1)
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- #Create msdos partition table
- parted -s $hdd -- mklabel msdos
- #Create partition swap and /
- parted -s $hdd -- mkpart primary 1MiB 1000MiB mkpart primary 1000MiB -1s
- #Boot option partition /
- parted -s $hdd -- set 2 boot on
- #Format and partitions and mount /
- (echo t; echo 1; echo 82; echo w) | fdisk $hdd
- mkswap ${hdd}1
- mkfs.ext4 ${hdd}2
- mount ${hdd}2 /mnt
- ;;
- 2)
- gparted $hdd
- #Search and show the partitions that select before.
- aux=$(ls $hdd?)
- index=0;
- for i in $aux; do
- partitions[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off"
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- partition=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Montar particion /" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]})
- #Mount partition /
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- mount $partition /mnt
- #Ask if you want mount other partitions
- other=0
- while [ $other != 3 ]; do
- other=$(dialog --stdout --menu "¿Montar outra particion?" 20 70 50 1 "/home" 2 "/boot" 3 "No")
- case $other in
- 1)
- umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- mkdir /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Montar particion /home" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/home
- ;;
- 2)
- umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- mkdir /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Mount particion /boot" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/boot
- ;;
- *)
- other=3
- ;;
- esac
- done
- ;;
- esac
-while [ option != 7 ]; do
- option=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Instalación CLI de Parabola" 20 70 50 \
- 1 "Formatear e Montar Particiones" \
- 2 "Instalar Sistema Base" \
- 3 "Instalar GRUB" \
- 4 "Configuración do Sistema" \
- 5 "Crear Conta de Usuario" \
- 6 "(Opcional) Instalar Escritorio/Aplicaciones de Live DVD" \
- 7 "Salir" )
- case $option in
- 1)
- partition
- ;;
- 2)
- #Install base system
- pacstrap /mnt base-openrc
- pacstrap /mnt dialog
- ;;
- 3)
- #Install grub
- pacstrap /mnt grub
- #Enable Parabola theme for grub
- sed -i 's|^#GRUB_THEME=.*|GRUB_THEME=/boot/grub/themes/parabola-laf/theme.txt|' /mnt/etc/default/grub
- ;;
- 4)
- #Generate fstab and acces to chroot to do System Config
- genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
- cp /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal /mnt
- cp /root/.install-openrc-lxde/ /mnt
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm -r /mnt/
- ;;
- 5)
- #Create a new username and save in temporal, to use after
- if (cat /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal | grep "userName=") &>/dev/null
- then
- sed -i -e '/userName=*/d' /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal
- fi
- echo "userName=$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Introduce un nome de usuario" 8 40)" >> /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal
- cp /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal /mnt
- cp /root/.install-openrc-lxde/ /mnt
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm -r /mnt/
- ;;
- 6)
- #Packages to the X11 live
- packages=( $( cat ./packages ) )
- #Install packages
- pacman -Sy -r /mnt ${packages[@]} --needed --noconfirm
- user=$(cat /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal | grep "userName" )
- #Copy skel in the new system and desktop's background
- cp -a /etc/skel/ /mnt/etc/
- #Puts the XKBMAP, start X11 automatically and icewm desktop
- echo "setxkbmap $(cat /root/.codecheck | grep XKBMAP= | cut -d '=' -f 2)" > /mnt/etc/skel/.xinitrc
- echo "exec startlxde" >> /mnt/etc/skel/.xinitrc
- echo "startx" >> /mnt/etc/skel/.bash_profile
- chmod +x /mnt/etc/skel/.xinitrc
- cp -a /mnt/etc/skel/.[a-z]* /mnt/home/${user#*=}/
- cp -a /root/.install-openrc-lxde/ /mnt
- #Enable services with OpenRC and configure other stuff
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm /mnt/
- ;;
- *)
- #Delete temporal file and umount partitions
- rm -r /mnt/temporal
- umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- exit
- ;;
- esac
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/gl/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/gl/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0fe3c68..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/gl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-HOSTNAME=$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Introduce o nome do sistema:" 8 40)
-sed 's|localhost|'"${HOSTNAME}"'|' -i /etc/conf.d/hostname
-ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Introduce a Zona Horaria:\nPor ejemplo: Europe/Athens" 8 40) /etc/localtime
- "ANSI-dvorak ANSI-dvorak off"
- "amiga-de amiga-de off"
- "amiga-us amiga-us off"
- "applkey applkey off"
- "atari-de atari-de off"
- "atari-se atari-se off"
- "atari-uk-falcon atari-uk-falcon off"
- "atari-us atari-us off"
- "azerty azerty off"
- "backspace backspace off"
- "bashkir bashkir off"
- "be-latin1 be-latin1 off"
- "bg-cp1251 bg-cp1251 off"
- "bg-cp855 bg-cp855 off"
- "bg_bds-cp1251 bg_bds-cp1251 off"
- "bg_bds-utf8 bg_bds-utf8 off"
- "bg_pho-cp1251 bg_pho-cp1251 off"
- "bg_pho-utf8 bg_pho-utf8 off"
- "br-abnt br-abnt off"
- "br-abnt2 br-abnt2 off"
- "br-latin1-abnt2 br-latin1-abnt2 off"
- "br-latin1-us br-latin1-us off"
- "by by off"
- "by-cp1251 by-cp1251 off"
- "bywin-cp1251 bywin-cp1251 off"
- "cf cf off"
- "colemak colemak off"
- "croat croat off"
- "ctrl ctrl off"
- "cz cz off"
- "cz-cp1250 cz-cp1250 off"
- "cz-lat2 cz-lat2 off"
- "cz-lat2-prog cz-lat2-prog off"
- "cz-qwertz cz-qwertz off"
- "cz-us-qwertz cz-us-qwertz off"
- "de de off"
- "de-latin1 de-latin1 off"
- "de-latin1-nodeadkeys de-latin1-nodeadkeys off"
- "de-mobii de-mobii off"
- "de_CH-latin1 de_CH-latin1 off"
- "de_alt_UTF-8 de_alt_UTF-8 off"
- "defkeymap defkeymap off"
- "defkeymap_V1.0 defkeymap_V1.0 off"
- "dk dk off"
- "dk-latin1 dk-latin1 off"
- "dvorak dvorak off"
- "dvorak-ca-fr dvorak-ca-fr off"
- "dvorak-es dvorak-es off"
- "dvorak-fr dvorak-fr off"
- "dvorak-l dvorak-l off"
- "dvorak-r dvorak-r off"
- "dvorak-ru dvorak-ru off"
- "dvorak-sv-a1 dvorak-sv-a1 off"
- "dvorak-sv-a5 dvorak-sv-a5 off"
- "dvorak-uk dvorak-uk off"
- "emacs emacs off"
- "emacs2 emacs2 off"
- "es es off"
- "es-cp850 es-cp850 off"
- "es-olpc es-olpc off"
- "et et off"
- "et-nodeadkeys et-nodeadkeys off"
- "euro euro off"
- "euro1 euro1 off"
- "euro2 euro2 off"
- "fi fi off"
- "fr fr off"
- "fr-bepo fr-bepo off"
- "fr-bepo-latin9 fr-bepo-latin9 off"
- "fr-latin1 fr-latin1 off"
- "fr-latin9 fr-latin9 off"
- "fr-pc fr-pc off"
- "fr_CH fr_CH off"
- "fr_CH-latin1 fr_CH-latin1 off"
- "gr gr off"
- "gr-pc gr-pc off"
- "hu hu off"
- "hu101 hu101 off"
- "il il off"
- "il-heb il-heb off"
- "il-phonetic il-phonetic off"
- "is-latin1 is-latin1 off"
- "is-latin1-us is-latin1-us off"
- "it it off"
- "it-ibm it-ibm off"
- "it2 it2 off"
- "jp106 jp106 off"
- "kazakh kazakh off"
- "keypad keypad off"
- "ky_alt_sh-UTF-8 ky_alt_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "kyrgyz kyrgyz off"
- "la-latin1 la-latin1 off"
- "lt lt off"
- "lt.baltic lt.baltic off"
- "lt.l4 lt.l4 off"
- "lv lv off"
- "lv-tilde lv-tilde off"
- "mac-be mac-be off"
- "mac-de-latin1 mac-de-latin1 off"
- "mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys off"
- "mac-de_CH mac-de_CH off"
- "mac-dk-latin1 mac-dk-latin1 off"
- "mac-dvorak mac-dvorak off"
- "mac-es mac-es off"
- "mac-euro mac-euro off"
- "mac-euro2 mac-euro2 off"
- "mac-fi-latin1 mac-fi-latin1 off"
- "mac-fr mac-fr off"
- "mac-fr_CH-latin1 mac-fr_CH-latin1 off"
- "mac-it mac-it off"
- "mac-pl mac-pl off"
- "mac-pt-latin1 mac-pt-latin1 off"
- "mac-se mac-se off"
- "mac-template mac-template off"
- "mac-uk mac-uk off"
- "mac-us mac-us off"
- "mk mk off"
- "mk-cp1251 mk-cp1251 off"
- "mk-utf mk-utf off"
- "mk0 mk0 off"
- "nl nl off"
- "nl2 nl2 off"
- "no no off"
- "no-dvorak no-dvorak off"
- "no-latin1 no-latin1 off"
- "pc110 pc110 off"
- "pl pl off"
- "pl1 pl1 off"
- "pl2 pl2 off"
- "pl3 pl3 off"
- "pl4 pl4 off"
- "pt-latin1 pt-latin1 off"
- "pt-latin9 pt-latin9 off"
- "pt-olpc pt-olpc off"
- "ro ro off"
- "ro_std ro_std off"
- "ro_win ro_win off"
- "ru ru off"
- "ru-cp1251 ru-cp1251 off"
- "ru-ms ru-ms off"
- "ru-yawerty ru-yawerty off"
- "ru1 ru1 off"
- "ru2 ru2 off"
- "ru3 ru3 off"
- "ru4 ru4 off"
- "ru_win ru_win off"
- "ruwin_alt-CP1251 ruwin_alt-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_alt-KOI8-R ruwin_alt-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_alt-UTF-8 ruwin_alt-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_alt_sh-UTF-8 ruwin_alt_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_cplk-CP1251 ruwin_cplk-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_cplk-KOI8-R ruwin_cplk-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_cplk-UTF-8 ruwin_cplk-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-CP1251 ruwin_ct_sh-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-KOI8-R ruwin_ct_sh-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 ruwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-CP1251 ruwin_ctrl-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-KOI8-R ruwin_ctrl-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-UTF-8 ruwin_ctrl-UTF-8 off"
- "se-fi-ir209 se-fi-ir209 off"
- "se-fi-lat6 se-fi-lat6 off"
- "se-ir209 se-ir209 off"
- "se-lat6 se-lat6 off"
- "sg sg off"
- "sg-latin1 sg-latin1 off"
- "sg-latin1-lk450 sg-latin1-lk450 off"
- "sk-prog-qwerty sk-prog-qwerty off"
- "sk-prog-qwertz sk-prog-qwertz off"
- "sk-qwerty sk-qwerty off"
- "sk-qwertz sk-qwertz off"
- "slovene slovene off"
- "sr-cy sr-cy off"
- "sun-pl sun-pl off"
- "sun-pl-altgraph sun-pl-altgraph off"
- "sundvorak sundvorak off"
- "sunkeymap sunkeymap off"
- "sunt4-es sunt4-es off"
- "sunt4-fi-latin1 sunt4-fi-latin1 off"
- "sunt4-no-latin1 sunt4-no-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-cz-us sunt5-cz-us off"
- "sunt5-de-latin1 sunt5-de-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-es sunt5-es off"
- "sunt5-fi-latin1 sunt5-fi-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-fr-latin1 sunt5-fr-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-ru sunt5-ru off"
- "sunt5-uk sunt5-uk off"
- "sunt5-us-cz sunt5-us-cz off"
- "sunt6-uk sunt6-uk off"
- "sv-latin1 sv-latin1 off"
- "tj_alt-UTF8 tj_alt-UTF8 off"
- "tr_f-latin5 tr_f-latin5 off"
- "tr_q-latin5 tr_q-latin5 off"
- "tralt tralt off"
- "trf trf off"
- "trf-fgGIod trf-fgGIod off"
- "trq trq off"
- "ttwin_alt-UTF-8 ttwin_alt-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_cplk-UTF-8 ttwin_cplk-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 ttwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_ctrl-UTF-8 ttwin_ctrl-UTF-8 off"
- "ua ua off"
- "ua-cp1251 ua-cp1251 off"
- "ua-utf ua-utf off"
- "ua-utf-ws ua-utf-ws off"
- "ua-ws ua-ws off"
- "uk uk off"
- "unicode unicode off"
- "us us on"
- "us-acentos us-acentos off"
- "wangbe wangbe off"
- "wangbe2 wangbe2 off"
- "windowkeys windowkeys off"
-echo "KEYMAP=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Selecciona a distribucion do teclado" 20 70 50 ${keymaps[@]})" > /etc/vconsole.conf
-aux=$(sed -e '1,23d' -e 's/#//g' -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/..$//' /etc/locale.gen)
-for i in $aux; do
- i=$(echo $i | sed -e 's/#/ /g')
- locales+=("$i" "$i" off)
- if [[ $i == "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" || $i == "en_US ISO-8859-1" ]]; then
- locales[$index]="$i"
- locales[$((index+1))]="$i"
- locales[$((index+2))]="on"
- fi
- index=$((index+3))
-locale=$(dialog --stdout --checklist "Selecciona as Localizacions" 20 70 50 "${locales[@]}")
-locale=$(echo ${locale} | sed -e 's/" "/\n/g' -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/"//g')
-for i in ${locale[@]}; do
- i=$(echo $i | sed -e 's/#/ /g')
- sed -i -e "s/#$i/$i/g" /etc/locale.gen
-aux=$(locale -a)
-for i in $aux; do
- langs+=("$i" "$i" on)
- index=$((index+1))
-echo "LANG=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Selecciona o teu idioma" 20 70 50 ${langs[@]})" > /etc/locale.conf
-mkinitcpio -p linux-libre
-hdd=$(cat /temporal | grep 'hdd=')
-grub-install ${hdd#*=}
-grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
-password=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Insire o contrasinal para o administrador" 8 40)
-while [[ $password != $password2 ]]; do
- password2=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Repite o contrasinal para o administrador" 8 40)
-usermod -p $(openssl passwd ${password}) root
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/gl/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/gl/
deleted file mode 100755
index aa1d33a..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/gl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-user=$(cat /temporal | grep "userName")
-password=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Introduce o contrasinal para o usuario ${user#*=}" 8 40)
-while [[ $password != $password2 ]]; do
- password2=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Repite o contrasinal" 8 40)
-useradd -m -g users -G "wheel" -s /bin/bash -p $(openssl passwd $password) ${user#*=}
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/pt/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/pt/
deleted file mode 100755
index eb926e5..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/pt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-#Temporal is a file that contains parameters to use when access to chroot
-if [ ! -f /root/.install-openrc-lxde/.pacman ]; then
- pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring archlinux32-keyring parabola-keyring --noconfirm
- pacman-key --populate archlinux archlinux32 parabola
- pacman-key --refresh-keys
- case $? in
- 0) touch /root/.install-openrc-lxde/.pacman
- ;;
- *) false
- ;;
- esac
- #Search and show the Hard Disks to select
- aux=$(ls /dev/sd?)
- index=0
- for i in $aux; do
- hdds[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off"
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- hdd=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Escolha o Disco" 20 70 50 ${hdds[@]})
- #If exist the line delete
- if (cat /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal | grep "hdd=") &>/dev/null
- then
- sed -i -e '/hdd=*/d' /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal
- fi
- #And add the new line with new parameter
- echo "hdd=$hdd" >> /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal
- selection=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Método de Particionamento" 20 70 50 \
- 1 "Usar todo o disco com o swap (1GB) e /" \
- 2 "Usar o gparted para personalizar" )
- case $selection in
- 1)
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- #Create msdos partition table
- parted -s $hdd -- mklabel msdos
- #Create partition swap and /
- parted -s $hdd -- mkpart primary 1MiB 1000MiB mkpart primary 1000MiB -1s
- #Boot option partition /
- parted -s $hdd -- set 2 boot on
- #Format and partitions and mount /
- (echo t; echo 1; echo 82; echo w) | fdisk $hdd
- mkswap ${hdd}1
- mkfs.ext4 ${hdd}2
- mount ${hdd}2 /mnt
- ;;
- 2)
- gparted $hdd
- #Search and show the partitions that select before.
- aux=$(ls $hdd?)
- index=0;
- for i in $aux; do
- partitions[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off"
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- partition=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Montar a partição /" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]})
- #Mount partition /
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- mount $partition /mnt
- #Ask if you want mount other partitions
- other=0
- while [ $other != 3 ]; do
- other=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Quer montar outra partição?" 20 70 50 1 "/home" 2 "/boot" 3 "Não")
- case $other in
- 1)
- umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- mkdir /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Montar a partição /home" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/home
- ;;
- 2)
- umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- mkdir /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Montar a partição /boot" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/boot
- ;;
- *)
- other=3
- ;;
- esac
- done
- ;;
- esac
-while [ option != 7 ]; do
- option=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Instalação CLI da Parabola" 20 70 50 \
- 1 "Formatar e Montar as Partições" \
- 2 "Instalar o Sistema Base" \
- 3 "Instalar o GRUB" \
- 4 "Configuração do Sistema" \
- 5 "Adicionar uma Conta de Usuário" \
- 6 "(Opcional) Instalar Ambiente Gráfico/Aplicativos da Live DVD" \
- 7 "Sair" )
- case $option in
- 1)
- partition
- ;;
- 2)
- #Install base system
- pacstrap /mnt base-openrc
- pacstrap /mnt dialog
- ;;
- 3)
- #Install grub
- pacstrap /mnt grub
- #Enable Parabola theme for grub
- sed -i 's|^#GRUB_THEME=.*|GRUB_THEME=/boot/grub/themes/parabola-laf/theme.txt|' /mnt/etc/default/grub
- ;;
- 4)
- #Generate fstab and acces to chroot to do System Config
- genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
- cp /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal /mnt
- cp /root/.install-openrc-lxde/ /mnt
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm -r /mnt/
- ;;
- 5)
- #Create a new username and save in temporal, to use after
- if (cat /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal | grep "userName=") &>/dev/null
- then
- sed -i -e '/userName=*/d' /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal
- fi
- echo "userName=$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Insira o nome do usuário" 8 40)" >> /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal
- cp /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal /mnt
- cp /root/.install-openrc-lxde/ /mnt
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm -r /mnt/
- ;;
- 6)
- #Packages to the X11 live
- packages=( $( cat ./packages ) )
- #Install packages
- pacman -Sy -r /mnt ${packages[@]} --needed --noconfirm
- user=$(cat /root/.install-openrc-lxde/temporal | grep "userName" )
- #Copy skel in the new system and desktop's background
- cp -a /etc/skel/ /mnt/etc/
- #Puts the XKBMAP, start X11 automatically and icewm desktop
- echo "setxkbmap $(cat /root/.codecheck | grep XKBMAP= | cut -d '=' -f 2)" > /mnt/etc/skel/.xinitrc
- echo "exec startlxde" >> /mnt/etc/skel/.xinitrc
- echo "startx" >> /mnt/etc/skel/.bash_profile
- chmod +x /mnt/etc/skel/.xinitrc
- cp -a /mnt/etc/skel/.[a-z]* /mnt/home/${user#*=}/
- cp -a /root/.install-openrc-lxde/ /mnt
- #Enable services with OpenRC and configure other stuff
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm /mnt/
- ;;
- *)
- #Delete temporal file and umount partitions
- rm -r /mnt/temporal
- umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- exit
- ;;
- esac
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/pt/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/pt/
deleted file mode 100755
index 983d0ba..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/pt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-HOSTNAME=$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Adicione o nome do sistema:" 8 40)
-sed 's|localhost|'"${HOSTNAME}"'|' -i /etc/conf.d/hostname
-ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Adicione o Fuso Horário:\nPor exemplo: America/Sao_Paulo" 8 40) /etc/localtime
- "ANSI-dvorak ANSI-dvorak off"
- "amiga-de amiga-de off"
- "amiga-us amiga-us off"
- "applkey applkey off"
- "atari-de atari-de off"
- "atari-se atari-se off"
- "atari-uk-falcon atari-uk-falcon off"
- "atari-us atari-us off"
- "azerty azerty off"
- "backspace backspace off"
- "bashkir bashkir off"
- "be-latin1 be-latin1 off"
- "bg-cp1251 bg-cp1251 off"
- "bg-cp855 bg-cp855 off"
- "bg_bds-cp1251 bg_bds-cp1251 off"
- "bg_bds-utf8 bg_bds-utf8 off"
- "bg_pho-cp1251 bg_pho-cp1251 off"
- "bg_pho-utf8 bg_pho-utf8 off"
- "br-abnt br-abnt off"
- "br-abnt2 br-abnt2 off"
- "br-latin1-abnt2 br-latin1-abnt2 off"
- "br-latin1-us br-latin1-us off"
- "by by off"
- "by-cp1251 by-cp1251 off"
- "bywin-cp1251 bywin-cp1251 off"
- "cf cf off"
- "colemak colemak off"
- "croat croat off"
- "ctrl ctrl off"
- "cz cz off"
- "cz-cp1250 cz-cp1250 off"
- "cz-lat2 cz-lat2 off"
- "cz-lat2-prog cz-lat2-prog off"
- "cz-qwertz cz-qwertz off"
- "cz-us-qwertz cz-us-qwertz off"
- "de de off"
- "de-latin1 de-latin1 off"
- "de-latin1-nodeadkeys de-latin1-nodeadkeys off"
- "de-mobii de-mobii off"
- "de_CH-latin1 de_CH-latin1 off"
- "de_alt_UTF-8 de_alt_UTF-8 off"
- "defkeymap defkeymap off"
- "defkeymap_V1.0 defkeymap_V1.0 off"
- "dk dk off"
- "dk-latin1 dk-latin1 off"
- "dvorak dvorak off"
- "dvorak-ca-fr dvorak-ca-fr off"
- "dvorak-es dvorak-es off"
- "dvorak-fr dvorak-fr off"
- "dvorak-l dvorak-l off"
- "dvorak-r dvorak-r off"
- "dvorak-ru dvorak-ru off"
- "dvorak-sv-a1 dvorak-sv-a1 off"
- "dvorak-sv-a5 dvorak-sv-a5 off"
- "dvorak-uk dvorak-uk off"
- "emacs emacs off"
- "emacs2 emacs2 off"
- "es es off"
- "es-cp850 es-cp850 off"
- "es-olpc es-olpc off"
- "et et off"
- "et-nodeadkeys et-nodeadkeys off"
- "euro euro off"
- "euro1 euro1 off"
- "euro2 euro2 off"
- "fi fi off"
- "fr fr off"
- "fr-bepo fr-bepo off"
- "fr-bepo-latin9 fr-bepo-latin9 off"
- "fr-latin1 fr-latin1 off"
- "fr-latin9 fr-latin9 off"
- "fr-pc fr-pc off"
- "fr_CH fr_CH off"
- "fr_CH-latin1 fr_CH-latin1 off"
- "gr gr off"
- "gr-pc gr-pc off"
- "hu hu off"
- "hu101 hu101 off"
- "il il off"
- "il-heb il-heb off"
- "il-phonetic il-phonetic off"
- "is-latin1 is-latin1 off"
- "is-latin1-us is-latin1-us off"
- "it it off"
- "it-ibm it-ibm off"
- "it2 it2 off"
- "jp106 jp106 off"
- "kazakh kazakh off"
- "keypad keypad off"
- "ky_alt_sh-UTF-8 ky_alt_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "kyrgyz kyrgyz off"
- "la-latin1 la-latin1 off"
- "lt lt off"
- "lt.baltic lt.baltic off"
- "lt.l4 lt.l4 off"
- "lv lv off"
- "lv-tilde lv-tilde off"
- "mac-be mac-be off"
- "mac-de-latin1 mac-de-latin1 off"
- "mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys off"
- "mac-de_CH mac-de_CH off"
- "mac-dk-latin1 mac-dk-latin1 off"
- "mac-dvorak mac-dvorak off"
- "mac-es mac-es off"
- "mac-euro mac-euro off"
- "mac-euro2 mac-euro2 off"
- "mac-fi-latin1 mac-fi-latin1 off"
- "mac-fr mac-fr off"
- "mac-fr_CH-latin1 mac-fr_CH-latin1 off"
- "mac-it mac-it off"
- "mac-pl mac-pl off"
- "mac-pt-latin1 mac-pt-latin1 off"
- "mac-se mac-se off"
- "mac-template mac-template off"
- "mac-uk mac-uk off"
- "mac-us mac-us off"
- "mk mk off"
- "mk-cp1251 mk-cp1251 off"
- "mk-utf mk-utf off"
- "mk0 mk0 off"
- "nl nl off"
- "nl2 nl2 off"
- "no no off"
- "no-dvorak no-dvorak off"
- "no-latin1 no-latin1 off"
- "pc110 pc110 off"
- "pl pl off"
- "pl1 pl1 off"
- "pl2 pl2 off"
- "pl3 pl3 off"
- "pl4 pl4 off"
- "pt-latin1 pt-latin1 off"
- "pt-latin9 pt-latin9 off"
- "pt-olpc pt-olpc off"
- "ro ro off"
- "ro_std ro_std off"
- "ro_win ro_win off"
- "ru ru off"
- "ru-cp1251 ru-cp1251 off"
- "ru-ms ru-ms off"
- "ru-yawerty ru-yawerty off"
- "ru1 ru1 off"
- "ru2 ru2 off"
- "ru3 ru3 off"
- "ru4 ru4 off"
- "ru_win ru_win off"
- "ruwin_alt-CP1251 ruwin_alt-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_alt-KOI8-R ruwin_alt-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_alt-UTF-8 ruwin_alt-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_alt_sh-UTF-8 ruwin_alt_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_cplk-CP1251 ruwin_cplk-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_cplk-KOI8-R ruwin_cplk-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_cplk-UTF-8 ruwin_cplk-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-CP1251 ruwin_ct_sh-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-KOI8-R ruwin_ct_sh-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 ruwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-CP1251 ruwin_ctrl-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-KOI8-R ruwin_ctrl-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-UTF-8 ruwin_ctrl-UTF-8 off"
- "se-fi-ir209 se-fi-ir209 off"
- "se-fi-lat6 se-fi-lat6 off"
- "se-ir209 se-ir209 off"
- "se-lat6 se-lat6 off"
- "sg sg off"
- "sg-latin1 sg-latin1 off"
- "sg-latin1-lk450 sg-latin1-lk450 off"
- "sk-prog-qwerty sk-prog-qwerty off"
- "sk-prog-qwertz sk-prog-qwertz off"
- "sk-qwerty sk-qwerty off"
- "sk-qwertz sk-qwertz off"
- "slovene slovene off"
- "sr-cy sr-cy off"
- "sun-pl sun-pl off"
- "sun-pl-altgraph sun-pl-altgraph off"
- "sundvorak sundvorak off"
- "sunkeymap sunkeymap off"
- "sunt4-es sunt4-es off"
- "sunt4-fi-latin1 sunt4-fi-latin1 off"
- "sunt4-no-latin1 sunt4-no-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-cz-us sunt5-cz-us off"
- "sunt5-de-latin1 sunt5-de-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-es sunt5-es off"
- "sunt5-fi-latin1 sunt5-fi-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-fr-latin1 sunt5-fr-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-ru sunt5-ru off"
- "sunt5-uk sunt5-uk off"
- "sunt5-us-cz sunt5-us-cz off"
- "sunt6-uk sunt6-uk off"
- "sv-latin1 sv-latin1 off"
- "tj_alt-UTF8 tj_alt-UTF8 off"
- "tr_f-latin5 tr_f-latin5 off"
- "tr_q-latin5 tr_q-latin5 off"
- "tralt tralt off"
- "trf trf off"
- "trf-fgGIod trf-fgGIod off"
- "trq trq off"
- "ttwin_alt-UTF-8 ttwin_alt-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_cplk-UTF-8 ttwin_cplk-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 ttwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_ctrl-UTF-8 ttwin_ctrl-UTF-8 off"
- "ua ua off"
- "ua-cp1251 ua-cp1251 off"
- "ua-utf ua-utf off"
- "ua-utf-ws ua-utf-ws off"
- "ua-ws ua-ws off"
- "uk uk off"
- "unicode unicode off"
- "us us on"
- "us-acentos us-acentos off"
- "wangbe wangbe off"
- "wangbe2 wangbe2 off"
- "windowkeys windowkeys off"
-echo "KEYMAP=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Escolha a distribuição do teclado" 20 70 50 ${keymaps[@]})" > /etc/vconsole.conf
-aux=$(sed -e '1,23d' -e 's/#//g' -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/..$//' /etc/locale.gen)
-for i in $aux; do
- i=$(echo $i | sed -e 's/#/ /g')
- locales+=("$i" "$i" off)
- if [[ $i == "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" || $i == "en_US ISO-8859-1" ]]; then
- locales[$index]="$i"
- locales[$((index+1))]="$i"
- locales[$((index+2))]="on"
- fi
- index=$((index+3))
-locale=$(dialog --stdout --checklist "Escolha as Localizações" 20 70 50 "${locales[@]}")
-locale=$(echo ${locale} | sed -e 's/" "/\n/g' -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/"//g')
-for i in ${locale[@]}; do
- i=$(echo $i | sed -e 's/#/ /g')
- sed -i -e "s/#$i/$i/g" /etc/locale.gen
-aux=$(locale -a)
-for i in $aux; do
- langs+=("$i" "$i" on)
- index=$((index+1))
-echo "LANG=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Escolha a sua língua" 20 70 50 ${langs[@]})" > /etc/locale.conf
-mkinitcpio -p linux-libre
-hdd=$(cat /temporal | grep 'hdd=')
-grub-install ${hdd#*=}
-grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
-password=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Insira a senha para o root" 8 40)
-while [[ $password != $password2 ]]; do
- password2=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Repita a senha para o root" 8 40)
-usermod -p $(openssl passwd ${password}) root
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/pt/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/pt/
deleted file mode 100755
index 408beba..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/language/pt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-user=$(cat /temporal | grep "userName")
-password=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Insira a senha para o usuário ${user#*=}" 8 40)
-while [[ $password != $password2 ]]; do
- password2=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Repita a senha" 8 40)
-useradd -m -g users -G "wheel" -s /bin/bash -p $(openssl passwd $password) ${user#*=}
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/packages b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/packages
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cda0cf..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/packages
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/parabolaicon.png b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/parabolaicon.png
deleted file mode 100644
index aed32d7..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/parabolaicon.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/
deleted file mode 100755
index 47035c5..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-openrc-lxde/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-check_dbus() {
- grep dbus /etc/$1
-# Create the dbus user if it doesn't exist
-[[ $(check_dbus group) = "" ]] && groupadd -g 81 dbus
-[[ $(check_dbus passwd) = "" ]] && useradd -r -s /sbin/nologin -g 81 -u 81 dbus
-# Enable services with OpenRC
-rc-update add NetworkManager default
-rc-update add dbus default
-rc-update add alsasound default
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/en/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/en/
deleted file mode 100755
index f373d8b..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/en/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-#Temporal is a file that contains parameters to use when access to chroot
- #Search and show the Hard Disks to select
- aux=$(ls /dev/sd?)
- index=0
- for i in $aux; do
- hdds[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off"
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- hdd=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Select Hard Disk" 20 70 50 ${hdds[@]})
- #If exist the line delete
- if (cat /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal | grep "hdd=") &>/dev/null
- then
- sed -i -e '/hdd=*/d' /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal
- fi
- #And add the new line with new parameter
- echo "hdd=$hdd" >> /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal
- selection=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Partitioning method" 20 70 50 \
- 1 "Use all disk with swap (1GB) and /" \
- 2 "Use gparted to customize" )
- case $selection in
- 1)
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- #Create msdos partition table
- parted -s $hdd -- mklabel msdos
- #Create partition swap and /
- parted -s $hdd -- mkpart primary 1MiB 1000MiB mkpart primary 1000MiB -1s
- #Boot option partition /
- parted -s $hdd -- set 2 boot on
- #Format and partitions and mount /
- (echo t; echo 1; echo 82; echo w) | fdisk $hdd
- mkswap ${hdd}1
- mkfs.ext4 ${hdd}2
- mount ${hdd}2 /mnt
- ;;
- 2)
- gparted $hdd
- #Search and show the partitions that select before.
- aux=$(ls $hdd?)
- index=0;
- for i in $aux; do
- partitions[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off"
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- partition=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Mount / Partition" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]})
- #Mount partition /
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- mount $partition /mnt
- #Ask if you want mount other partitions
- other=0
- while [ $other != 3 ]; do
- other=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Mount other partition?" 20 70 50 1 "/home" 2 "/boot" 3 "No")
- case $other in
- 1)
- umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- mkdir /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Mount /home Partition" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/home
- ;;
- 2)
- umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- mkdir /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Mount /boot Partition" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/boot
- ;;
- *)
- other=3
- ;;
- esac
- done
- ;;
- esac
-pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring archlinux32-keyring parabola-keyring --noconfirm
-pacman-key --populate archlinux archlinux32 parabola
-pacman-key --refresh-keys
-while [ option != 7 ]; do
- option=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Parabola Installation CLI" 20 70 50 \
- 1 "Format and Mount Partitions" \
- 2 "Install Base System" \
- 3 "Install GRUB" \
- 4 "System Configure" \
- 5 "(Optional) Install Live DVD Desktop/Applications" \
- 6 "Create User Account" \
- 7 "Exit" )
- case $option in
- 1)
- partition
- ;;
- 2)
- #Install base system
- pacstrap /mnt
- pacstrap /mnt dialog
- ;;
- 3)
- #Install grub
- pacstrap /mnt grub grub2-theme-gnuaxiom
- #Enable Parabola theme for grub
- sed -i 's|^#GRUB_THEME=.*|GRUB_THEME=/boot/grub/themes/parabola-laf/theme.txt|' /mnt/etc/default/grub
- ;;
- 4)
- #Generate fstab and acces to chroot to do System Config
- genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
- cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal /mnt
- cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/ /mnt
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm -r /mnt/
- ;;
- 5)
- #Packages to the X11 live
- packages=( $( cat ./packages ) )
- #Install packages
- pacstrap /mnt ${packages[@]}
- user=$(cat /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal | grep "userName" )
- #Copy skel in the new system and desktop's background
- cp -a /etc/skel/ /mnt/etc/
- #Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command
- sed -i 's|[#] [%]wheel ALL=[(]ALL[)] ALL|%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL|' /mnt/etc/sudoers
- #Enable services
- cp -a /root/.install-systemd-mate/ /mnt
- #Enable services with systemd
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm /mnt/
- ;;
- 6)
- #Create a new username and save in temporal, to use after
- if (cat /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal | grep "userName=") &>/dev/null
- then
- sed -i -e '/userName=*/d' /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal
- fi
- echo "userName=$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Enter an User Name" 8 40)" >> /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal
- cp /root/.codecheck /mnt
- cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal /mnt
- cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/ /mnt
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm -r /mnt/
- ;;
- *)
- #Delete temporal file and umount partitions
- rm -r /mnt/.codecheck
- rm -r /mnt/temporal
- umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- exit
- ;;
- esac
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/en/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/en/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8a0e53c..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/en/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-echo "$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Enter Hostname:" 8 40)" > /etc/hostname
-ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Enter your Zone Time:\nFor example: Europe/Athens" 8 40) /etc/localtime
- "ANSI-dvorak ANSI-dvorak off"
- "amiga-de amiga-de off"
- "amiga-us amiga-us off"
- "applkey applkey off"
- "atari-de atari-de off"
- "atari-se atari-se off"
- "atari-uk-falcon atari-uk-falcon off"
- "atari-us atari-us off"
- "azerty azerty off"
- "backspace backspace off"
- "bashkir bashkir off"
- "be-latin1 be-latin1 off"
- "bg-cp1251 bg-cp1251 off"
- "bg-cp855 bg-cp855 off"
- "bg_bds-cp1251 bg_bds-cp1251 off"
- "bg_bds-utf8 bg_bds-utf8 off"
- "bg_pho-cp1251 bg_pho-cp1251 off"
- "bg_pho-utf8 bg_pho-utf8 off"
- "br-abnt br-abnt off"
- "br-abnt2 br-abnt2 off"
- "br-latin1-abnt2 br-latin1-abnt2 off"
- "br-latin1-us br-latin1-us off"
- "by by off"
- "by-cp1251 by-cp1251 off"
- "bywin-cp1251 bywin-cp1251 off"
- "cf cf off"
- "colemak colemak off"
- "croat croat off"
- "ctrl ctrl off"
- "cz cz off"
- "cz-cp1250 cz-cp1250 off"
- "cz-lat2 cz-lat2 off"
- "cz-lat2-prog cz-lat2-prog off"
- "cz-qwertz cz-qwertz off"
- "cz-us-qwertz cz-us-qwertz off"
- "de de off"
- "de-latin1 de-latin1 off"
- "de-latin1-nodeadkeys de-latin1-nodeadkeys off"
- "de-mobii de-mobii off"
- "de_CH-latin1 de_CH-latin1 off"
- "de_alt_UTF-8 de_alt_UTF-8 off"
- "defkeymap defkeymap off"
- "defkeymap_V1.0 defkeymap_V1.0 off"
- "dk dk off"
- "dk-latin1 dk-latin1 off"
- "dvorak dvorak off"
- "dvorak-ca-fr dvorak-ca-fr off"
- "dvorak-es dvorak-es off"
- "dvorak-fr dvorak-fr off"
- "dvorak-l dvorak-l off"
- "dvorak-r dvorak-r off"
- "dvorak-ru dvorak-ru off"
- "dvorak-sv-a1 dvorak-sv-a1 off"
- "dvorak-sv-a5 dvorak-sv-a5 off"
- "dvorak-uk dvorak-uk off"
- "emacs emacs off"
- "emacs2 emacs2 off"
- "es es off"
- "es-cp850 es-cp850 off"
- "es-olpc es-olpc off"
- "et et off"
- "et-nodeadkeys et-nodeadkeys off"
- "euro euro off"
- "euro1 euro1 off"
- "euro2 euro2 off"
- "fi fi off"
- "fr fr off"
- "fr-bepo fr-bepo off"
- "fr-bepo-latin9 fr-bepo-latin9 off"
- "fr-latin1 fr-latin1 off"
- "fr-latin9 fr-latin9 off"
- "fr-pc fr-pc off"
- "fr_CH fr_CH off"
- "fr_CH-latin1 fr_CH-latin1 off"
- "gr gr off"
- "gr-pc gr-pc off"
- "hu hu off"
- "hu101 hu101 off"
- "il il off"
- "il-heb il-heb off"
- "il-phonetic il-phonetic off"
- "is-latin1 is-latin1 off"
- "is-latin1-us is-latin1-us off"
- "it it off"
- "it-ibm it-ibm off"
- "it2 it2 off"
- "jp106 jp106 off"
- "kazakh kazakh off"
- "keypad keypad off"
- "ky_alt_sh-UTF-8 ky_alt_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "kyrgyz kyrgyz off"
- "la-latin1 la-latin1 off"
- "lt lt off"
- "lt.baltic lt.baltic off"
- "lt.l4 lt.l4 off"
- "lv lv off"
- "lv-tilde lv-tilde off"
- "mac-be mac-be off"
- "mac-de-latin1 mac-de-latin1 off"
- "mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys off"
- "mac-de_CH mac-de_CH off"
- "mac-dk-latin1 mac-dk-latin1 off"
- "mac-dvorak mac-dvorak off"
- "mac-es mac-es off"
- "mac-euro mac-euro off"
- "mac-euro2 mac-euro2 off"
- "mac-fi-latin1 mac-fi-latin1 off"
- "mac-fr mac-fr off"
- "mac-fr_CH-latin1 mac-fr_CH-latin1 off"
- "mac-it mac-it off"
- "mac-pl mac-pl off"
- "mac-pt-latin1 mac-pt-latin1 off"
- "mac-se mac-se off"
- "mac-template mac-template off"
- "mac-uk mac-uk off"
- "mac-us mac-us off"
- "mk mk off"
- "mk-cp1251 mk-cp1251 off"
- "mk-utf mk-utf off"
- "mk0 mk0 off"
- "nl nl off"
- "nl2 nl2 off"
- "no no off"
- "no-dvorak no-dvorak off"
- "no-latin1 no-latin1 off"
- "pc110 pc110 off"
- "pl pl off"
- "pl1 pl1 off"
- "pl2 pl2 off"
- "pl3 pl3 off"
- "pl4 pl4 off"
- "pt-latin1 pt-latin1 off"
- "pt-latin9 pt-latin9 off"
- "pt-olpc pt-olpc off"
- "ro ro off"
- "ro_std ro_std off"
- "ro_win ro_win off"
- "ru ru off"
- "ru-cp1251 ru-cp1251 off"
- "ru-ms ru-ms off"
- "ru-yawerty ru-yawerty off"
- "ru1 ru1 off"
- "ru2 ru2 off"
- "ru3 ru3 off"
- "ru4 ru4 off"
- "ru_win ru_win off"
- "ruwin_alt-CP1251 ruwin_alt-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_alt-KOI8-R ruwin_alt-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_alt-UTF-8 ruwin_alt-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_alt_sh-UTF-8 ruwin_alt_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_cplk-CP1251 ruwin_cplk-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_cplk-KOI8-R ruwin_cplk-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_cplk-UTF-8 ruwin_cplk-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-CP1251 ruwin_ct_sh-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-KOI8-R ruwin_ct_sh-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 ruwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-CP1251 ruwin_ctrl-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-KOI8-R ruwin_ctrl-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-UTF-8 ruwin_ctrl-UTF-8 off"
- "se-fi-ir209 se-fi-ir209 off"
- "se-fi-lat6 se-fi-lat6 off"
- "se-ir209 se-ir209 off"
- "se-lat6 se-lat6 off"
- "sg sg off"
- "sg-latin1 sg-latin1 off"
- "sg-latin1-lk450 sg-latin1-lk450 off"
- "sk-prog-qwerty sk-prog-qwerty off"
- "sk-prog-qwertz sk-prog-qwertz off"
- "sk-qwerty sk-qwerty off"
- "sk-qwertz sk-qwertz off"
- "slovene slovene off"
- "sr-cy sr-cy off"
- "sun-pl sun-pl off"
- "sun-pl-altgraph sun-pl-altgraph off"
- "sundvorak sundvorak off"
- "sunkeymap sunkeymap off"
- "sunt4-es sunt4-es off"
- "sunt4-fi-latin1 sunt4-fi-latin1 off"
- "sunt4-no-latin1 sunt4-no-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-cz-us sunt5-cz-us off"
- "sunt5-de-latin1 sunt5-de-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-es sunt5-es off"
- "sunt5-fi-latin1 sunt5-fi-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-fr-latin1 sunt5-fr-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-ru sunt5-ru off"
- "sunt5-uk sunt5-uk off"
- "sunt5-us-cz sunt5-us-cz off"
- "sunt6-uk sunt6-uk off"
- "sv-latin1 sv-latin1 off"
- "tj_alt-UTF8 tj_alt-UTF8 off"
- "tr_f-latin5 tr_f-latin5 off"
- "tr_q-latin5 tr_q-latin5 off"
- "tralt tralt off"
- "trf trf off"
- "trf-fgGIod trf-fgGIod off"
- "trq trq off"
- "ttwin_alt-UTF-8 ttwin_alt-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_cplk-UTF-8 ttwin_cplk-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 ttwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_ctrl-UTF-8 ttwin_ctrl-UTF-8 off"
- "ua ua off"
- "ua-cp1251 ua-cp1251 off"
- "ua-utf ua-utf off"
- "ua-utf-ws ua-utf-ws off"
- "ua-ws ua-ws off"
- "uk uk off"
- "unicode unicode off"
- "us us on"
- "us-acentos us-acentos off"
- "wangbe wangbe off"
- "wangbe2 wangbe2 off"
- "windowkeys windowkeys off"
-echo "KEYMAP=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Select Keymap" 20 70 50 ${keymaps[@]})" > /etc/vconsole.conf
-aux=$(sed -e '1,23d' -e 's/#//g' -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/..$//' /etc/locale.gen)
-for i in $aux; do
- i=$(echo $i | sed -e 's/#/ /g')
- locales+=("$i" "$i" off)
- if [[ $i == "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" || $i == "en_US ISO-8859-1" ]]; then
- locales[$index]="$i"
- locales[$((index+1))]="$i"
- locales[$((index+2))]="on"
- fi
- index=$((index+3))
-locale=$(dialog --stdout --checklist "Select Locales" 20 70 50 "${locales[@]}")
-locale=$(echo ${locale} | sed -e 's/" "/\n/g' -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/"//g')
-for i in ${locale[@]}; do
- i=$(echo $i | sed -e 's/#/ /g')
- sed -i -e "s/#$i/$i/g" /etc/locale.gen
-aux=$(locale -a)
-for i in $aux; do
- langs+=("$i" "$i" on)
- index=$((index+1))
-echo "LANG=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Select your language" 20 70 50 ${langs[@]})" > /etc/locale.conf
-mkinitcpio -p linux-libre
-hdd=$(cat /temporal | grep 'hdd=')
-grub-install ${hdd#*=}
-grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
-password=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Insert root password" 8 40)
-while [[ $password != $password2 ]]; do
- password2=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Repeat root password" 8 40)
-usermod -p $(openssl passwd ${password}) root
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/en/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/en/
deleted file mode 100755
index ea6847d..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/en/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-user=$(cat /temporal | grep "userName")
-password=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Insert ${user#*=} password" 8 40)
-while [[ $password != $password2 ]]; do
- password2=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Reply password" 8 40)
-useradd -m -g users -G "wheel" -s /bin/bash -p $(openssl passwd $password) ${user#*=}
-if [ -x /usr/bin/setxkbmap ]; then
- echo "setxkbmap $(cat /.codecheck | grep XKBMAP= | cut -d '=' -f 2)" >> /home/${user#*=}/.bashrc
-if [ -x /usr/bin/gsettings ]; then
- sudo -u {user#*=} \
- if [ -d /usr/share/themes/Radiance-Purple ]; then
- gsettings set org.mate.interface gtk-theme 'Radiance-Purple'
- gsettings set org.mate.Marco.general theme 'Radiance-Purple'
- fi \
- if [ -d /usr/share/icons/RAVE-X-Dark-Purple ]; then
- gsettings set org.mate.interface icon-theme 'RAVE-X-Dark-Purple'
- fi \
- if [ -d /usr/share/icons/mate ]; then
- gsettings set org.mate.peripherals-mouse cursor-size '18'
- gsettings set org.mate.peripherals-mouse cursor-theme 'mate'
- fi \
- if [ -f /usr/share/backgrounds/parabola-laf/parabola-laf.png ]; then
- gsettings set org.mate.background picture-filename '/usr/share/backgrounds/parabola-laf/parabola-laf.png'
- fi
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/es/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/es/
deleted file mode 100755
index e84a39f..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/es/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-#Temporal is a file that contains parameters to use when access to chroot
- #Search and show the Hard Disks to select
- aux=$(ls /dev/sd?)
- index=0
- for i in $aux; do
- hdds[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off"
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- hdd=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Selecciona Disco Duro" 20 70 50 ${hdds[@]})
- #If exist the line delete
- if (cat /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal | grep "hdd=") &>/dev/null
- then
- sed -i -e '/hdd=*/d' /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal
- fi
- #And add the new line with new parameter
- echo "hdd=$hdd" >> /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal
- selection=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Metodo de Particionado" 20 70 50 \
- 1 "Usar todo el disco con swap (1GB) and /" \
- 2 "Usar gparted para personalizar" )
- case $selection in
- 1)
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- #Create msdos partition table
- parted -s $hdd -- mklabel msdos
- #Create partition swap and /
- parted -s $hdd -- mkpart primary 1MiB 1000MiB mkpart primary 1000MiB -1s
- #Boot option partition /
- parted -s $hdd -- set 2 boot on
- #Format and partitions and mount /
- (echo t; echo 1; echo 82; echo w) | fdisk $hdd
- mkswap ${hdd}1
- mkfs.ext4 ${hdd}2
- mount ${hdd}2 /mnt
- ;;
- 2)
- gparted $hdd
- #Search and show the partitions that select before.
- aux=$(ls $hdd?)
- index=0;
- for i in $aux; do
- partitions[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off"
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- partition=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Montar particion /" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]})
- #Mount partition /
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- mount $partition /mnt
- #Ask if you want mount other partitions
- other=0
- while [ $other != 3 ]; do
- other=$(dialog --stdout --menu "¿Montar otra particion?" 20 70 50 1 "/home" 2 "/boot" 3 "No")
- case $other in
- 1)
- umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- mkdir /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Montar particion /home" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/home
- ;;
- 2)
- umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- mkdir /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Mount particion /boot" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/boot
- ;;
- *)
- other=3
- ;;
- esac
- done
- ;;
- esac
-pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring archlinux32-keyring parabola-keyring --noconfirm
-pacman-key --populate archlinux archlinux32 parabola
-pacman-key --refresh-keys
-while [ option != 7 ]; do
- option=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Instalación CLI de Parabola" 20 70 50 \
- 1 "Formatear y Montar Particiones" \
- 2 "Instalar Sistema Base" \
- 3 "Instalar GRUB" \
- 4 "Configuración del Sistema" \
- 5 "(Opcional) Instalar Escritorio/Aplicaciones del Live DVD" \
- 6 "Crear Cuenta de Usuario" \
- 7 "Salir" )
- case $option in
- 1)
- partition
- ;;
- 2)
- #Install base system
- pacstrap /mnt
- pacstrap /mnt dialog
- ;;
- 3)
- #Install grub
- pacstrap /mnt grub grub2-theme-gnuaxiom
- #Enable Parabola theme for grub
- sed -i 's|^#GRUB_THEME=.*|GRUB_THEME=/boot/grub/themes/parabola-laf/theme.txt|' /mnt/etc/default/grub
- ;;
- 4)
- #Generate fstab and acces to chroot to do System Config
- genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
- cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal /mnt
- cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/ /mnt
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm -r /mnt/
- ;;
- 5)
- #Packages to the X11 live
- packages=( $( cat ./packages ) )
- #Install packages
- pacstrap /mnt ${packages[@]}
- user=$(cat /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal | grep "userName" )
- #Copy skel in the new system and desktop's background
- cp -a /etc/skel/ /mnt/etc/
- #Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command
- sed -i 's|[#] [%]wheel ALL=[(]ALL[)] ALL|%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL|' /mnt/etc/sudoers
- #Enable services
- cp -a /root/.install-systemd-mate/ /mnt
- #Enable services with systemd
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm /mnt/
- ;;
- 6)
- #Create a new username and save in temporal, to use after
- if (cat /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal | grep "userName=") &>/dev/null
- then
- sed -i -e '/userName=*/d' /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal
- fi
- echo "userName=$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Introduce nombre de usuario" 8 40)" >> /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal
- cp /root/.codecheck /mnt
- cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal /mnt
- cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/ /mnt
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm -r /mnt/
- ;;
- *)
- #Delete temporal file and umount partitions
- rm -r /mnt/.codecheck
- rm -r /mnt/temporal
- umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- exit
- ;;
- esac
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/es/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/es/
deleted file mode 100755
index c32ad85..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/es/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-echo "$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Introduce el nombre del sistema:" 8 40)" > /etc/hostname
-ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Introduce la Zona Horaria:\nPor ejemplo: Europe/Athens" 8 40) /etc/localtime
- "ANSI-dvorak ANSI-dvorak off"
- "amiga-de amiga-de off"
- "amiga-us amiga-us off"
- "applkey applkey off"
- "atari-de atari-de off"
- "atari-se atari-se off"
- "atari-uk-falcon atari-uk-falcon off"
- "atari-us atari-us off"
- "azerty azerty off"
- "backspace backspace off"
- "bashkir bashkir off"
- "be-latin1 be-latin1 off"
- "bg-cp1251 bg-cp1251 off"
- "bg-cp855 bg-cp855 off"
- "bg_bds-cp1251 bg_bds-cp1251 off"
- "bg_bds-utf8 bg_bds-utf8 off"
- "bg_pho-cp1251 bg_pho-cp1251 off"
- "bg_pho-utf8 bg_pho-utf8 off"
- "br-abnt br-abnt off"
- "br-abnt2 br-abnt2 off"
- "br-latin1-abnt2 br-latin1-abnt2 off"
- "br-latin1-us br-latin1-us off"
- "by by off"
- "by-cp1251 by-cp1251 off"
- "bywin-cp1251 bywin-cp1251 off"
- "cf cf off"
- "colemak colemak off"
- "croat croat off"
- "ctrl ctrl off"
- "cz cz off"
- "cz-cp1250 cz-cp1250 off"
- "cz-lat2 cz-lat2 off"
- "cz-lat2-prog cz-lat2-prog off"
- "cz-qwertz cz-qwertz off"
- "cz-us-qwertz cz-us-qwertz off"
- "de de off"
- "de-latin1 de-latin1 off"
- "de-latin1-nodeadkeys de-latin1-nodeadkeys off"
- "de-mobii de-mobii off"
- "de_CH-latin1 de_CH-latin1 off"
- "de_alt_UTF-8 de_alt_UTF-8 off"
- "defkeymap defkeymap off"
- "defkeymap_V1.0 defkeymap_V1.0 off"
- "dk dk off"
- "dk-latin1 dk-latin1 off"
- "dvorak dvorak off"
- "dvorak-ca-fr dvorak-ca-fr off"
- "dvorak-es dvorak-es off"
- "dvorak-fr dvorak-fr off"
- "dvorak-l dvorak-l off"
- "dvorak-r dvorak-r off"
- "dvorak-ru dvorak-ru off"
- "dvorak-sv-a1 dvorak-sv-a1 off"
- "dvorak-sv-a5 dvorak-sv-a5 off"
- "dvorak-uk dvorak-uk off"
- "emacs emacs off"
- "emacs2 emacs2 off"
- "es es off"
- "es-cp850 es-cp850 off"
- "es-olpc es-olpc off"
- "et et off"
- "et-nodeadkeys et-nodeadkeys off"
- "euro euro off"
- "euro1 euro1 off"
- "euro2 euro2 off"
- "fi fi off"
- "fr fr off"
- "fr-bepo fr-bepo off"
- "fr-bepo-latin9 fr-bepo-latin9 off"
- "fr-latin1 fr-latin1 off"
- "fr-latin9 fr-latin9 off"
- "fr-pc fr-pc off"
- "fr_CH fr_CH off"
- "fr_CH-latin1 fr_CH-latin1 off"
- "gr gr off"
- "gr-pc gr-pc off"
- "hu hu off"
- "hu101 hu101 off"
- "il il off"
- "il-heb il-heb off"
- "il-phonetic il-phonetic off"
- "is-latin1 is-latin1 off"
- "is-latin1-us is-latin1-us off"
- "it it off"
- "it-ibm it-ibm off"
- "it2 it2 off"
- "jp106 jp106 off"
- "kazakh kazakh off"
- "keypad keypad off"
- "ky_alt_sh-UTF-8 ky_alt_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "kyrgyz kyrgyz off"
- "la-latin1 la-latin1 off"
- "lt lt off"
- "lt.baltic lt.baltic off"
- "lt.l4 lt.l4 off"
- "lv lv off"
- "lv-tilde lv-tilde off"
- "mac-be mac-be off"
- "mac-de-latin1 mac-de-latin1 off"
- "mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys off"
- "mac-de_CH mac-de_CH off"
- "mac-dk-latin1 mac-dk-latin1 off"
- "mac-dvorak mac-dvorak off"
- "mac-es mac-es off"
- "mac-euro mac-euro off"
- "mac-euro2 mac-euro2 off"
- "mac-fi-latin1 mac-fi-latin1 off"
- "mac-fr mac-fr off"
- "mac-fr_CH-latin1 mac-fr_CH-latin1 off"
- "mac-it mac-it off"
- "mac-pl mac-pl off"
- "mac-pt-latin1 mac-pt-latin1 off"
- "mac-se mac-se off"
- "mac-template mac-template off"
- "mac-uk mac-uk off"
- "mac-us mac-us off"
- "mk mk off"
- "mk-cp1251 mk-cp1251 off"
- "mk-utf mk-utf off"
- "mk0 mk0 off"
- "nl nl off"
- "nl2 nl2 off"
- "no no off"
- "no-dvorak no-dvorak off"
- "no-latin1 no-latin1 off"
- "pc110 pc110 off"
- "pl pl off"
- "pl1 pl1 off"
- "pl2 pl2 off"
- "pl3 pl3 off"
- "pl4 pl4 off"
- "pt-latin1 pt-latin1 off"
- "pt-latin9 pt-latin9 off"
- "pt-olpc pt-olpc off"
- "ro ro off"
- "ro_std ro_std off"
- "ro_win ro_win off"
- "ru ru off"
- "ru-cp1251 ru-cp1251 off"
- "ru-ms ru-ms off"
- "ru-yawerty ru-yawerty off"
- "ru1 ru1 off"
- "ru2 ru2 off"
- "ru3 ru3 off"
- "ru4 ru4 off"
- "ru_win ru_win off"
- "ruwin_alt-CP1251 ruwin_alt-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_alt-KOI8-R ruwin_alt-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_alt-UTF-8 ruwin_alt-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_alt_sh-UTF-8 ruwin_alt_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_cplk-CP1251 ruwin_cplk-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_cplk-KOI8-R ruwin_cplk-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_cplk-UTF-8 ruwin_cplk-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-CP1251 ruwin_ct_sh-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-KOI8-R ruwin_ct_sh-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 ruwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-CP1251 ruwin_ctrl-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-KOI8-R ruwin_ctrl-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-UTF-8 ruwin_ctrl-UTF-8 off"
- "se-fi-ir209 se-fi-ir209 off"
- "se-fi-lat6 se-fi-lat6 off"
- "se-ir209 se-ir209 off"
- "se-lat6 se-lat6 off"
- "sg sg off"
- "sg-latin1 sg-latin1 off"
- "sg-latin1-lk450 sg-latin1-lk450 off"
- "sk-prog-qwerty sk-prog-qwerty off"
- "sk-prog-qwertz sk-prog-qwertz off"
- "sk-qwerty sk-qwerty off"
- "sk-qwertz sk-qwertz off"
- "slovene slovene off"
- "sr-cy sr-cy off"
- "sun-pl sun-pl off"
- "sun-pl-altgraph sun-pl-altgraph off"
- "sundvorak sundvorak off"
- "sunkeymap sunkeymap off"
- "sunt4-es sunt4-es off"
- "sunt4-fi-latin1 sunt4-fi-latin1 off"
- "sunt4-no-latin1 sunt4-no-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-cz-us sunt5-cz-us off"
- "sunt5-de-latin1 sunt5-de-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-es sunt5-es off"
- "sunt5-fi-latin1 sunt5-fi-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-fr-latin1 sunt5-fr-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-ru sunt5-ru off"
- "sunt5-uk sunt5-uk off"
- "sunt5-us-cz sunt5-us-cz off"
- "sunt6-uk sunt6-uk off"
- "sv-latin1 sv-latin1 off"
- "tj_alt-UTF8 tj_alt-UTF8 off"
- "tr_f-latin5 tr_f-latin5 off"
- "tr_q-latin5 tr_q-latin5 off"
- "tralt tralt off"
- "trf trf off"
- "trf-fgGIod trf-fgGIod off"
- "trq trq off"
- "ttwin_alt-UTF-8 ttwin_alt-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_cplk-UTF-8 ttwin_cplk-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 ttwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_ctrl-UTF-8 ttwin_ctrl-UTF-8 off"
- "ua ua off"
- "ua-cp1251 ua-cp1251 off"
- "ua-utf ua-utf off"
- "ua-utf-ws ua-utf-ws off"
- "ua-ws ua-ws off"
- "uk uk off"
- "unicode unicode off"
- "us us on"
- "us-acentos us-acentos off"
- "wangbe wangbe off"
- "wangbe2 wangbe2 off"
- "windowkeys windowkeys off"
-echo "KEYMAP=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Selecciona la distribucion del teclado" 20 70 50 ${keymaps[@]})" > /etc/vconsole.conf
-aux=$(sed -e '1,23d' -e 's/#//g' -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/..$//' /etc/locale.gen)
-for i in $aux; do
- i=$(echo $i | sed -e 's/#/ /g')
- locales+=("$i" "$i" off)
- if [[ $i == "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" || $i == "en_US ISO-8859-1" ]]; then
- locales[$index]="$i"
- locales[$((index+1))]="$i"
- locales[$((index+2))]="on"
- fi
- index=$((index+3))
-locale=$(dialog --stdout --checklist "Selecciona las Localizaciones" 20 70 50 "${locales[@]}")
-locale=$(echo ${locale} | sed -e 's/" "/\n/g' -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/"//g')
-for i in ${locale[@]}; do
- i=$(echo $i | sed -e 's/#/ /g')
- sed -i -e "s/#$i/$i/g" /etc/locale.gen
-aux=$(locale -a)
-for i in $aux; do
- langs+=("$i" "$i" on)
- index=$((index+1))
-echo "LANG=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Selecciona tu idioma" 20 70 50 ${langs[@]})" > /etc/locale.conf
-mkinitcpio -p linux-libre
-hdd=$(cat /temporal | grep 'hdd=')
-grub-install ${hdd#*=}
-grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
-password=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Inserta la contraseña para el administrador" 8 40)
-while [[ $password != $password2 ]]; do
- password2=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Repite la contraseña para el administrador" 8 40)
-usermod -p $(openssl passwd ${password}) root
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/es/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/es/
deleted file mode 100755
index b63d5be..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/es/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-user=$(cat /temporal | grep "userName")
-password=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Introduce la contraseñara para el usuario ${user#*=}" 8 40)
-while [[ $password != $password2 ]]; do
- password2=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Repite la contraseña" 8 40)
-useradd -m -g users -G "wheel" -s /bin/bash -p $(openssl passwd $password) ${user#*=}
-if [ -x /usr/bin/setxkbmap ]; then
- echo "setxkbmap $(cat /.codecheck | grep XKBMAP= | cut -d '=' -f 2)" >> /home/${user#*=}/.bashrc
-if [ -x /usr/bin/gsettings ]; then
- sudo -u {user#*=} \
- if [ -d /usr/share/themes/Radiance-Purple ]; then
- gsettings set org.mate.interface gtk-theme 'Radiance-Purple'
- gsettings set org.mate.Marco.general theme 'Radiance-Purple'
- fi \
- if [ -d /usr/share/icons/RAVE-X-Dark-Purple ]; then
- gsettings set org.mate.interface icon-theme 'RAVE-X-Dark-Purple'
- fi \
- if [ -d /usr/share/icons/mate ]; then
- gsettings set org.mate.peripherals-mouse cursor-size '18'
- gsettings set org.mate.peripherals-mouse cursor-theme 'mate'
- fi \
- if [ -f /usr/share/backgrounds/parabola-laf/parabola-laf.png ]; then
- gsettings set org.mate.background picture-filename '/usr/share/backgrounds/parabola-laf/parabola-laf.png'
- fi
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/gl/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/gl/
deleted file mode 100755
index e3da501..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/gl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-#Temporal is a file that contains parameters to use when access to chroot
- #Search and show the Hard Disks to select
- aux=$(ls /dev/sd?)
- index=0
- for i in $aux; do
- hdds[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off"
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- hdd=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Selecciona Disco Duro" 20 70 50 ${hdds[@]})
- #If exist the line delete
- if (cat /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal | grep "hdd=") &>/dev/null
- then
- sed -i -e '/hdd=*/d' /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal
- fi
- #And add the new line with new parameter
- echo "hdd=$hdd" >> /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal
- selection=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Metodo de Particionado" 20 70 50 \
- 1 "Usar todo o disco con swap (1GB) and /" \
- 2 "Usar gparted para personalizar" )
- case $selection in
- 1)
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- #Create msdos partition table
- parted -s $hdd -- mklabel msdos
- #Create partition swap and /
- parted -s $hdd -- mkpart primary 1MiB 1000MiB mkpart primary 1000MiB -1s
- #Boot option partition /
- parted -s $hdd -- set 2 boot on
- #Format and partitions and mount /
- (echo t; echo 1; echo 82; echo w) | fdisk $hdd
- mkswap ${hdd}1
- mkfs.ext4 ${hdd}2
- mount ${hdd}2 /mnt
- ;;
- 2)
- gparted $hdd
- #Search and show the partitions that select before.
- aux=$(ls $hdd?)
- index=0;
- for i in $aux; do
- partitions[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off"
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- partition=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Montar particion /" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]})
- #Mount partition /
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- mount $partition /mnt
- #Ask if you want mount other partitions
- other=0
- while [ $other != 3 ]; do
- other=$(dialog --stdout --menu "¿Montar outra particion?" 20 70 50 1 "/home" 2 "/boot" 3 "No")
- case $other in
- 1)
- umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- mkdir /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Montar particion /home" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/home
- ;;
- 2)
- umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- mkdir /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Mount particion /boot" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/boot
- ;;
- *)
- other=3
- ;;
- esac
- done
- ;;
- esac
-pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring archlinux32-keyring parabola-keyring --noconfirm
-pacman-key --populate archlinux archlinux32 parabola
-pacman-key --refresh-keys
-while [ option != 7 ]; do
- option=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Instalación CLI de Parabola" 20 70 50 \
- 1 "Formatear e Montar Particiones" \
- 2 "Instalar Sistema Base" \
- 3 "Instalar GRUB" \
- 4 "Configuración do Sistema" \
- 5 "(Opcional) Instalar Escritorio/Aplicaciones de Live DVD" \
- 6 "Crear Conta de Usuario" \
- 7 "Salir" )
- case $option in
- 1)
- partition
- ;;
- 2)
- #Install base system
- pacstrap /mnt
- pacstrap /mnt dialog
- ;;
- 3)
- #Install grub
- pacstrap /mnt grub grub2-theme-gnuaxiom
- #Enable Parabola theme for grub
- sed -i 's|^#GRUB_THEME=.*|GRUB_THEME=/boot/grub/themes/parabola-laf/theme.txt|' /mnt/etc/default/grub
- ;;
- 4)
- #Generate fstab and acces to chroot to do System Config
- genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
- cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal /mnt
- cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/ /mnt
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm -r /mnt/
- ;;
- 5)
- #Packages to the X11 live
- packages=( $( cat ./packages ) )
- #Install packages
- pacstrap /mnt ${packages[@]}
- user=$(cat /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal | grep "userName" )
- #Copy skel in the new system and desktop's background
- cp -a /etc/skel/ /mnt/etc/
- #Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command
- sed -i 's|[#] [%]wheel ALL=[(]ALL[)] ALL|%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL|' /mnt/etc/sudoers
- #Enable services
- cp -a /root/.install-systemd-mate/ /mnt
- #Enable services with systemd
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm /mnt/
- ;;
- 6)
- #Create a new username and save in temporal, to use after
- if (cat /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal | grep "userName=") &>/dev/null
- then
- sed -i -e '/userName=*/d' /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal
- fi
- echo "userName=$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Introduce un nome de usuario" 8 40)" >> /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal
- cp /root/.codecheck /mnt
- cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal /mnt
- cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/ /mnt
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm -r /mnt/
- ;;
- *)
- #Delete temporal file and umount partitions
- rm -r /mnt/.codecheck
- rm -r /mnt/temporal
- umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- exit
- ;;
- esac
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/gl/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/gl/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8353cfb..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/gl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-echo "$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Introduce o nome do sistema:" 8 40)" > /etc/hostname
-ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Introduce a Zona Horaria:\nPor ejemplo: Europe/Athens" 8 40) /etc/localtime
- "ANSI-dvorak ANSI-dvorak off"
- "amiga-de amiga-de off"
- "amiga-us amiga-us off"
- "applkey applkey off"
- "atari-de atari-de off"
- "atari-se atari-se off"
- "atari-uk-falcon atari-uk-falcon off"
- "atari-us atari-us off"
- "azerty azerty off"
- "backspace backspace off"
- "bashkir bashkir off"
- "be-latin1 be-latin1 off"
- "bg-cp1251 bg-cp1251 off"
- "bg-cp855 bg-cp855 off"
- "bg_bds-cp1251 bg_bds-cp1251 off"
- "bg_bds-utf8 bg_bds-utf8 off"
- "bg_pho-cp1251 bg_pho-cp1251 off"
- "bg_pho-utf8 bg_pho-utf8 off"
- "br-abnt br-abnt off"
- "br-abnt2 br-abnt2 off"
- "br-latin1-abnt2 br-latin1-abnt2 off"
- "br-latin1-us br-latin1-us off"
- "by by off"
- "by-cp1251 by-cp1251 off"
- "bywin-cp1251 bywin-cp1251 off"
- "cf cf off"
- "colemak colemak off"
- "croat croat off"
- "ctrl ctrl off"
- "cz cz off"
- "cz-cp1250 cz-cp1250 off"
- "cz-lat2 cz-lat2 off"
- "cz-lat2-prog cz-lat2-prog off"
- "cz-qwertz cz-qwertz off"
- "cz-us-qwertz cz-us-qwertz off"
- "de de off"
- "de-latin1 de-latin1 off"
- "de-latin1-nodeadkeys de-latin1-nodeadkeys off"
- "de-mobii de-mobii off"
- "de_CH-latin1 de_CH-latin1 off"
- "de_alt_UTF-8 de_alt_UTF-8 off"
- "defkeymap defkeymap off"
- "defkeymap_V1.0 defkeymap_V1.0 off"
- "dk dk off"
- "dk-latin1 dk-latin1 off"
- "dvorak dvorak off"
- "dvorak-ca-fr dvorak-ca-fr off"
- "dvorak-es dvorak-es off"
- "dvorak-fr dvorak-fr off"
- "dvorak-l dvorak-l off"
- "dvorak-r dvorak-r off"
- "dvorak-ru dvorak-ru off"
- "dvorak-sv-a1 dvorak-sv-a1 off"
- "dvorak-sv-a5 dvorak-sv-a5 off"
- "dvorak-uk dvorak-uk off"
- "emacs emacs off"
- "emacs2 emacs2 off"
- "es es off"
- "es-cp850 es-cp850 off"
- "es-olpc es-olpc off"
- "et et off"
- "et-nodeadkeys et-nodeadkeys off"
- "euro euro off"
- "euro1 euro1 off"
- "euro2 euro2 off"
- "fi fi off"
- "fr fr off"
- "fr-bepo fr-bepo off"
- "fr-bepo-latin9 fr-bepo-latin9 off"
- "fr-latin1 fr-latin1 off"
- "fr-latin9 fr-latin9 off"
- "fr-pc fr-pc off"
- "fr_CH fr_CH off"
- "fr_CH-latin1 fr_CH-latin1 off"
- "gr gr off"
- "gr-pc gr-pc off"
- "hu hu off"
- "hu101 hu101 off"
- "il il off"
- "il-heb il-heb off"
- "il-phonetic il-phonetic off"
- "is-latin1 is-latin1 off"
- "is-latin1-us is-latin1-us off"
- "it it off"
- "it-ibm it-ibm off"
- "it2 it2 off"
- "jp106 jp106 off"
- "kazakh kazakh off"
- "keypad keypad off"
- "ky_alt_sh-UTF-8 ky_alt_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "kyrgyz kyrgyz off"
- "la-latin1 la-latin1 off"
- "lt lt off"
- "lt.baltic lt.baltic off"
- "lt.l4 lt.l4 off"
- "lv lv off"
- "lv-tilde lv-tilde off"
- "mac-be mac-be off"
- "mac-de-latin1 mac-de-latin1 off"
- "mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys off"
- "mac-de_CH mac-de_CH off"
- "mac-dk-latin1 mac-dk-latin1 off"
- "mac-dvorak mac-dvorak off"
- "mac-es mac-es off"
- "mac-euro mac-euro off"
- "mac-euro2 mac-euro2 off"
- "mac-fi-latin1 mac-fi-latin1 off"
- "mac-fr mac-fr off"
- "mac-fr_CH-latin1 mac-fr_CH-latin1 off"
- "mac-it mac-it off"
- "mac-pl mac-pl off"
- "mac-pt-latin1 mac-pt-latin1 off"
- "mac-se mac-se off"
- "mac-template mac-template off"
- "mac-uk mac-uk off"
- "mac-us mac-us off"
- "mk mk off"
- "mk-cp1251 mk-cp1251 off"
- "mk-utf mk-utf off"
- "mk0 mk0 off"
- "nl nl off"
- "nl2 nl2 off"
- "no no off"
- "no-dvorak no-dvorak off"
- "no-latin1 no-latin1 off"
- "pc110 pc110 off"
- "pl pl off"
- "pl1 pl1 off"
- "pl2 pl2 off"
- "pl3 pl3 off"
- "pl4 pl4 off"
- "pt-latin1 pt-latin1 off"
- "pt-latin9 pt-latin9 off"
- "pt-olpc pt-olpc off"
- "ro ro off"
- "ro_std ro_std off"
- "ro_win ro_win off"
- "ru ru off"
- "ru-cp1251 ru-cp1251 off"
- "ru-ms ru-ms off"
- "ru-yawerty ru-yawerty off"
- "ru1 ru1 off"
- "ru2 ru2 off"
- "ru3 ru3 off"
- "ru4 ru4 off"
- "ru_win ru_win off"
- "ruwin_alt-CP1251 ruwin_alt-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_alt-KOI8-R ruwin_alt-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_alt-UTF-8 ruwin_alt-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_alt_sh-UTF-8 ruwin_alt_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_cplk-CP1251 ruwin_cplk-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_cplk-KOI8-R ruwin_cplk-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_cplk-UTF-8 ruwin_cplk-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-CP1251 ruwin_ct_sh-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-KOI8-R ruwin_ct_sh-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 ruwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-CP1251 ruwin_ctrl-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-KOI8-R ruwin_ctrl-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-UTF-8 ruwin_ctrl-UTF-8 off"
- "se-fi-ir209 se-fi-ir209 off"
- "se-fi-lat6 se-fi-lat6 off"
- "se-ir209 se-ir209 off"
- "se-lat6 se-lat6 off"
- "sg sg off"
- "sg-latin1 sg-latin1 off"
- "sg-latin1-lk450 sg-latin1-lk450 off"
- "sk-prog-qwerty sk-prog-qwerty off"
- "sk-prog-qwertz sk-prog-qwertz off"
- "sk-qwerty sk-qwerty off"
- "sk-qwertz sk-qwertz off"
- "slovene slovene off"
- "sr-cy sr-cy off"
- "sun-pl sun-pl off"
- "sun-pl-altgraph sun-pl-altgraph off"
- "sundvorak sundvorak off"
- "sunkeymap sunkeymap off"
- "sunt4-es sunt4-es off"
- "sunt4-fi-latin1 sunt4-fi-latin1 off"
- "sunt4-no-latin1 sunt4-no-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-cz-us sunt5-cz-us off"
- "sunt5-de-latin1 sunt5-de-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-es sunt5-es off"
- "sunt5-fi-latin1 sunt5-fi-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-fr-latin1 sunt5-fr-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-ru sunt5-ru off"
- "sunt5-uk sunt5-uk off"
- "sunt5-us-cz sunt5-us-cz off"
- "sunt6-uk sunt6-uk off"
- "sv-latin1 sv-latin1 off"
- "tj_alt-UTF8 tj_alt-UTF8 off"
- "tr_f-latin5 tr_f-latin5 off"
- "tr_q-latin5 tr_q-latin5 off"
- "tralt tralt off"
- "trf trf off"
- "trf-fgGIod trf-fgGIod off"
- "trq trq off"
- "ttwin_alt-UTF-8 ttwin_alt-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_cplk-UTF-8 ttwin_cplk-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 ttwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_ctrl-UTF-8 ttwin_ctrl-UTF-8 off"
- "ua ua off"
- "ua-cp1251 ua-cp1251 off"
- "ua-utf ua-utf off"
- "ua-utf-ws ua-utf-ws off"
- "ua-ws ua-ws off"
- "uk uk off"
- "unicode unicode off"
- "us us on"
- "us-acentos us-acentos off"
- "wangbe wangbe off"
- "wangbe2 wangbe2 off"
- "windowkeys windowkeys off"
-echo "KEYMAP=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Selecciona a distribucion do teclado" 20 70 50 ${keymaps[@]})" > /etc/vconsole.conf
-aux=$(sed -e '1,23d' -e 's/#//g' -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/..$//' /etc/locale.gen)
-for i in $aux; do
- i=$(echo $i | sed -e 's/#/ /g')
- locales+=("$i" "$i" off)
- if [[ $i == "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" || $i == "en_US ISO-8859-1" ]]; then
- locales[$index]="$i"
- locales[$((index+1))]="$i"
- locales[$((index+2))]="on"
- fi
- index=$((index+3))
-locale=$(dialog --stdout --checklist "Selecciona as Localizacions" 20 70 50 "${locales[@]}")
-locale=$(echo ${locale} | sed -e 's/" "/\n/g' -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/"//g')
-for i in ${locale[@]}; do
- i=$(echo $i | sed -e 's/#/ /g')
- sed -i -e "s/#$i/$i/g" /etc/locale.gen
-aux=$(locale -a)
-for i in $aux; do
- langs+=("$i" "$i" on)
- index=$((index+1))
-echo "LANG=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Selecciona o teu idioma" 20 70 50 ${langs[@]})" > /etc/locale.conf
-mkinitcpio -p linux-libre
-hdd=$(cat /temporal | grep 'hdd=')
-grub-install ${hdd#*=}
-grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
-password=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Insire o contrasinal para o administrador" 8 40)
-while [[ $password != $password2 ]]; do
- password2=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Repite o contrasinal para o administrador" 8 40)
-usermod -p $(openssl passwd ${password}) root
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/gl/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/gl/
deleted file mode 100755
index 4bef241..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/gl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-user=$(cat /temporal | grep "userName")
-password=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Introduce o contrasinal para o usuario ${user#*=}" 8 40)
-while [[ $password != $password2 ]]; do
- password2=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Repite o contrasinal" 8 40)
-useradd -m -g users -G "wheel" -s /bin/bash -p $(openssl passwd $password) ${user#*=}
-if [ -x /usr/bin/setxkbmap ]; then
- echo "setxkbmap $(cat /.codecheck | grep XKBMAP= | cut -d '=' -f 2)" >> /home/${user#*=}/.bashrc
-if [ -x /usr/bin/gsettings ]; then
- sudo -u {user#*=} \
- if [ -d /usr/share/themes/Radiance-Purple ]; then
- gsettings set org.mate.interface gtk-theme 'Radiance-Purple'
- gsettings set org.mate.Marco.general theme 'Radiance-Purple'
- fi \
- if [ -d /usr/share/icons/RAVE-X-Dark-Purple ]; then
- gsettings set org.mate.interface icon-theme 'RAVE-X-Dark-Purple'
- fi \
- if [ -d /usr/share/icons/mate ]; then
- gsettings set org.mate.peripherals-mouse cursor-size '18'
- gsettings set org.mate.peripherals-mouse cursor-theme 'mate'
- fi \
- if [ -f /usr/share/backgrounds/parabola-laf/parabola-laf.png ]; then
- gsettings set org.mate.background picture-filename '/usr/share/backgrounds/parabola-laf/parabola-laf.png'
- fi
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/pt/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/pt/
deleted file mode 100755
index 96e605f..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/pt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-#Temporal is a file that contains parameters to use when access to chroot
- #Search and show the Hard Disks to select
- aux=$(ls /dev/sd?)
- index=0
- for i in $aux; do
- hdds[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off"
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- hdd=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Escolha o Disco" 20 70 50 ${hdds[@]})
- #If exist the line delete
- if (cat /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal | grep "hdd=") &>/dev/null
- then
- sed -i -e '/hdd=*/d' /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal
- fi
- #And add the new line with new parameter
- echo "hdd=$hdd" >> /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal
- selection=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Método de Particionamento" 20 70 50 \
- 1 "Usar todo o disco com o swap (1GB) e /" \
- 2 "Usar o gparted para personalizar" )
- case $selection in
- 1)
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- #Create msdos partition table
- parted -s $hdd -- mklabel msdos
- #Create partition swap and /
- parted -s $hdd -- mkpart primary 1MiB 1000MiB mkpart primary 1000MiB -1s
- #Boot option partition /
- parted -s $hdd -- set 2 boot on
- #Format and partitions and mount /
- (echo t; echo 1; echo 82; echo w) | fdisk $hdd
- mkswap ${hdd}1
- mkfs.ext4 ${hdd}2
- mount ${hdd}2 /mnt
- ;;
- 2)
- gparted $hdd
- #Search and show the partitions that select before.
- aux=$(ls $hdd?)
- index=0;
- for i in $aux; do
- partitions[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off"
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- partition=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Montar a partição /" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]})
- #Mount partition /
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- mount $partition /mnt
- #Ask if you want mount other partitions
- other=0
- while [ $other != 3 ]; do
- other=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Quer montar outra partição?" 20 70 50 1 "/home" 2 "/boot" 3 "Não")
- case $other in
- 1)
- umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- mkdir /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Montar a partição /home" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/home
- ;;
- 2)
- umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- mkdir /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Montar a partição /boot" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/boot
- ;;
- *)
- other=3
- ;;
- esac
- done
- ;;
- esac
-pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring archlinux32-keyring parabola-keyring --noconfirm
-pacman-key --populate archlinux archlinux32 parabola
-pacman-key --refresh-keys
-while [ option != 7 ]; do
- option=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Instalação CLI do Parabola" 20 70 50 \
- 1 "Formatar e Montar as Partições" \
- 2 "Instalar o Sistema Base" \
- 3 "Instalar o GRUB" \
- 4 "Configuração do Sistema" \
- 5 "(Opcional) Instalar Ambiente Gráfico/Aplicativos da Live DVD" \
- 6 "Adicionar uma Conta de Usuário" \
- 7 "Sair" )
- case $option in
- 1)
- partition
- ;;
- 2)
- #Install base system
- pacstrap /mnt
- pacstrap /mnt dialog
- ;;
- 3)
- #Install grub
- pacstrap /mnt grub grub2-theme-gnuaxiom
- #Enable Parabola theme for grub
- sed -i 's|^#GRUB_THEME=.*|GRUB_THEME=/boot/grub/themes/parabola-laf/theme.txt|' /mnt/etc/default/grub
- ;;
- 4)
- #Generate fstab and acces to chroot to do System Config
- genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
- cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal /mnt
- cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/ /mnt
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm -r /mnt/
- ;;
- 5)
- #Packages to the X11 live
- packages=( $( cat ./packages ) )
- #Install packages
- pacstrap /mnt ${packages[@]}
- user=$(cat /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal | grep "userName" )
- #Copy skel in the new system and desktop's background
- cp -a /etc/skel/ /mnt/etc/
- #Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command
- sed -i 's|[#] [%]wheel ALL=[(]ALL[)] ALL|%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL|' /mnt/etc/sudoers
- #Enable services
- cp -a /root/.install-systemd-mate/ /mnt
- #Enable services with systemd
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm /mnt/
- ;;
- 6)
- #Create a new username and save in temporal, to use after
- if (cat /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal | grep "userName=") &>/dev/null
- then
- sed -i -e '/userName=*/d' /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal
- fi
- echo "userName=$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Insira o nome do usuário" 8 40)" >> /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal
- cp /root/.codecheck /mnt
- cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal /mnt
- cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/ /mnt
- chmod +x /mnt/
- arch-chroot /mnt /
- rm -r /mnt/
- ;;
- *)
- #Delete temporal file and umount partitions
- rm -r /mnt/.codecheck
- rm -r /mnt/temporal
- umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
- umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null
- umount /mnt &> /dev/null
- exit
- ;;
- esac
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/pt/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/pt/
deleted file mode 100755
index 572bea2..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/pt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-echo "$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Adicione o nome do sistema:" 8 40)" > /etc/hostname
-ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Adicione o Fuso Horário:\nPor exemplo: America/Sao_Paulo" 8 40) /etc/localtime
- "ANSI-dvorak ANSI-dvorak off"
- "amiga-de amiga-de off"
- "amiga-us amiga-us off"
- "applkey applkey off"
- "atari-de atari-de off"
- "atari-se atari-se off"
- "atari-uk-falcon atari-uk-falcon off"
- "atari-us atari-us off"
- "azerty azerty off"
- "backspace backspace off"
- "bashkir bashkir off"
- "be-latin1 be-latin1 off"
- "bg-cp1251 bg-cp1251 off"
- "bg-cp855 bg-cp855 off"
- "bg_bds-cp1251 bg_bds-cp1251 off"
- "bg_bds-utf8 bg_bds-utf8 off"
- "bg_pho-cp1251 bg_pho-cp1251 off"
- "bg_pho-utf8 bg_pho-utf8 off"
- "br-abnt br-abnt off"
- "br-abnt2 br-abnt2 off"
- "br-latin1-abnt2 br-latin1-abnt2 off"
- "br-latin1-us br-latin1-us off"
- "by by off"
- "by-cp1251 by-cp1251 off"
- "bywin-cp1251 bywin-cp1251 off"
- "cf cf off"
- "colemak colemak off"
- "croat croat off"
- "ctrl ctrl off"
- "cz cz off"
- "cz-cp1250 cz-cp1250 off"
- "cz-lat2 cz-lat2 off"
- "cz-lat2-prog cz-lat2-prog off"
- "cz-qwertz cz-qwertz off"
- "cz-us-qwertz cz-us-qwertz off"
- "de de off"
- "de-latin1 de-latin1 off"
- "de-latin1-nodeadkeys de-latin1-nodeadkeys off"
- "de-mobii de-mobii off"
- "de_CH-latin1 de_CH-latin1 off"
- "de_alt_UTF-8 de_alt_UTF-8 off"
- "defkeymap defkeymap off"
- "defkeymap_V1.0 defkeymap_V1.0 off"
- "dk dk off"
- "dk-latin1 dk-latin1 off"
- "dvorak dvorak off"
- "dvorak-ca-fr dvorak-ca-fr off"
- "dvorak-es dvorak-es off"
- "dvorak-fr dvorak-fr off"
- "dvorak-l dvorak-l off"
- "dvorak-r dvorak-r off"
- "dvorak-ru dvorak-ru off"
- "dvorak-sv-a1 dvorak-sv-a1 off"
- "dvorak-sv-a5 dvorak-sv-a5 off"
- "dvorak-uk dvorak-uk off"
- "emacs emacs off"
- "emacs2 emacs2 off"
- "es es off"
- "es-cp850 es-cp850 off"
- "es-olpc es-olpc off"
- "et et off"
- "et-nodeadkeys et-nodeadkeys off"
- "euro euro off"
- "euro1 euro1 off"
- "euro2 euro2 off"
- "fi fi off"
- "fr fr off"
- "fr-bepo fr-bepo off"
- "fr-bepo-latin9 fr-bepo-latin9 off"
- "fr-latin1 fr-latin1 off"
- "fr-latin9 fr-latin9 off"
- "fr-pc fr-pc off"
- "fr_CH fr_CH off"
- "fr_CH-latin1 fr_CH-latin1 off"
- "gr gr off"
- "gr-pc gr-pc off"
- "hu hu off"
- "hu101 hu101 off"
- "il il off"
- "il-heb il-heb off"
- "il-phonetic il-phonetic off"
- "is-latin1 is-latin1 off"
- "is-latin1-us is-latin1-us off"
- "it it off"
- "it-ibm it-ibm off"
- "it2 it2 off"
- "jp106 jp106 off"
- "kazakh kazakh off"
- "keypad keypad off"
- "ky_alt_sh-UTF-8 ky_alt_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "kyrgyz kyrgyz off"
- "la-latin1 la-latin1 off"
- "lt lt off"
- "lt.baltic lt.baltic off"
- "lt.l4 lt.l4 off"
- "lv lv off"
- "lv-tilde lv-tilde off"
- "mac-be mac-be off"
- "mac-de-latin1 mac-de-latin1 off"
- "mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys off"
- "mac-de_CH mac-de_CH off"
- "mac-dk-latin1 mac-dk-latin1 off"
- "mac-dvorak mac-dvorak off"
- "mac-es mac-es off"
- "mac-euro mac-euro off"
- "mac-euro2 mac-euro2 off"
- "mac-fi-latin1 mac-fi-latin1 off"
- "mac-fr mac-fr off"
- "mac-fr_CH-latin1 mac-fr_CH-latin1 off"
- "mac-it mac-it off"
- "mac-pl mac-pl off"
- "mac-pt-latin1 mac-pt-latin1 off"
- "mac-se mac-se off"
- "mac-template mac-template off"
- "mac-uk mac-uk off"
- "mac-us mac-us off"
- "mk mk off"
- "mk-cp1251 mk-cp1251 off"
- "mk-utf mk-utf off"
- "mk0 mk0 off"
- "nl nl off"
- "nl2 nl2 off"
- "no no off"
- "no-dvorak no-dvorak off"
- "no-latin1 no-latin1 off"
- "pc110 pc110 off"
- "pl pl off"
- "pl1 pl1 off"
- "pl2 pl2 off"
- "pl3 pl3 off"
- "pl4 pl4 off"
- "pt-latin1 pt-latin1 off"
- "pt-latin9 pt-latin9 off"
- "pt-olpc pt-olpc off"
- "ro ro off"
- "ro_std ro_std off"
- "ro_win ro_win off"
- "ru ru off"
- "ru-cp1251 ru-cp1251 off"
- "ru-ms ru-ms off"
- "ru-yawerty ru-yawerty off"
- "ru1 ru1 off"
- "ru2 ru2 off"
- "ru3 ru3 off"
- "ru4 ru4 off"
- "ru_win ru_win off"
- "ruwin_alt-CP1251 ruwin_alt-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_alt-KOI8-R ruwin_alt-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_alt-UTF-8 ruwin_alt-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_alt_sh-UTF-8 ruwin_alt_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_cplk-CP1251 ruwin_cplk-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_cplk-KOI8-R ruwin_cplk-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_cplk-UTF-8 ruwin_cplk-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-CP1251 ruwin_ct_sh-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-KOI8-R ruwin_ct_sh-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 ruwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-CP1251 ruwin_ctrl-CP1251 off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-KOI8-R ruwin_ctrl-KOI8-R off"
- "ruwin_ctrl-UTF-8 ruwin_ctrl-UTF-8 off"
- "se-fi-ir209 se-fi-ir209 off"
- "se-fi-lat6 se-fi-lat6 off"
- "se-ir209 se-ir209 off"
- "se-lat6 se-lat6 off"
- "sg sg off"
- "sg-latin1 sg-latin1 off"
- "sg-latin1-lk450 sg-latin1-lk450 off"
- "sk-prog-qwerty sk-prog-qwerty off"
- "sk-prog-qwertz sk-prog-qwertz off"
- "sk-qwerty sk-qwerty off"
- "sk-qwertz sk-qwertz off"
- "slovene slovene off"
- "sr-cy sr-cy off"
- "sun-pl sun-pl off"
- "sun-pl-altgraph sun-pl-altgraph off"
- "sundvorak sundvorak off"
- "sunkeymap sunkeymap off"
- "sunt4-es sunt4-es off"
- "sunt4-fi-latin1 sunt4-fi-latin1 off"
- "sunt4-no-latin1 sunt4-no-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-cz-us sunt5-cz-us off"
- "sunt5-de-latin1 sunt5-de-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-es sunt5-es off"
- "sunt5-fi-latin1 sunt5-fi-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-fr-latin1 sunt5-fr-latin1 off"
- "sunt5-ru sunt5-ru off"
- "sunt5-uk sunt5-uk off"
- "sunt5-us-cz sunt5-us-cz off"
- "sunt6-uk sunt6-uk off"
- "sv-latin1 sv-latin1 off"
- "tj_alt-UTF8 tj_alt-UTF8 off"
- "tr_f-latin5 tr_f-latin5 off"
- "tr_q-latin5 tr_q-latin5 off"
- "tralt tralt off"
- "trf trf off"
- "trf-fgGIod trf-fgGIod off"
- "trq trq off"
- "ttwin_alt-UTF-8 ttwin_alt-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_cplk-UTF-8 ttwin_cplk-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 ttwin_ct_sh-UTF-8 off"
- "ttwin_ctrl-UTF-8 ttwin_ctrl-UTF-8 off"
- "ua ua off"
- "ua-cp1251 ua-cp1251 off"
- "ua-utf ua-utf off"
- "ua-utf-ws ua-utf-ws off"
- "ua-ws ua-ws off"
- "uk uk off"
- "unicode unicode off"
- "us us on"
- "us-acentos us-acentos off"
- "wangbe wangbe off"
- "wangbe2 wangbe2 off"
- "windowkeys windowkeys off"
-echo "KEYMAP=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Escolha a distribuição do teclado" 20 70 50 ${keymaps[@]})" > /etc/vconsole.conf
-aux=$(sed -e '1,23d' -e 's/#//g' -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/..$//' /etc/locale.gen)
-for i in $aux; do
- i=$(echo $i | sed -e 's/#/ /g')
- locales+=("$i" "$i" off)
- if [[ $i == "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" || $i == "en_US ISO-8859-1" ]]; then
- locales[$index]="$i"
- locales[$((index+1))]="$i"
- locales[$((index+2))]="on"
- fi
- index=$((index+3))
-locale=$(dialog --stdout --checklist "Escolha as Localizações" 20 70 50 "${locales[@]}")
-locale=$(echo ${locale} | sed -e 's/" "/\n/g' -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/"//g')
-for i in ${locale[@]}; do
- i=$(echo $i | sed -e 's/#/ /g')
- sed -i -e "s/#$i/$i/g" /etc/locale.gen
-aux=$(locale -a)
-for i in $aux; do
- langs+=("$i" "$i" on)
- index=$((index+1))
-echo "LANG=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Escolha a sua língua" 20 70 50 ${langs[@]})" > /etc/locale.conf
-mkinitcpio -p linux-libre
-hdd=$(cat /temporal | grep 'hdd=')
-grub-install ${hdd#*=}
-grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
-password=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Insira a senha para o root" 8 40)
-while [[ $password != $password2 ]]; do
- password2=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Repita a senha para o root" 8 40)
-usermod -p $(openssl passwd ${password}) root
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/pt/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/pt/
deleted file mode 100755
index 30898e8..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/language/pt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-user=$(cat /temporal | grep "userName")
-password=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Insira a senha para o usuário ${user#*=}" 8 40)
-while [[ $password != $password2 ]]; do
- password2=$(dialog --stdout --passwordbox "Repita a senha" 8 40)
-useradd -m -g users -G "wheel" -s /bin/bash -p $(openssl passwd $password) ${user#*=}
-if [ -x /usr/bin/setxkbmap ]; then
- echo "setxkbmap $(cat /.codecheck | grep XKBMAP= | cut -d '=' -f 2)" >> /home/${user#*=}/.bashrc
-if [ -x /usr/bin/gsettings ]; then
- sudo -u {user#*=} \
- if [ -d /usr/share/themes/Radiance-Purple ]; then
- gsettings set org.mate.interface gtk-theme 'Radiance-Purple'
- gsettings set org.mate.Marco.general theme 'Radiance-Purple'
- fi \
- if [ -d /usr/share/icons/RAVE-X-Dark-Purple ]; then
- gsettings set org.mate.interface icon-theme 'RAVE-X-Dark-Purple'
- fi \
- if [ -d /usr/share/icons/mate ]; then
- gsettings set org.mate.peripherals-mouse cursor-size '18'
- gsettings set org.mate.peripherals-mouse cursor-theme 'mate'
- fi \
- if [ -f /usr/share/backgrounds/parabola-laf/parabola-laf.png ]; then
- gsettings set org.mate.background picture-filename '/usr/share/backgrounds/parabola-laf/parabola-laf.png'
- fi
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/packages b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/packages
deleted file mode 100644
index 6648a24..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/packages
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/parabolaicon.png b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/parabolaicon.png
deleted file mode 100644
index aed32d7..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/parabolaicon.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1109311..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.install-systemd-mate/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-systemctl enable NetworkManager
-systemctl enable lightdm
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/
deleted file mode 100755
index bc8e9f5..0000000
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-readonly TIMEOUT=30
-readonly H=15
-readonly W=40
-readonly N_ITEMS=10
-readonly LANG_TITLE="System language selection"
-readonly LANG_PROMPT="Choose your language:"
-readonly LANG_DEFAULT='en_US.UTF-8'
-readonly KEYMAP_TITLE="System keymap selection"
-readonly KEYMAP_PROMPT="Choose your keymap:"
-readonly KEYMAP_DEFAULT='us'
-readonly INTERFACE_TITLE="Launch installer or command-line"
-readonly INTERFACE_PROMPT="Would you like to start the installer, or drop onto the command line?"
-readonly INTERFACE_DEFAULT='calamares'
-readonly INTERFACES=( 'calamares' 'wizard' 'cli' )
-readonly -a LANGUAGES=( 'en_US.UTF-8' "English" \
- 'eo' "Esperanto" \
- 'fr_FR.UTF-8' "French" \
- 'gl_ES.UTF-8' "Galego" \
- 'it_IT.UTF-8' "Italian" \
- 'pl_PL.UTF-8' "Polish" \
- 'pt_BR.UTF-8' "Portuguese" \
- 'es_ES.UTF-8' "Spanish" )
-readonly -a ESPERANTO_LANG_PACKS=( 'iceweasel-l10n-es-eo' )
-readonly -a SPANISH_LANG_PACKS=( 'iceweasel-l10n-es-ar' 'icedove-l10n-es-ar'
- 'iceweasel-l10n-es-cl'
- 'iceweasel-l10n-es-es' 'icedove-l10n-es-es'
- 'iceweasel-l10n-es-mx' )
-readonly -a FRENCH_LANG_PACKS=( 'iceweasel-l10n-fr' 'icedove-l10n-fr' )
-readonly -a GALEGO_LANG_PACKS=( 'iceweasel-l10n-gl' 'icedove-l10n-gl' )
-readonly -a ITALIAN_LANG_PACKS=( 'iceweasel-l10n-it' 'icedove-l10n-it' )
-readonly -a POLISH_LANG_PACKS=( 'iceweasel-l10n-pl' 'icedove-l10n-pl' )
-readonly -a PORTUGUESE_LANG_PACKS=( 'iceweasel-l10n-pt-br' 'icedove-l10n-pt-br' )
-readonly -a KEYMAPS=( 'af' "Afrikaans-Lang" \
- 'al' "Albanian" \
- 'am' "Amharic" \
- 'ara' "Arabic" \
- 'at' "at" \
- 'au' "au" \
- 'az' "Azerbaijani" \
- 'ba' "Bashkir" \
- 'be' "Belarusian" \
- 'bg' "Bulgarian" \
- 'bn' "Bihari-Languages" \
- 'br' "Breton" \
- 'brai' "brai" \
- 'bt' "bt" \
- 'bw' "bw" \
- 'by' "by" \
- 'ca' "Catalan" \
- 'cd' "cd" \
- 'ch' "Chamorro" \
- 'cm' "cm" \
- 'cn' "cn" \
- 'cz' "Czech" \
- 'de' "German" \
- 'dk' "dk" \
- 'dz' "Dzongkha" \
- 'ee' "Ewe" \
- 'epo' "Esperanto" \
- 'es' "Spanish" \
- 'et' "Estonian" \
- 'fi' "Finnish" \
- 'fo' "Faroese" \
- 'fr' "French" \
- 'gb' "gb" \
- 'ge' "ge" \
- 'gh' "gh" \
- 'gn' "Guaraní" \
- 'gr' "gr" \
- 'hr' "Croatian" \
- 'hu' "Hungarian" \
- 'id' "Indonesian" \
- 'ie' "Interlingue" \
- 'il' "il" \
- 'in' "in" \
- 'iq' "iq" \
- 'ir' "ir" \
- 'is' "Icelandic" \
- 'it' "Italian" \
- 'jp' "Japanese" \
- 'ke' "ke" \
- 'kg' "Kongo" \
- 'kh' "kh" \
- 'kr' "Kanuri" \
- 'kz' "kz" \
- 'la' "Latin" \
- 'latam' "Latin-American" \
- 'lk' "lk" \
- 'lt' "Lithuanian" \
- 'lv' "Latvian" \
- 'ma' "ma" \
- 'mao' "Maori" \
- 'md' "md" \
- 'me' "me" \
- 'mk' "Macedonian" \
- 'ml' "Malayalam" \
- 'mm' "mm" \
- 'mn' "Mongolian" \
- 'mt' "Maltese" \
- 'mv' "mv" \
- 'my' "Burmese" \
- 'nec_vndr/jp' "nec_vndr/jp" \
- 'ng' "Ndonga" \
- 'nl' "Dutch" \
- 'no' "Norwegian" \
- 'np' "np" \
- 'ph' "ph" \
- 'pk' "pk" \
- 'pl' "Polish" \
- 'pt' "Portuguese" \
- 'ro' "Romanian" \
- 'rs' "rs" \
- 'ru' "Russian" \
- 'se' "Northern-Sami" \
- 'si' "Sinhala" \
- 'sk' "Slovak" \
- 'sn' "Shona" \
- 'sy' "sy" \
- 'tg' "Tajik" \
- 'th' "Thai" \
- 'tj' "tj" \
- 'tm' "tm" \
- 'tr' "Turkish" \
- 'tw' "Twi" \
- 'tz' "tz" \
- 'ua' "ua" \
- 'us' "English" \
- 'uz' "Uzbek" \
- 'vn' "vn" \
- 'za' "Zhuang" )
-readonly -a INSTALLER_DIRS=( './.install-openrc-lxde/packages' \
- './.install-systemd-mate/packages' )
-Prompt() # (title , prompt , default_option , options)
- declare -l title=$1
- declare -l prompt=$2
- declare -l default_option=$3
- declare -l options="${@:4}"
- dialog --backtitle "$title" --stdout --no-tags --no-cancel --timeout $TIMEOUT \
- --default-item $default_option --menu "$prompt" $H $W $N_ITEMS $options
-## prompt for language if not already selected ##
-language=$(grep 'LANG=' /root/.codecheck | cut -d '=' -f 2)
-if [ "${language// /}" == '_UNDEFINED_' ]
-then language=$(Prompt "$LANG_TITLE" "$LANG_PROMPT" $LANG_DEFAULT "${LANGUAGES[@]}")
- [ "${language}" == "" ] && language=$LANG_DEFAULT
- logger "$0: selected language='$language'"
- # prepare locale
- echo "LANG=${language}" > /etc/locale.conf
- # prepare language-specific install wizard
- language=${language/_*/}
- for init_de in `ls -d /root/.install-* | sed 's|/root/\.install-\(.*\)|\1|'`
- do ls /root/.install-${init_de}/language/${language}/ &> /dev/null || language='en'
- cp -a /root/.install-${init_de}/language/${language}/* /root/.install-${init_de}/
- done
- # include language-specific language packs in the install wizard package set
- for installer_dir in ${INSTALLER_DIRS[@]}
- do case ${language} in
- 'eo') echo "${ESPERANTO_LANG_PACKS[@]}" >> ${installer_dir}/packages ;;
- 'fr') echo "${FRENCH_LANG_PACKS[@]}" >> ${installer_dir}/packages ;;
- 'gl') echo "${GALEGO_LANG_PACKS[@]}" >> ${installer_dir}/packages ;;
- 'it') echo "${ITALIAN_LANG_PACKS[@]}" >> ${installer_dir}/packages ;;
- 'pl') echo "${POLISH_LANG_PACKS[@]}" >> ${installer_dir}/packages ;;
- 'pt') echo "${PORTUGUESE_LANG_PACKS[@]}" >> ${installer_dir}/packages ;;
- 'es') echo "${SPANISH_LANG_PACKS[@]}" >> ${installer_dir}/packages ;;
- esac
- done
- # confirm this selection
- sed -i "s/^LANG=.*/LANG=${language}/" /root/.codecheck
-## prompt for X11 keymap if not already selected ##
-keymap=$(grep 'XKBMAP=' /root/.codecheck | cut -d '=' -f 2)
-if [ "${keymap// /}" == '_UNDEFINED_' ]
- [ "${keymap}" == "" ] && keymap=$KEYMAP_DEFAULT
- logger "$0: selected keymap='$keymap'"
- # set keymap
- setxkbmap ${keymap} 2> /dev/null
- # confirm this selection
- sed -i "s/^XKBMAP=.*/XKBMAP=${keymap}/" /root/.codecheck
-## prompt to launch installer or CLI ##
-[ "${interface}" == "" ] && interface=$INTERFACE_DEFAULT
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.codecheck b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/.session_state
index 6d266bb..5048f89 100644
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.codecheck
+++ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/.session_state
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/KEYMAPS_VT b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/KEYMAPS_VT
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a409a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/KEYMAPS_VT
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/KEYMAPS_X b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/KEYMAPS_X
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dec8b5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/KEYMAPS_X
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+af Afrikaans-Lang
+al Albanian
+am Amharic
+ara Arabic
+at at
+au au
+az Azerbaijani
+ba Bashkir
+be Belarusian
+bg Bulgarian
+bn Bihari-Languages
+br Breton
+brai brai
+bt bt
+bw bw
+by by
+ca Catalan
+cd cd
+ch Chamorro
+cm cm
+cn cn
+cz Czech
+de German
+dk dk
+dz Dzongkha
+ee Ewe
+epo Esperanto
+es Spanish
+et Estonian
+fi Finnish
+fo Faroese
+fr French
+gb GB-English
+ge ge
+gh gh
+gn Guaraní
+gr gr
+hr Croatian
+hu Hungarian
+id Indonesian
+ie Interlingue
+il il
+in in
+iq iq
+ir ir
+is Icelandic
+it Italian
+jp Japanese
+ke ke
+kg Kongo
+kh kh
+kr Kanuri
+kz kz
+la Latin
+latam Latin-American
+lk lk
+lt Lithuanian
+lv Latvian
+ma ma
+mao Maori
+md md
+me me
+mk Macedonian
+ml Malayalam
+mm mm
+mn Mongolian
+mt Maltese
+mv mv
+my Burmese
+nec_vndr/jp nec_vndr/jp
+ng Ndonga
+nl Dutch
+no Norwegian
+np np
+ph ph
+pk pk
+pl Polish
+pt Portuguese
+ro Romanian
+rs rs
+ru Russian
+se Northern-Sami
+si Sinhala
+sk Slovak
+sn Shona
+sy sy
+tg Tajik
+th Thai
+tj tj
+tm tm
+tr Turkish
+tw Twi
+tz tz
+ua ua
+us US-English
+uz Uzbek
+vn vn
+za Zhuang
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/LANGUAGES b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/LANGUAGES
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f5e494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/LANGUAGES
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+en_US.UTF-8 English
+eo Esperanto
+fr_FR.UTF-8 French
+gl_ES.UTF-8 Galego
+it_IT.UTF-8 Italian
+pl_PL.UTF-8 Polish
+pt_BR.UTF-8 Portuguese
+es_ES.UTF-8 Spanish
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5be3195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+source /root/
+# prompt for hostname
+hostname=$( WizardDlg "${TR[menu_config-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --inputbox "${TR[hostname-${TR_KEY}]}" 8 40 )
+echo ${hostname} > /etc/hostname
+# prompt for timezone
+timezone=$( WizardDlg "${TR[menu_config-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --inputbox "${TR[timezone-${TR_KEY}]}" 8 40 )
+ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/${timezone} /etc/localtime
+# prompt for keymap
+live_keymap=$(GetStateVar 'XKBMAP' 'us')
+for keymap in $(cat "${WIZARD_DIR}"/KEYMAPS_VT)
+do selected_state=$( [[ ${keymap} =~ ^${live_keymap} ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off' )
+ keymaps+=( "${keymap}" "${keymap}" ${selected_state} )
+keymap=$( WizardDlg "${TR[menu_config-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --radiolist "${TR[keymap-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 50 \
+ "${keymaps[@]}" )
+echo "KEYMAP=${keymap}" > /etc/vconsole.conf
+# prompt for locale
+all_locales=$( sed -e '1,23d' -e 's/#//g' -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/..$//' /etc/locale.gen )
+live_locale=$( GetStateVar 'LANG' 'en_US' )
+for locale in ${all_locales}
+do locale=$(echo ${locale} | sed -e 's/#/ /g')
+ selected_state=$( [[ ${locale} =~ ^${live_locale} ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off' )
+ locales+=( "${locale}" "${locale}" ${selected_state} )
+locales=$( WizardDlg "${TR[menu_config-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --checklist "${TR[locales-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 50 \
+ "${locales[@]}" )
+locales=$(echo ${locales} | sed -e 's/" "/\n/g' -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/"//g')
+for locale in ${locales[@]}
+do locale=$(echo ${locale} | sed -e 's/#/ /g')
+ sed -i -e "s/#${locale}/${locale}/g" /etc/locale.gen
+# prompt for language
+live_language=$(GetStateVar 'LANG' 'en_US.UTF-8')
+while read language
+do selected_state=$( [[ ${language} =~ ^${live_language} ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off' )
+ languages+=( "${language% *}" "${language#*\ }" ${selected_state} )
+done << <(cat "${WIZARD_DIR}"/LANGUAGES)
+language=$( WizardDlg "${TR[menu_config-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --radiolist "${TR[language-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 50 \
+ "${languages[@]}" )
+echo "LANG=${language}" > /etc/locale.conf
+# prepare initrd and GRUB
+mkinitcpio -p linux-libre
+device=$(GetStateVar 'DEVICE')
+which grub-install &> /dev/null && grub-install ${device}
+which grub-mkconfig &> /dev/null && grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
+# initialize root user
+pass='changeme' pass2=''
+while [[ "$pass" != "$pass2" ]]
+do pass=$( WizardDlg "${TR[menu_config-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --passwordbox "${TR[root_pass-${TR_KEY}]}" 8 40 )
+ pass2=$( WizardDlg "${TR[menu_config-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --passwordbox "${TR[root_pass2-${TR_KEY}]}" 8 40 )
+usermod -p $(openssl passwd ${pass}) root
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..203a356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+source /root/
+readonly WHEEL_SUDOERS_SED_CMD='s|[#] [%]wheel ALL=[(]ALL[)] ALL|%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL|'
+ValidateLogin() { Login=$(tr -d '[:space:]' <<<${Login}) ; [[ -n "${Login}" ]] ; } # TODO:
+GsettingsSet() # (kvp)
+ sudo -u ${Login} gsettings set $*
+## main entry ##
+DlgTitle=$( ${TR[dlg_user-${TR_KEY}]/*) }
+# create unprivileged user
+until ValidateLogin
+do Login=$( WizardDlg "${DlgTitle}" \
+ --inputbox "${TR[user_login-${TR_KEY}]}" 8 40 )
+Pass='changeme' Pass2=''
+while [[ "${Pass}" != "${Pass2}" ]]
+do Pass=$( WizardDlg "${DlgTitle}" \
+ --passwordbox "${TR[user_pass-${TR_KEY}]} '${Login}':" 8 40 )
+ Pass2=$( WizardDlg "${DlgTitle}" \
+ --passwordbox "${TR[user_pass2-${TR_KEY}]} '${Login}':" 8 40 )
+useradd -m -g users -G 'wheel' -s /bin/bash -p $(openssl passwd ${Pass}) ${Login}
+# set keymap
+Keymap=$(GetStateVar 'XKBMAP')
+echo "setxkbmap ${Keymap}" >> /home/${Login}/.bashrc
+# configure desktop environment
+wmde=$(GetStateVar 'WMDE')
+if [[ "${wmde}" == 'mate' && -x /usr/bin/gsettings ]]
+then if [[ -d /usr/share/themes/Radiance-Purple ]]
+ then GsettingsSet org.mate.interface gtk-theme 'Radiance-Purple'
+ GsettingsSet org.mate.Marco.general theme 'Radiance-Purple'
+ fi
+ if [[ -d /usr/share/icons/RAVE-X-Dark-Purple ]]
+ then GsettingsSet org.mate.interface icon-theme 'RAVE-X-Dark-Purple'
+ fi
+ if [[ -d /usr/share/icons/mate ]]
+ then GsettingsSet org.mate.peripherals-mouse cursor-size '18'
+ GsettingsSet org.mate.peripherals-mouse cursor-theme 'mate'
+ fi
+ if [[ -f /usr/share/backgrounds/parabola-laf/parabola-laf.png ]]
+ then GsettingsSet org.mate.background picture-filename '/usr/share/backgrounds/parabola-laf/parabola-laf.png'
+ fi
+# allow members of group wheel to execute any command
+sed -i "$WHEEL_SUDOERS_SED_CMD" /etc/sudoers
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a63963e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+source /root/
+Init=$(GetStateVar 'INIT')
+Wmde=$(GetStateVar 'WMDE')
+if [[ "${Init}" == 'openrc' ]]
+then # Create the dbus user if it doesn't exist
+ grep dbus /etc/group > /dev/null || groupadd -g 81 dbus
+ grep dbus /etc/passwd > /dev/null || useradd -g 81 -u 81 dbus -r -s /sbin/nologin
+ # Enable services with OpenRC
+ rc-update add alsasound default
+ rc-update add dbus default
+ rc-update add NetworkManager default
+elif [[ "${Init}" == 'systemd' ]]
+ case "${Wmde}" in
+ 'lxde') systemctl enable 'NetworkManager.service' 'lxdm.service' ;;
+ 'mate') systemctl enable 'NetworkManager.service' 'lightdm.service' ;;
+ * ) systemctl enable 'dhcpcd.service' 'systemd-resolved.service' ;;
+ esac
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7858ea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/install/
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+source $(cd $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}) ; pwd)/../
+readonly PACCONF_NONSYSTEMD_REGEX='N ; s|^#\[nonsystemd\].*#Include|\[nonsystemd\]\nInclude|'
+readonly PACCONF_SYSTEMD_REGEX='N ; s|^\[nonsystemd\].*Include|#\[nonsystemd\]\n#Include|'
+readonly GRUB_THEME_SED_CMD='s|^#GRUB_THEME=.*|GRUB_THEME=/boot/grub/themes/parabola-laf/theme.txt|'
+ echo "${TR[internet-${TR_KEY}]} ...."
+ local has_isorepo=$( [[ ! -d /isorepo ]] && echo 1 || echo 0 )
+ local is_online=$( curl ${ONLINE_CHECK_URL} &> /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 )
+ if [[ ${has_isorepo} && ${is_online} ]] ; then SetStateVar 'INSTALL' 'prompt' ;
+ elif [[ ${has_isorepo} ]] ; then SetStateVar 'INSTALL' 'offline' ;
+ else SetStateVar 'INSTALL' 'online' ;
+ fi
+DbgDlg "has_isorepo=$has_isorepo is_online=$is_online install=$install"
+ if [[ "$(GetStateVar 'KEYRING')" != 'ready' ]]
+ then pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring archlinux32-keyring parabola-keyring --noconfirm
+ pacman-key --populate archlinux archlinux32 parabola
+ pacman-key --refresh-keys
+ SetStateVar 'KEYRING' 'ready'
+ fi
+ umount /mnt &> /dev/null || true
+ # prompt for disk device
+ local hd_devices=$(ls /dev/sd?)
+ local hdds=()
+ local hd_device
+ local capacity
+ local hdd
+ for hd_device in ${hd_devices}
+ do capacity=$(fdisk --list /dev/sda | head --lines=1 | sed 's|.*: \([^,]*\),.*|\1|')
+ hdds+=( "${hd_device}" "${capacity}" off )
+ done
+ hdd=$( WizardDlg "${TR[dlg_part-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --radiolist "${TR[hdd-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 50 "${hdds[@]}" )
+ [[ -n "${hdd}" ]] && SetStateVar 'HDD' ${hdd} || exit
+ # prompt for partitioner
+ local part_method=$( WizardDlg "${TR[dlg_part-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --menu "${TR[part-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 50 \
+ 'auto' "${TR[part_auto-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ 'manual' "${TR[part_man-${TR_KEY}]}" )
+ [[ -n "${part_method}" ]] || exit
+ # partitioning
+ local root_part
+ case ${part_method} in
+ 'auto')
+ # create partition table
+ parted -s ${device} -- mklabel msdos
+ # create partitions
+ parted -s ${hdd} -- mkpart primary 1MiB 1000MiB
+ parted -s ${hdd} -- mkpart primary 1000MiB -1s
+ parted -s ${hdd} -- set 2 boot on
+ # format partitions
+ (echo t ; echo 1 ; echo 82 ; echo w) | fdisk ${hdd}
+ mkswap ${hdd}1
+ mkfs.ext4 ${hdd}2
+ root_part=${hdd}2
+ ;;
+ 'manual')
+ if which gparted &> /dev/null ; then gparted ${hdd} ;
+ elif which cfdisk &> /dev/null ; then cfdisk ${hdd} ; fi ;
+ # prompt for root partition
+ local partitions=()
+ local partition
+ for partition in $(ls ${hdd}?)
+ do capacity=$(df --human-readable --output=size ${partition} | tail --lines=1 | tr -d ' ')
+ partitions+=( "${partition}" "${capacity}" off )
+ done
+ root_part=$( WizardDlg "${TR[dlg_part-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --radiolist "${TR[mount_root-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 50 \
+ ${partitions[@]} )
+ [[ -n "${root_part}" ]] || exit
+ # prompt to mount additional partitions
+ local other=0
+ local boot_part
+ local home_part
+ while [[ "${other}" != 3 ]]
+ do other=$( WizardDlg "${TR[dlg_part-${TR_KEY}]}" --cancel-label "None" \
+ --menu "${TR[mount_other-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 50 \
+ 1 "/boot" 2 "/home" 3 "Done" )
+ case $other in
+ 1) boot_part=$( WizardDlg "${TR[dlg_part-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --radiolist "${TR[mount_boot-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 50 \
+ ${partitions[@]} )
+ umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null || true
+ mkdir /mnt/boot &> /dev/null || true
+ ;;
+ 2) home_part=$( WizardDlg "${TR[dlg_part-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --radiolist "${TR[mount_home-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 50 \
+ ${partitions[@]} )
+ umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null || true
+ mkdir /mnt/home &> /dev/null || true
+ ;;
+ *) other=3
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ ;;
+ *) exit ;;
+ esac
+ # format unformatted partitions and mount partitions
+ for partition in ${root_part} ${boot_part} ${home_part}
+ do ! blkid ${partition} | grep ' TYPE="' &> /dev/null && \
+ WizardDlg "${TR[dlg_part-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --yesno "${partition} ${TR[format-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 && \
+ mkfs.ext4 ${partition}
+ blkid ${partition} | grep ' TYPE="' > /dev/null || exit
+ done
+ mount ${root_part} /mnt
+ mount ${boot_part} /mnt/boot || [[ -z "${boot_part}" ]]
+ mount ${home_part} /mnt/home || [[ -z "${home_part}" ]]
+NoticeCustomize() { WizardDlg "" --msgbox "${TR[notice_customize-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 ; }
+ if WizardDlg "${TR[dlg_defaults-${TR_KEY}]}" --yesno "${TR[defaults-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70
+ then SetStateVar 'BASE' 'base parabola-base'
+ SetStateVar 'INIT' 'openrc'
+ fi
+ if [[ -n "$(SetStateVar 'BASE')" && -n "$(GetStateVar 'INIT')" ]] ; then return 0 ; fi ;
+ # prompt for base package set
+ local base=$( WizardDlg "${TR[dlg_base-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --radiolist "${TR[base-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 50 \
+ 'core' "${TR[base_mini-${TR_KEY}]}" 'off' \
+ 'posix' "${TR[base_posix-${TR_KEY}]}" 'on' )
+ local base_packages=( 'base' $( [[ "${base}" == 'posix' ]] && echo 'parabola-base' || : ) )
+ [[ -n "${base}" ]] && SetStateVar 'BASE' ${base_packages} || exit
+ # prompt for init-system
+ local init=$( WizardDlg "${TR[dlg_base-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --radiolist "${TR[init-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 50 \
+ 'openrc' "${TR[init_openrc-${TR_KEY}]}" 'off' \
+ 'systemd' "${TR[init_systemd-${TR_KEY}]}" 'on' )
+ [[ -n "${init}" ]] && SetStateVar 'INIT' ${init} || exit
+ # prompt for local vs remote package repos if possible
+ local install=$(GetStateVar 'INSTALL')
+ local install=$( [[ "${install}" == 'prompt' ]] && \
+ WizardDlg "${TR[dlg_base-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --radiolist "${TR[install-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 50 \
+ 'offline' "${TR[install_offline-${TR_KEY}]}" 'on' \
+ 'online' "${TR[install_online-${TR_KEY}]}" 'off' )
+ [[ -n "${install}" ]] && SetStateVar 'INSTALL' ${install} || exit
+ local conf_regex=$( [[ "${init}" == 'openrc' ]] && echo "$PACCONF_NONSYSTEMD_REGEX" || \
+ local install=$(GetStateVar 'INSTALL')
+ local base_packages=$(GetStateVar 'BASE')
+ sed -i "$conf_regex" /etc/pacman-${install}.conf
+ cp /etc/pacman-${install}.conf /etc/pacman.conf
+ # install standard packages
+ pacstrap /mnt base ${base_packages[@]}
+ genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
+ cp "${SESSION_STATE_FILE}" /mnt/root/
+ cp "${SESSION_INCLUDE_FILE}" /mnt/root/
+ cp "${CHROOT_ENVIRONMENT_FILE}" /mnt/root/
+ chmod +x /mnt/root/${CHROOT_ENVIRONMENT_FILENAME}
+ arch-chroot /mnt /root/${CHROOT_ENVIRONMENT_FILENAME}
+NoticeOptional() { WizardDlg "" --msgbox "${TR[notice_optional-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 ; }
+ # prompt to install GRUB
+ local grub=$( WizardDlg "${TR[dlg_grub-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --radiolist "${TR[grub-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 50 \
+ 'yes' "${TR[yes-${TR_KEY}]}" 'on' \
+ 'no' "${TR[no-${TR_KEY}]}" 'off' )
+ [[ -n "${grub}" ]] || exit
+ [[ "${grub}" == 'yes' ]] || return
+ pacstrap /mnt grub grub2-theme-gnuaxiom
+ # enable Parabola theme for grub
+ sed -i "$GRUB_THEME_SED_CMD" /mnt/etc/default/grub
+ # prompt to install a graphical environment
+ local desktop=$( WizardDlg "${TR[dlg_wmde-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --radiolist "${TR[gui-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 50 \
+ 'yes' "${TR[yes-${TR_KEY}]}" 'on' \
+ 'no' "${TR[no-${TR_KEY}]}" 'off' )
+ # prompt for WM/DE
+ local wmde=$( [[ "${desktop}" == 'no' ]] && echo 'cli' || \
+ WizardDlg "${TR[dlg_wmde-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --radiolist "${TR[wmde-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 50 \
+ 'cli' "${TR[wmde_cli-${TR_KEY}]}" 'off' \
+ 'lxde' "${TR[wmde_lxde-${TR_KEY}]}" 'on' \
+ 'mate' "${TR[wmde_mate-${TR_KEY}]}" 'off' )
+ [[ -n "${wmde}" ]] && SetStateVar 'WMDE' ${wmde} || exit
+ # install graphical packages
+ [[ "${wmde}" != 'cli' ]] && pacstrap /mnt parabola-desktop-${wmde} # TODO: parabola-desktop NYI
+ # enable services
+ cp "${CHROOT_SERVICES_FILE}" /mnt/root/
+ chmod +x /mnt/root/${CHROOT_SERVICES_FILENAME}
+ arch-chroot /mnt /root/${CHROOT_SERVICES_FILENAME}
+ # prompt to create an unprivileged user login
+ local user=$( WizardDlg "${TR[dlg_user-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --radiolist "${TR[user-${TR_KEY}]}" 20 70 50 \
+ 'yes' "${TR[yes-${TR_KEY}]}" 'on' \
+ 'no' "${TR[no-${TR_KEY}]}" 'off' )
+ [[ -n "${user}" ]] || exit
+ [[ "${user}" == 'yes' ]] || return
+ # create unprivileged user login
+ cp "${CHROOT_LOGIN_FILE}" /mnt/root/
+ chmod +x /mnt/root/${CHROOT_LOGIN_FILENAME}
+ arch-chroot /mnt /root/${CHROOT_LOGIN_FILENAME}
+ rm /mnt/root/${CHROOT_LOGIN_FILENAME}
+ # clean-up
+ arch-chroot /mnt pacman -R dialog --noconfirm &> /dev/null || true
+ rm /mnt/root/${SESSION_STATE_FILENAME} &> /dev/null || true
+ rm /mnt/root/${SESSION_INCLUDE_FILENAME} &> /dev/null || true
+ rm /mnt/root/${CHROOT_ENVIRONMENT_FILENAME} &> /dev/null || true
+ rm /mnt/root/${CHROOT_LOGIN_FILENAME} &> /dev/null || true
+ rm /mnt/root/${CHROOT_SERVICES_FILENAME} &> /dev/null || true
+ umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null || true
+ umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null || true
+ umount /mnt &> /dev/null || true
+## main entry ##
+set -o errexit -o errtrace
+trap 'trap - ERR ; clear ; LogError() { : ; } ; Cleanup ;' EXIT INT TERM
+trap 'trap - EXIT INT TERM ; clear ; LogError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" ${LINENO} ;' ERR
+Init # Check for isorepo existence and internet connection
+InitKeyring # Initialize the pacman keyring
+Partition # Partition and mount target disks
+NoticeCustomize # Explain that the next choices are mandatory but interchangeable
+SelectDefaults # Choose to install the standard system, or to customize
+SelectBase # Select base system
+InstallBase # Install base system
+ConfigChroot # Generate fstab and configure system in-chroot (non-interactive)
+NoticeOptional # Explain that the next choices are optional
+InstallGrub # Install grub
+InstallWmDe # Install GUI packages and configure services in-chroot
+CreateUser # Create unpriviledged login user in-chroot
+Cleanup # Remove helper scripts from the chroot and un-mount target disks
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/
index fb106da..fb106da 100755
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/
+++ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc665f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+readonly SESSION_DIR="$(cd $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}) ; pwd)"
+readonly WIZARD_DIR="${SESSION_DIR}"/install
+readonly # this file
+readonly SESSION_STATE_FILENAME=.session_state
+## sanity checks ##
+! which dialog &> /dev/null && echo "can not find the \`dialog\` program" && exit
+(( $EUID )) && echo "this program requires superuser privilege" && exit
+## state helpers ##
+SetStateVar() # (var_name value*)
+ local var_name=$1 ; shift ;
+ local value=$*
+ sed -i "/^${var_name}=.*/d" "${SESSION_STATE_FILE}"
+ echo "${var_name}=${value}" >> "${SESSION_STATE_FILE}"
+GetStateVar() # (var_name [def_value])
+ local var_name=$1
+ local def_value=$2
+ local stored_value=$(grep "${var_name}=" "${SESSION_STATE_FILE}" | cut -d '=' -f 2)
+ if [[ -n "${stored_value}" ]] && [[ "${stored_value}" != '_UNDEFINED_' ]]
+ then echo ${stored_value}
+ else echo ${def_value}
+ fi
+## dialog prompt helpers ##
+InitDlg() # (title prompt default_option options*)
+ declare -l title="$1"
+ declare -l prompt="$2"
+ declare -l default_option="$3"
+ declare -l options=("${@:4}")
+ dialog --stdout --sleep 1 --timeout 30 --no-tags --no-cancel \
+ --backtitle "$title" \
+ --default-item "${default_option}" \
+ --menu "$prompt" $H $W $N_ITEMS "${options[@]}"
+WizardDlg() # (title dialog_args*)
+ declare -l title="$1"
+ declare -l options=("${@:2}")
+ # when the "Cancel" button or <ESC> key is pressed, in a '--msgbox',
+ # dialog exits with status 1; but nothing is printed to STDOUT
+ # runs under `set -e`; so we can not propogate the non-zero status,
+ # otherwise, callers would need to supress it
+ # callers should instead, exit upon the empty result, when a selection is mandatory
+ #
+ # the exception is '--yesno' dialogs, which exits with status 1 for the 'No' button
+ # the non-zero status is propogated for '--yesno' dialogs; and callers must handle it
+ # ASSERT: '--yesno' dialogs should pass '--yesno' as positional parameter #2 (options[0])
+ dialog --stdout --sleep 1 \
+ --backtitle "${TR[wizard-${TR_KEY}]}" \
+ --title "${title}" "${options[@]}" || \
+ ( (( $? == 1 )) && [[ "${options[0]}" != '--yesno' ]] )
+ clear >&2
+## error logging helpers ##
+LogError() # (source_file func_name line_n)
+ local SOURCE_FILE="$1"
+ local FUNC_NAME="$( [[ -n "$2" ]] && echo "$2" || echo "${SOURCE_FILE}" )"
+ local LINE_N=$3
+ local N_LINES=$(( 1 + (2 * N_CONTEXT_LINES) ))
+ local marker line
+ echo "ERROR: in ${FUNC_NAME}::${LINE_N}" >&2
+ sed 's|\\$||' "${SOURCE_FILE}" | pr -tn | \
+ tail -n +${BEGIN_LINE_N} | head -n ${N_LINES} | tr '\n' '\n' | \
+ while read line
+ do line_n=$(sed -E 's|([0-9]+).*|\1|' <<<${line})
+ (( line_n == LINE_N )) && marker='==>' || marker=' '
+ printf "%s %s\n" "${marker}" "${line}" >&2
+ done
+## translations for user-facing strings ##
+readonly TRANSLATIONS=" en es gl pt " # pending translations 'eo' 'fr' 'it' 'pl'
+readonly TR_KEY=$(GetStateVar 'TR_KEY' 'en')
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..250f39a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+source $(cd $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}) ; pwd)/
+readonly TIMEOUT=30
+readonly H=15
+readonly W=42
+readonly N_ITEMS=10
+readonly LANG_TITLE="System language selection"
+readonly LANG_PROMPT="Choose your language:"
+readonly LANG_DEFAULT='en_US.UTF-8'
+readonly KEYMAP_TITLE="System keymap selection"
+readonly KEYMAP_PROMPT="Choose your keymap:"
+readonly KEYMAP_DEFAULT='us'
+readonly SESSION_TITLE="Launch installer or command-line"
+readonly SESSION_PROMPT="Would you like to start the installer, or drop onto the command line?"
+readonly -a LANGUAGES=( $(cat "${WIZARD_DIR}"/LANGUAGES) )
+readonly -a ESPERANTO_LANG_PACKS=( 'iceweasel-l10n-es-eo' )
+readonly -a SPANISH_LANG_PACKS=( 'iceweasel-l10n-es-ar' 'icedove-l10n-es-ar'
+ 'iceweasel-l10n-es-cl'
+ 'iceweasel-l10n-es-es' 'icedove-l10n-es-es'
+ 'iceweasel-l10n-es-mx' )
+readonly -a FRENCH_LANG_PACKS=( 'iceweasel-l10n-fr' 'icedove-l10n-fr' )
+readonly -a GALEGO_LANG_PACKS=( 'iceweasel-l10n-gl' 'icedove-l10n-gl' )
+readonly -a ITALIAN_LANG_PACKS=( 'iceweasel-l10n-it' 'icedove-l10n-it' )
+readonly -a POLISH_LANG_PACKS=( 'iceweasel-l10n-pl' 'icedove-l10n-pl' )
+readonly -a PORTUGUESE_LANG_PACKS=( 'iceweasel-l10n-pt-br' 'icedove-l10n-pt-br' )
+readonly -a KEYMAPS=( $(cat "${WIZARD_DIR}"/KEYMAPS_X) )
+readonly -a ALL_SESSIONS=( 'live' "Live desktop" \
+ 'calamares' "GUI installer" \
+ 'wizard' "TUI installer" \
+ 'cli' "Command line" )
+case "$DESKTOP_SESSION" in # per .bash_profile
+ 'lxde') readonly SESSIONS=( "${ALL_SESSIONS[@]}" ) ; readonly SESSION_DEFAULT='live' ;;
+ 'mini') readonly SESSIONS=( "${ALL_SESSIONS[@]:2}" ) ; readonly SESSION_DEFAULT='calamares' ;;
+ * ) readonly SESSIONS=( "${ALL_SESSIONS[@]:4}" ) ; readonly SESSION_DEFAULT='cli' ;;
+## prompt for language if not already selected ##
+Language=$(GetStateVar 'LANG')
+if [[ "${Language}" == '_UNDEFINED_' ]]
+then Language=$( InitDlg "$LANG_TITLE" "$LANG_PROMPT" $LANG_DEFAULT "${LANGUAGES[@]}" )
+ [[ "${Language}" == "" ]] && Language=$LANG_DEFAULT
+ logger "$0: selected language='${Language}'"
+ # inject language packs into the install wizard package set
+ Lang=${Language/_*/}
+ case ${Lang} in
+ 'eo') echo "${ESPERANTO_LANG_PACKS[@]}" >> "${WIZARD_DIR}"/packages ;;
+ 'fr') echo "${FRENCH_LANG_PACKS[@]}" >> "${WIZARD_DIR}"/packages ;;
+ 'gl') echo "${GALEGO_LANG_PACKS[@]}" >> "${WIZARD_DIR}"/packages ;;
+ 'it') echo "${ITALIAN_LANG_PACKS[@]}" >> "${WIZARD_DIR}"/packages ;;
+ 'pl') echo "${POLISH_LANG_PACKS[@]}" >> "${WIZARD_DIR}"/packages ;;
+ 'pt') echo "${PORTUGUESE_LANG_PACKS[@]}" >> "${WIZARD_DIR}"/packages ;;
+ 'es') echo "${SPANISH_LANG_PACKS[@]}" >> "${WIZARD_DIR}"/packages ;;
+ esac
+ # prepare locale
+ echo "LANG=${Language}" > /etc/locale.conf
+ SetStateVar 'LANG' ${Language}
+ # prepare installer translations
+ TrKey=$( [[ "${TRANSLATIONS}" =~ " ${Lang} " ]] && echo ${Lang} || echo 'en' )
+ SetStateVar 'TR_KEY' ${TrKey}
+## prompt for X11 keymap if not already selected ##
+Keymap=$(GetStateVar 'XKBMAP')
+if [[ "${Keymap}" == '_UNDEFINED_' ]]
+ [[ "${Keymap}" == "" ]] && Keymap=$KEYMAP_DEFAULT
+ logger "$0: selected keymap='${Keymap}'"
+ # set keymap
+ setxkbmap ${Keymap} 2> /dev/null
+ SetStateVar 'XKBMAP' ${Keymap}
+## prompt to launch installer or CLI ##
+Session=$(GetStateVar 'SESSION')
+if [[ "${Session}" == '_UNDEFINED_' ]]
+ [[ "${Session}" == "" ]] && Session=$SESSION_DEFAULT
+ logger "$0: selected interface='${Session}'"
+ # set installer interface
+ SetStateVar 'SESSION' ${Session}
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99cbe91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/.session/
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+## translations for user-facing strings ##
+declare -A TR=(
+ ## common ##
+ [wizard-en]="Parabola Installation Wizard"
+ [wizard-eo]="Parabola Instala Asistilo"
+ [wizard-en]="Instalación de Parabola"
+ [wizard-gl]="Instalación de Parabola"
+ [wizard-pt]="Instalação do Parabola"
+ [yes-en]="Yes"
+ [yes-eo]="Jes"
+ [yes-es]="Si"
+ [yes-gl]="Si"
+ [yes-pt]="Sim"
+ [no-en]="No"
+ [no-eo]="Ne"
+ [no-es]="No"
+ [no-gl]="Non"
+ [no-pt]="Não"
+ ## ##
+ [internet-en]="Detecting Internet connection"
+ [internet-eo]="Detktado de retkonekto"
+ [internet-es]="Detectando conexión a Internet"
+ [internet-gl]="Detectando conexión a Internet"
+ [internet-pt]="Detectando conexão com a Internet"
+ ## ##
+ [dlg_part-en]="Format and Mount Partitions"
+ [dlg_part-eo]="Strukturu kaj Muntu Subdiskojn"
+ [dlg_part-es]="Formatear y Montar Particiones"
+ [dlg_part-gl]="Formatear e Montar Particiones"
+ [dlg_part-pt]="Formatar e Montar as Partições"
+ [hdd-en]="Select Hard Disk:"
+ [hdd-eo]="Selektu Fiksitan Diskon:"
+ [hdd-es]="Selecciona Disco Duro:"
+ [hdd-gl]="Selecciona Disco Duro:"
+ [hdd-pt]="Escolha o Disco:"
+ [part-en]="Partitioning method:"
+ [part-eo]="Dispartigan metodon:"
+ [part-es]="Metodo de Particionado:"
+ [part-gl]="Metodo de Particionado:"
+ [part-pt]="Método de Particionamento:"
+ [part_auto-en]="Use the entire disk (with 1GB swap)"
+ [part_auto-eo]="Uzu la tutan diskon (kun 1GB permutaĵo)"
+ [part_auto-es]="Usar todo el disco (con 1GB swap)"
+ [part_auto-gl]="Usar todo o disco (con 1GB swap)"
+ [part_auto-pt]="Usar todo o disco (com o 1GB swap)"
+ [part_man-en]="Manual partitioning"
+ [part_man-eo]="Mana dispartigo"
+ [part_man-es]="Usar gparted para personalizar"
+ [part_man-gl]="Usar gparted para personalizar"
+ [part_man-pt]="Usar o gparted para personalizar"
+ [mount_root-en]="Mount root / partition:"
+ [mount_root-eo]="Muntu rootan / subdiskon:"
+ [mount_root-es]="Montar particion root /:"
+ [mount_root-gl]="Montar particion root /:"
+ [mount_root-pt]="Montar a partição root /:"
+ [mount_extra-en]="Mount another partition?"
+ [mount_extra-eo]="Muntu alia subdiskon?"
+ [mount_extra-es]="¿Montar otra particion?"
+ [mount_extra-gl]="¿Montar outra particion?"
+ [mount_extra-pt]="Quer montar outra partição?"
+ [mount_boot-en]="Mount /boot partition:"
+ [mount_boot-eo]="Muntu /boot subdiskon:"
+ [mount_boot-es]="Montar particion /boot:"
+ [mount_boot-gl]="Montar particion /boot:"
+ [mount_boot-pt]="Montar a partição /boot:"
+ [mount_home-en]="Mount /home partition"
+ [mount_home-eo]="Muntu /home subdiskon:"
+ [mount_home-es]="Montar particion /home:"
+ [mount_home-gl]="Montar particion /home:"
+ [mount_home-pt]="Montar a partição /home:"
+ [format-en]="does not appear to be formatted. The installer can not continue unless it is formatted. Do you want to format it with EXT4 now?"
+ [format-eo]="ne aspektas kiel strukturita. La instalilo ne progresos, krom se ĝin estas strukturita. Ĉu vi volas strukturas ĝin kiel EXT4 nun?"
+ [format-es]="no parece estar formateado. El instalador no puede continuar a menos que esté formateado. ¿Quieres formatearlo con EXT4 ahora?"
+ [format-gl]="non parece ter formato. O instalador non pode continuar a menos que estea formatado. ¿Quere formatalo agora con EXT4?"
+ [format-pt]="não parece estar formatado. O instalador não pode continuar a menos que seja formatado. Quer formatar com EXT4 agora?"
+ ## ##
+ [notice_customize-en]="The next few steps will allow you to customize your Parabola system. If you are unsure about what to choose, the Standard Parabola Base system is suitable for most people; and most of these options can be easily changed at any later time."
+ [notice_customize-eo]="La sekva paŝoj permesos vin, tajlori vian sistemon de Parabola. Se vi ne sencerta pri kiu elekti, la Laŭnorma Sistemo de Parabola, estas taŭga por plej homojn; kaj la plejparto de tiuj agordoj, estas ŝanĝebla facile iam pli malfrue."
+ [notice_customize-es]="Los siguientes pasos le permitirán personalizar su Parabola sistema. Si no está seguro de qué elegir, las sistema Parabola Base Estándar son adecuadas para la mayoría de las personas; y la mayoría de estas opciones se pueden cambiar fácilmente en cualquier momento posterior."
+ [notice_customize-gl]="Os seguintes pasos permitiranche personalizar o seu sistema Parabola. Se non estás seguro de que escoller, as sistema Parabola Base Estándar son adecuadas para a maioría da xente; e a maioría destas opcións pódense cambiar facilmente en calquera momento posterior."
+ [notice_customize-pt]="Os próximos passos permitirão personalizar seu sistema Parabola. Se você não tiver certeza sobre o que escolher, as sistema Parabola Base Padrão são adequadas para a maioria das pessoas; e a maioria dessas opções pode ser facilmente alterada a qualquer momento."
+ ## ##
+ [dlg_defaults-en]="Base System Options"
+ [dlg_defaults-eo]="Agordoj por Bazan Sistemon"
+ [dlg_defaults-es]="Opciones para Sistema Base"
+ [dlg_defaults-gl]="Opcións para Sistema Base"
+ [dlg_defaults-pt]="Opções para Sistema Base"
+ [defaults-en]="Would you like to install the Standard Parabola Base system?"
+ [defaults-eo]="Ĉu vi volas instali la Laŭnorman Bazan Sistemon de Parabola?"
+ [defaults-es]="¿Desea instalar sistema Parabola Base Estándar?"
+ [defaults-gl]="¿Quere instalar sistema Parabola Base Estándar?"
+ [defaults-pt]="Deseja instalar o sistema Parabola Base Padrão?"
+ ## ##
+ [dlg_base-en]="Install Base System"
+ [dlg_base-eo]="Instalu Bazan Sistemon"
+ [dlg_base-es]="Instalar Sistema Base"
+ [dlg_base-gl]="Instalar Sistema Base"
+ [dlg_base-pt]="Instalar o Sistema Base"
+ [base-en]="Select a base system:"
+ [base-eo]="Selektu bazan sistemon:"
+ [base-es]="Selecciona la base sistema:"
+ [base-gl]="Selecciona a base sistema:"
+ [base-pt]="Escolha a base sistema:"
+ [base_mini-en]="Bare-bones minimal system"
+ [base_mini-eo]="Minimuma sistemon"
+ [base_mini-es]="Sistema mínimo"
+ [base_mini-gl]="Sistema mínimo"
+ [base_mini-pt]="Sistema mínimo"
+ [base_posix-en]="Complete POSIX-compliant system"
+ [base_posix-eo]="Plena POSIX-cedaema sistemon"
+ [base_posix-es]="Sistema de cumplimiento completo"
+ [base_posix-gl]="Sistema POSIX completo"
+ [base_posix-pt]="Sistema POSIX-compatível completo"
+ [init-en]="Select an init-system:"
+ [init-eo]="Selektu pravaloriza-sistemon:"
+ [init-es]="Selecciona la sistema de inicialización:"
+ [init-gl]="Selecciona a sistema de inicialización:"
+ [init-pt]="Escolha a sistema de inicialização:"
+ [init_openrc-en]="OpenRC - (Versatile init-system)"
+ [init_openrc-eo]="OpenRC - (Diversutila pravaloriza-sistemon)"
+ [init_openrc-es]="OpenRC - (Sistema de inicialización versátil)"
+ [init_openrc-gl]="OpenRC - (Versátil sistema de inicialización)"
+ [init_openrc-pt]="OpenRC - (Versátil sistema de inicialização)"
+ [init_systemd-en]="SystemD - (Standard init-system)"
+ [init_systemd-eo]="SystemD - (Laŭnorma pravaloriza-sistemon)"
+ [init_systemd-es]="SystemD - (Sistema de inicialización estándar)"
+ [init_systemd-gl]="SystemD - (Sistema de inicialización estándar)"
+ [init_systemd-pt]="SystemD - (Sistema de inicialização padrão)"
+ [install-en]="Install from LiveISO or network?"
+ [install-eo]="Instalu el LiveISO aŭ interreto?"
+ [install-es]="¿Instalar desde LiveISO o red?:"
+ [install-gl]="Que instalas desde LiveISO ou redes?:"
+ [install-pt]="Instalar a partir da LiveISO ou rede?:"
+ [install_offline-en]="Offline install (fast)"
+ [install_offline-eo]="Eksterreta instaladon (rapida)"
+ [install_offline-es]="Instalación sin conexión (rápida)"
+ [install_offline-gl]="Instalación sen conexión (rápido)"
+ [install_offline-pt]="Instalação offline (rápida)"
+ [install_online-en]="Online install (slow - internet required)"
+ [install_online-en]="Enreta instaladon (malrapida - interreto bezonita)"
+ [install_online-es]="Instalación en línea (lenta - requiere internet)"
+ [install_online-gl]="Instalación en liña (lenta - requírese internet)"
+ [install_online-pt]="Instalação online (lenta - é necessária internet)"
+ ## ##
+ [dlg_config-en]="Configure System"
+ [dlg_config-eo]="Agordu Sistemon"
+ [dlg_config-es]="Configuración del Sistema"
+ [dlg_config-gl]="Configuración do Sistema"
+ [dlg_config-pt]="Configuração do Sistema"
+ [hostname-en]="Enter Hostname:"
+ [hostname-es]="Introduce el nombre del sistema:"
+ [hostname-gl]="Introduce o nome do sistema:"
+ [hostname-pt]="Adicione o nome do sistema:"
+ [timezone-en]="Enter your Time Zone\ne.g. America/New_York\ne.g. Europe/Madrid:"
+ [timezone-eo]="Entajpu vian horzonon\ne.g. America/New_York\ne.g. Europe/Madrid:"
+ [timezone-es]="Introduce la Zona Horaria:\nPor ejemplo: America/New_York\nPor ejemplo: Europe/Madrid:"
+ [timezone-gl]="Introduce a Zona Horaria:\nPor ejemplo: America/New_York\nPor ejemplo: Europe/Madrid:"
+ [timezone-pt]="Adicione o Fuso Horário:\nPor exemplo: America/New_York\nexemplo: Europe/Madrid:"
+ [keymap-en]="Select Keymap:"
+ [keymap-eo]="Selektu Klavmapon:"
+ [keymap-es]="Selecciona la distribucion del teclado:"
+ [keymap-gl]="Selecciona a distribucion do teclado:"
+ [keymap-pt]="Escolha a distribuição do teclado:"
+ [locales-en]="Select Locales:"
+ [locales-eo]="Selektu Lokaĵaron:"
+ [locales-es]="Selecciona las Localizaciones:"
+ [locales-gl]="Selecciona as Localizacions:"
+ [locales-pt]="Escolha as Localizações:"
+ [language-en]="Select your language:"
+ [language-eo]="Selektu vian lingvon:"
+ [language-es]="Selecciona tu idioma:"
+ [language-gl]="Selecciona o teu idioma:"
+ [language-pt]="Escolha a sua língua:"
+ [root_pass-en]="Enter a password for the 'root' administator:"
+ [root_pass-eo]="Entajpu pasvorton por la 'root' ĉefuzanto:"
+ [root_pass-es]="Inserta la contraseña para el 'root' administrador:"
+ [root_pass-gl]="Insire o contrasinal para o 'root' administrador:"
+ [root_pass-pt]="Insira a senha para o 'root' administrador:"
+ [root_pass2-en]="Repeat the password for the 'root' administator:"
+ [root_pass2-eo]="Ripetu pasvorton por la 'root' ĉefuzanto:"
+ [root_pass2-es]="Repite la contraseña para el 'root' administrador:"
+ [root_pass2-gl]="Repite o contrasinal para o 'root' administrador:"
+ [root_pass2-pt]="Repita a senha para o 'root' administrador:"
+ ## ##
+ [notice_optional-en]="Parabola is now completely installed and usable. However, this installer has not installed a bootloader. A bootloader must be configured to boot Parabola. If you plan to configure a bootloader yourself, you can skip the next step. All of the remaining steps are strictly optional; but most people will want to install the GRUB bootloader, at least."
+ [notice_optional-eo]="Parabola estas nun instalita plene kaj uzeble. Kvankam, ĉi tio instalilo ne instalis praŝargilon. Se vi intencas manipuli la praŝargilon vi mem, vi povas preterpasi la sekva paŝo. Ĉuij el la restantaj paŝoj estas strikte laŭvolaj; sed plej homoj estus bezoni instali la GRUB praŝargilon, almenaŭ."
+ [notice_optional-es]="Parabola ahora está completamente instalado y utilizable. Sin embargo, este instalador no ha instalado un gestor de arranque. Se debe configurar un cargador de arranque para arrancar. Si planea gestionar el gestor de arranque usted mismo, puede omitir el siguiente paso. Todos los pasos restantes son estrictamente opcionales; pero la mayoría de las personas querrán instalar el gestor de arranque GRUB, al menos."
+ [notice_optional-gl]="Parabola está agora completamente instalado e utilizable. Non obstante, este instalador non instalou un bootloader. Debe configurarse un cargador de arranque para arrincar. Se planea arranxar o cargador de inicio, pode saltar o seguinte paso. Todos os pasos restantes son estrictamente opcionais; pero a maioría da xente quere instalar o cargador de arranque GRUB, polo menos."
+ [notice_optional-pt]="Parabola agora está completamente instalado e utilizável. No entanto, este instalador não instalou um gerenciador de inicialização. Um bootloader deve ser configurado para inicializar. Se você planeja alterar o gerenciador de inicialização, pode pular a próxima etapa. Todas as etapas restantes são estritamente opcionais; mas a maioria das pessoas desejará instalar o gerenciador de inicialização GRUB, pelo menos."
+ ## ##
+ [dlg_grub-en]="(Optional) Install GRUB"
+ [dlg_grub-eo]="(Laŭvola) Instalu GRUB"
+ [dlg_grub-es]="(Opcional) Instalar GRUB"
+ [dlg_grub-gl]="(Opcional) Instalar GRUB"
+ [dlg_grub-pt]="(Opcional) Instalar o GRUB"
+ [grub-en]="Would you like to install GRUB?"
+ [grub-eo]="Ĉu vi volas instali GRUB-on?"
+ [grub-es]="¿Desea instalar GRUB?"
+ [grub-gl]="¿Quere instalar GRUB?"
+ [grub-pt]="Deseja instalar o GRUB?"
+ ## ##
+ [dlg_wmde-en]="(Optional) Install Parabola Desktop"
+ [dlg_wmde-eo]="(Optional) Instalu Parabola Labortablon"
+ [dlg_wmde-es]="(Opcional) Instalar Parabola Escritorio"
+ [dlg_wmde-gl]="(Opcional) Instalar Parabola Escritorio"
+ [dlg_wmde-pt]="(Opcional) Instalar Parabola Ambiente Gráfico"
+ [gui-en]="Would you like to install a graphical desktop environment?"
+ [gui-eo]="Ĉu vi volas instali grafikan ĉirkaŭaĵon?"
+ [gui-es]="¿Desea la Escritorio?"
+ [gui-gl]="¿Quere a Escritorio?"
+ [gui-pt]="Deseja a Ambiente Gráfico?"
+ [wmde-en]="Select a graphical environment:"
+ [wmde-eo]="Selektu grafikan ĉirkaŭaĵon:"
+ [wmde-es]="Selecciona la Escritorio:"
+ [wmde-gl]="Selecciona a Escritorio:"
+ [wmde-pt]="Escolha a Ambiente Gráfico:"
+ [wmde_cli-en]="Command-line only"
+ [wmde_cli-eo]="Komandlinion nur"
+ [wmde_cli-es]="Solo línea de comandos"
+ [wmde_cli-gl]="Só en liña de comandos"
+ [wmde_cli-pt]="Apenas linha de comando"
+ [wmde_lxde-en]="LXDE desktop environment"
+ [wmde_lxde-eo]="LXDE labortablan ĉirkaŭaĵon"
+ [wmde_lxde-es]="LXDE entorno de escritorio"
+ [wmde_lxde-gl]="LXDE ambiente de escritorio"
+ [wmde_lxde-pt]="LXDE ambiente gráfico"
+ [wmde_mate-en]="Mate desktop environment"
+ [wmde_mate-eo]="Mate labortablan ĉirkaŭaĵon"
+ [wmde_mate-es]="Mate escritorio"
+ [wmde_mate-gl]="Mate escritorio"
+ [wmde_mate-pt]="Mate ambiente gráfico"
+ ## ##
+ [dlg_user-en]="(Optional) Create User Account"
+ [dlg_user-eo]="(Optional) Kreiu Konton de Uazanto"
+ [dlg_user-es]="(Opcional) Crear Cuenta de Usuario"
+ [dlg_user-gl]="(Opcional) Crear Conta de Usuario"
+ [dlg_user-pt]="(Opcional) Adicionar uma Conta de Usuário"
+ [user-en]="Would you like to create a login user?"
+ [user-eo]="Ĉu vi volas kreias salutan uzanton?"
+ [user-es]="¿Desea crear un usuario de inicio de sesión?"
+ [user-gl]="¿Quere crear un usuario de inicio de sesión?"
+ [user-pt]="Deseja criar um usuário de login?"
+ ## ##
+ [user_login-en]="Enter a username for the login user:"
+ [user_login-eo]="Entajpu uzantonomon por la salutan uzanto:"
+ [user_login-es]="Introduce nombre de usuario:"
+ [user_login-gl]="Introduce un nome de usuario:"
+ [user_login-pt]="Insira o nome do usuário:"
+ [user_pass-en]="Enter a password for login user:"
+ [user_pass-eo]="Entajpu pasvorton por la salutan uzanto:"
+ [user_pass-es]="Introduce la contraseñara para el usuario:"
+ [user_pass-gl]="Introduce o contrasinal para o usuario:"
+ [user_pass-pt]="Insira a senha para o usuário:"
+ [user_pass2-en]="Repeat the password for login user:"
+ [user_pass2-eo]="Ripetu pasvorton por la salutan uzanto:"
+ [user_pass2-es]="Repite la contraseñara para el usuario:"
+ [user_pass2-gl]="Repite o contrasinal:"
+ [user_pass2-pt]="Repita a senha:"
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/
index e6057bb..f4d9fab 100644
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/
+++ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/
@@ -75,10 +75,9 @@ then readonly INSTALL_TYPE='Complete' ; readonly NETWORK_MOTD_MSG=${COMPLETE_M
else readonly INSTALL_TYPE='NetInstall' ; readonly NETWORK_MOTD_MSG=${NETINSTALL_MSG} ;
-readonly ROOT_SKEL_FILES="/etc/skel/.bash_logout \
- /etc/skel/.bash_profile \
- /etc/skel/ \
- /etc/skel/"
+readonly ROOT_SKEL_FILES="/etc/skel/.bash_logout \
+ /etc/skel/.bash_profile \
+ /etc/skel/"
readonly MINI_SKEL_FILES="/etc/skel/.xinitrc"
readonly LIVE_USER=parabola
diff --git a/configs/profile/root-image/root/ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/
index 7dc98ef..4e5bb07 100755
--- a/configs/profile/root-image/root/
+++ b/configs/profile/root-image/root/
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ END
* )
- echo "invalid \$ISO_WMDE for _DESKTOP_SESSION_ '${ISO_WMDE}'"
+ echo "unknown \$ISO_WMDE for _DESKTOP_SESSION_ '${ISO_WMDE}'"
exit 1