AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-09-02Replace: Arch Linux -> Parabola GNU/Linux-libreEsteban Carnevale
2013-09-02Replace (excluding pacman-init.service and pacman.conf): (?<!@)archlinux -> p...Esteban Carnevale
2013-09-02Replace: -> .parabolagnulinux.orgEsteban Carnevale
2013-09-02Replace: https?:// -> https://parabolagnulinux.orgEsteban Carnevale
2013-09-02Replace string in all filenames: archiso -> parabolaisoEsteban Carnevale
2013-07-23[configs/releng] Unlist timestamp initcpio hookGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-06-29prepare releaseGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-06-28[archiso] updateGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-06-28[archiso] Document isohybrid-gpt boot methodGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-06-28[archiso] Document mirror= bootparamGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-06-27configs/releng: ppp 2.4.5-7 has been removed from the base group, add it to p...Thomas Bächler
2013-06-23[configs/releng] Update package list for grubGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-06-20[archiso] Add support to isohybrid-gpt for EFI bootGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-06-19[configs/releng] Add SecureBoot support via prebootloaderGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-06-16releng: Allow specifying a mirror on the kernel command line.Thomas Bächler
2013-06-04[configs/releng] Update zsh path to match /etc/shellsGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-05-30prepare releaseGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-05-30[configs/releng] Adjust TEXT HELP width of syslinux menus.Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-05-30[configs/releng] Remove lilo, not in repos anymoreGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-05-30prepare releaseGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-05-28[configs/releng] Use a udev rule instead of dhcpcd.serviceGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-05-26[configs/releng] Use drop-in feature of systemd for getty autologinGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-05-12[configs/releng] Add gpm and f2fs-toolsGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-05-12[archiso] /usr/sbin -> /usr/binGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-04-19[archiso] patch not needed anymoreGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-04-13[archiso] Prepare releaseGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-04-13[configs/releng] pacman 4.1 compatibilityPierre Schmitz
2013-03-30[archiso] Prepare releaseGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-03-06[configs/releng] packages: Update ntfs-*Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-03-05[configs/releng] gummiboot-efi -> gummibootGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-03-03[configs/releng] Use dhcpcd service provided by the package.Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-03-03[archiso] Fix find cmd in _cleanup()Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-02-28Prepare releaseGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-02-28[configs/releng] Use curl instead of wgetGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-02-03[configs/releng] usbinput -> keyboardGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-01-31[archiso] docs/* updateGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-01-08[archiso] Avoid integer overflow when .fs is > 10.2GGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-01-04[archiso] Prepare releaseGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-01-02[configs/baseline] Rework add run_once() like in releng profile and ...Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-01-02[configs/baseline] Use gzip (default) instead of xzGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2013-01-02[configs/baseline] Use relative paths for syslinux like in releng profileGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2012-12-26[archiso] Update README.buildGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2012-12-21[configs/releng] Refactor build only dual-isoGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2012-12-16[archiso] mkarchiso: Cleanup kernel(s) in /bootGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2012-12-16[archiso] mkarchiso: do not process aitab entry if arch differsGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2012-12-10[configs/releng] Always use x86_64 as primary source for dual-isoGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2012-12-10[archiso] mkarchiso: Disable lazy_itable_init (ext4)Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2012-12-10[archiso] mkarchiso: Use truncate instead of ddGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2012-12-10[archiso] Update README.knownissuesGerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2012-12-10[configs/baseline] Update mkinitcpio.conf for 0.12Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi