path: root/configs/lxde-openrc/SHA512SUMS
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-03-07Add sha512 checksums for EFI Shell blobsDavid P
And download them from the latest tag, based on the UDK2018 branch (to follow archiso{32}), instead of the UDK2018 branch, which (due to the nature of git branches) I would have to update the checksums everytime someone updates the .efi files (although it is, in theory, not going to happen, since it's a branch from last year, but nah...) This should be temporary until someone gets EdkShellPkg to build successfully, because I've been able to build ShellPkg, but EdkShellPkg breaks, and it would be stupid to have ShellPkg built from source in our repos but EdkShellPkg directly from Github. However, that can be discussed. Looks like we would have to ship an special toolchain for building EdkShellPkg, since it is unmaitained (and obsolete, in fact it is no longer in the master branch of edk2), it may work with older GCC versions (I tried gcc5, looks like there is an improvement, but still breaks) Signed-off-by: David P <>