path: root/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/geshi/docs/api/media/stylesheet.css
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2013-08-12 09:28:15 +0200
committerPierre Schmitz <>2013-08-12 09:28:15 +0200
commit08aa4418c30cfc18ccc69a0f0f9cb9e17be6c196 (patch)
tree577a29fb579188d16003a209ce2a2e9c5b0aa2bd /extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/geshi/docs/api/media/stylesheet.css
parentcacc939b34e315b85e2d72997811eb6677996cc1 (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.21.1
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/geshi/docs/api/media/stylesheet.css')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/geshi/docs/api/media/stylesheet.css b/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/geshi/docs/api/media/stylesheet.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96729b65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/geshi/docs/api/media/stylesheet.css
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
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