path: root/extensions/Vector/modules/ext.vector.collapsibleNav.js
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2013-12-08 09:55:49 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2013-12-08 09:55:49 +0100
commit4ac9fa081a7c045f6a9f1cfc529d82423f485b2e (patch)
treeaf68743f2f4a47d13f2b0eb05f5c4aaf86d8ea37 /extensions/Vector/modules/ext.vector.collapsibleNav.js
parentaf4da56f1ad4d3ef7b06557bae365da2ea27a897 (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.22.0
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/Vector/modules/ext.vector.collapsibleNav.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 253 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/Vector/modules/ext.vector.collapsibleNav.js b/extensions/Vector/modules/ext.vector.collapsibleNav.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 28a85676..00000000
--- a/extensions/Vector/modules/ext.vector.collapsibleNav.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
- * Collapisble navigation for Vector
- */
-( function ( mw, $ ) {
- "use strict";
- var map, version;
- // Use the same function for all navigation headings - don't repeat
- function toggle( $element ) {
- $.cookie(
- 'vector-nav-' + $element.parent().attr( 'id' ),
- $element.parent().is( '.collapsed' ),
- { 'expires': 30, 'path': '/' }
- );
- $element
- .parent()
- .toggleClass( 'expanded' )
- .toggleClass( 'collapsed' )
- .find( '.body' )
- .slideToggle( 'fast' );
- }
- /* Browser Support */
- map = {
- // Left-to-right languages
- ltr: {
- // Collapsible Nav is broken in Opera < 9.6 and Konqueror < 4
- opera: [['>=', 9.6]],
- konqueror: [['>=', 4.0]],
- blackberry: false,
- ipod: false,
- iphone: false,
- ps3: false
- },
- // Right-to-left languages
- rtl: {
- opera: [['>=', 9.6]],
- konqueror: [['>=', 4.0]],
- blackberry: false,
- ipod: false,
- iphone: false,
- ps3: false
- }
- };
- if ( !$.client.test( map ) ) {
- return true;
- }
- /* Bucket Testing */
- // Fallback to old version
- version = 1;
- // Allow new version override
- if ( mw.config.get( 'wgCollapsibleNavForceNewVersion' ) ) {
- version = 2;
- } else {
- // Make bucket testing optional
- if ( mw.config.get( 'wgCollapsibleNavBucketTest' ) ) {
- // This is be determined randomly, and then stored in a cookie
- version = $.cookie( 'vector-nav-pref-version' );
- // If the cookie didn't exist, or the value is out of range, generate a new one and save it
- if ( version === null ) {
- // 50% of the people will get the new version
- version = Math.round( Math.random() + 1 );
- $.cookie( 'vector-nav-pref-version', version, {
- expires: 30,
- path: '/'
- });
- }
- }
- }
- $( function ( $ ) {
- var limit, threshold, languages, acceptLangCookie,
- $primary, $secondary,
- i, $link, count,
- $headings, tabIndex;
- /* Special Language Portal Handling */
- // Language portal splitting feature (if it's turned on)
- if ( version === 2 ) {
- // How many links to show in the primary languages portal
- limit = 5;
- // How many links there must be in the secondary portal to justify having a secondary portal
- threshold = 3;
- // Make the interwiki language links list a secondary list, and create a new list before it as primary list
- $( '#p-lang ul' ).addClass( 'secondary' ).before( '<ul class="primary"></ul>' );
- // This is a list of languages in order of Wikipedia project size. This is the lowest fallback for choosing
- // which links to show in the primary list. Ideally the browser's accept-language headers should steer this
- // list, and we should fallback on a site configured (MediaWiki:Common.js) list of prefered languages.
- languages = [
- 'en', 'fr', 'de', 'es', 'pt', 'it', 'ru', 'ja', 'nl', 'pl', 'zh', 'sv', 'ar', 'tr', 'uk', 'fi', 'no', 'ca',
- 'ro', 'hu', 'ksh', 'id', 'he', 'cs', 'vi', 'ko', 'sr', 'fa', 'da', 'eo', 'sk', 'th', 'lt', 'vo', 'bg',
- 'sl', 'hr', 'hi', 'et', 'mk', 'simple', 'new', 'ms', 'nn', 'gl', 'el', 'eu', 'ka', 'tl', 'bn', 'lv', 'ml',
- 'bs', 'te', 'la', 'az', 'sh', 'war', 'br', 'is', 'mr', 'be-x-old', 'sq', 'cy', 'lb', 'ta', 'zh-classical',
- 'an', 'jv', 'ht', 'oc', 'bpy', 'ceb', 'ur', 'zh-yue', 'pms', 'scn', 'be', 'roa-rup', 'qu', 'af', 'sw',
- 'nds', 'fy', 'lmo', 'wa', 'ku', 'hy', 'su', 'yi', 'io', 'os', 'ga', 'ast', 'nap', 'vec', 'gu', 'cv',
- 'bat-smg', 'kn', 'uz', 'zh-min-nan', 'si', 'als', 'yo', 'li', 'gan', 'arz', 'sah', 'tt', 'bar', 'gd', 'tg',
- 'kk', 'pam', 'hsb', 'roa-tara', 'nah', 'mn', 'vls', 'gv', 'mi', 'am', 'ia', 'co', 'ne', 'fo', 'nds-nl',
- 'glk', 'mt', 'ang', 'wuu', 'dv', 'km', 'sco', 'bcl', 'mg', 'my', 'diq', 'tk', 'szl', 'ug', 'fiu-vro', 'sc',
- 'rm', 'nrm', 'ps', 'nv', 'hif', 'bo', 'se', 'sa', 'pnb', 'map-bms', 'lad', 'lij', 'crh', 'fur', 'kw', 'to',
- 'pa', 'jbo', 'ba', 'ilo', 'csb', 'wo', 'xal', 'krc', 'ckb', 'pag', 'ln', 'frp', 'mzn', 'ce', 'nov', 'kv',
- 'eml', 'gn', 'ky', 'pdc', 'lo', 'haw', 'mhr', 'dsb', 'stq', 'tpi', 'arc', 'hak', 'ie', 'so', 'bh', 'ext',
- 'mwl', 'sd', 'ig', 'myv', 'ay', 'iu', 'na', 'cu', 'pi', 'kl', 'ty', 'lbe', 'ab', 'got', 'sm', 'as', 'mo',
- 'ee', 'zea', 'av', 'ace', 'kg', 'bm', 'cdo', 'cbk-zam', 'kab', 'om', 'chr', 'pap', 'udm', 'ks', 'zu', 'rmy',
- 'cr', 'ch', 'st', 'ik', 'mdf', 'kaa', 'aa', 'fj', 'srn', 'tet', 'or', 'pnt', 'bug', 'ss', 'ts', 'pcd',
- 'pih', 'za', 'sg', 'lg', 'bxr', 'xh', 'ak', 'ha', 'bi', 've', 'tn', 'ff', 'dz', 'ti', 'ki', 'ny', 'rw',
- 'chy', 'tw', 'sn', 'tum', 'ng', 'rn', 'mh', 'ii', 'cho', 'hz', 'kr', 'ho', 'mus', 'kj'
- ];
- // If the user has an Accept-Language cookie, use it. Otherwise, set it asynchronously but keep the default
- // behavior for this page view.
- acceptLangCookie = $.cookie( 'accept-language' );
- if ( acceptLangCookie !== null ) {
- // Put the user's accepted languages before the list ordered by wiki size
- if ( acceptLangCookie !== '' ) {
- languages = acceptLangCookie.split( ',' ).concat( languages );
- }
- } else {
- $.getJSON(
- mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
- 'format=json&action=query&meta=userinfo&uiprop=acceptlang',
- function ( data ) {
- var langs = [], j, len, lang;
- if ( data.query &&
- data.query.userinfo &&
- data.query.userinfo.acceptlang !== undefined
- ) {
- for ( j = 0, lang = data.query.userinfo.acceptlang, len = lang.length; j < len; j++ ) {
- if ( lang[j].q !== 0 ) {
- langs.push( lang[j]['*'] );
- }
- }
- }
- $.cookie( 'accept-language', langs.join( ',' ), {
- path: '/',
- expires: 30
- });
- }
- );
- }
- // Shortcuts to the two lists
- $primary = $( '#p-lang ul.primary' );
- $secondary = $( '#p-lang ul.secondary' );
- // Adjust the limit based on the threshold
- if ( $secondary.children().length < limit + threshold ) {
- limit += threshold;
- }
- // Move up to 5 of the links into the primary list, based on the priorities set forth in the languages list
- count = 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < languages.length; i++ ) {
- $link = $secondary.find( '.interwiki-' + languages[i] );
- if ( $link.length ) {
- if ( count++ < limit ) {
- $link.appendTo( $primary );
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // If there's still links in the secondary list and we havn't filled the primary list to it's limit yet, move
- // links into the primary list in order of appearance
- if ( count < limit ) {
- $secondary.children().each( function () {
- if ( count++ < limit ) {
- $(this).appendTo( $primary );
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- } );
- }
- // Hide the more portal if it's now empty, otherwise make the list into it's very own portal
- if ( $secondary.children().length === 0 ) {
- $secondary.remove();
- } else {
- $( '#p-lang' ).after( '<div id="p-lang-more" class="portal"><h3></h3><div class="body"></div></div>' );
- $( '#p-lang-more h3' ).text( mw.msg( 'vector-collapsiblenav-more' ) );
- $secondary.appendTo( $( '#p-lang-more .body' ) );
- }
- // Always show the primary interwiki language portal
- $( '#p-lang' ).addClass( 'persistent' );
- }
- /* General Portal Modification */
- // Always show the first portal
- $( '#mw-panel > .portal:first' ).addClass( 'first persistent' );
- // Apply a class to the entire panel to activate styles
- $( '#mw-panel' ).addClass( 'collapsible-nav' );
- // Use cookie data to restore preferences of what to show and hide
- $( '#mw-panel > .portal:not(.persistent)' )
- .each( function ( i ) {
- var id = $(this).attr( 'id' ),
- state = $.cookie( 'vector-nav-' + id );
- // Add anchor tag to heading for better accessibility
- $( this ).find( 'h3, h5' ).wrapInner( $( '<a href="#"></a>' ).click( false ) );
- // In the case that we are not showing the new version, let's show the languages by default
- if (
- state === 'true' ||
- ( state === null && i < 1 ) ||
- ( state === null && version === 1 && id === 'p-lang' )
- ) {
- $(this)
- .addClass( 'expanded' )
- .removeClass( 'collapsed' )
- .find( '.body' )
- .hide() // bug 34450
- .show();
- } else {
- $(this)
- .addClass( 'collapsed' )
- .removeClass( 'expanded' );
- }
- // Re-save cookie
- if ( state !== null ) {
- $.cookie( 'vector-nav-' + $(this).attr( 'id' ), state, { 'expires': 30, 'path': '/' } );
- }
- } );
- /* Tab Indexing */
- $headings = $( '#mw-panel > .portal:not(.persistent) > h3, #mw-panel > .portal:not(.persistent) > h5' );
- // Get the highest tab index
- tabIndex = $( document ).lastTabIndex() + 1;
- // Fix the search not having a tabindex
- $( '#searchInput' ).attr( 'tabindex', tabIndex++ );
- // Make it keyboard accessible
- $headings.attr( 'tabindex', function () {
- return tabIndex++;
- });
- // Toggle the selected menu's class and expand or collapse the menu
- $( '#mw-panel' )
- .delegate( '.portal:not(.persistent) > h3, .portal:not(.persistent) > h5', 'keydown', function ( e ) {
- // Make the space and enter keys act as a click
- if ( e.which === 13 /* Enter */ || e.which === 32 /* Space */ ) {
- toggle( $(this) );
- }
- } )
- .delegate( '.portal:not(.persistent) > h3, .portal:not(.persistent) > h5', 'mousedown', function ( e ) {
- if ( e.which !== 3 ) { // Right mouse click
- toggle( $(this) );
- $(this).blur();
- }
- return false;
- } );
- });
-}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );