path: root/includes/Credits.php
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2009-02-22 13:37:51 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2009-02-22 13:37:51 +0100
commitb9b85843572bf283f48285001e276ba7e61b63f6 (patch)
tree4c6f4571552ada9ccfb4030481dcf77308f8b254 /includes/Credits.php
parentd9a20acc4e789cca747ad360d87ee3f3e7aa58c1 (diff)
updated to MediaWiki 1.14.0
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/Credits.php')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 140 deletions
diff --git a/includes/Credits.php b/includes/Credits.php
index 6326e3a2..ae9377f2 100644
--- a/includes/Credits.php
+++ b/includes/Credits.php
@@ -20,167 +20,187 @@
* @author <>
- * This is largely cadged from PageHistory::history
- */
-function showCreditsPage($article) {
- global $wgOut;
- $fname = 'showCreditsPage';
- wfProfileIn( $fname );
- $wgOut->setPageTitle( $article->mTitle->getPrefixedText() );
- $wgOut->setSubtitle( wfMsg( 'creditspage' ) );
- $wgOut->setArticleFlag( false );
- $wgOut->setArticleRelated( true );
- $wgOut->setRobotpolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' );
- if( $article->mTitle->getArticleID() == 0 ) {
- $s = wfMsg( 'nocredits' );
- } else {
- $s = getCredits($article, -1);
- }
- $wgOut->addHTML( $s );
- wfProfileOut( $fname );
-function getCredits($article, $cnt, $showIfMax=true) {
- $fname = 'getCredits';
- wfProfileIn( $fname );
- $s = '';
- if (isset($cnt) && $cnt != 0) {
- $s = getAuthorCredits($article);
- if ($cnt > 1 || $cnt < 0) {
- $s .= ' ' . getContributorCredits($article, $cnt - 1, $showIfMax);
+class Credits {
+ /**
+ * This is largely cadged from PageHistory::history
+ * @param $article Article object
+ */
+ public static function showPage( Article $article ) {
+ global $wgOut;
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ $wgOut->setPageTitle( $article->mTitle->getPrefixedText() );
+ $wgOut->setSubtitle( wfMsg( 'creditspage' ) );
+ $wgOut->setArticleFlag( false );
+ $wgOut->setArticleRelated( true );
+ $wgOut->setRobotPolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' );
+ if( $article->mTitle->getArticleID() == 0 ) {
+ $s = wfMsg( 'nocredits' );
+ } else {
+ $s = self::getCredits($article, -1 );
+ $wgOut->addHTML( $s );
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
- wfProfileOut( $fname );
- return $s;
- *
- */
-function getAuthorCredits($article) {
- global $wgLang, $wgAllowRealName;
- $last_author = $article->getUser();
- if ($last_author == 0) {
- $author_credit = wfMsg('anonymous');
- } else {
- if($wgAllowRealName) { $real_name = User::whoIsReal($last_author); }
- $user_name = User::whoIs($last_author);
- if (!empty($real_name)) {
- $author_credit = creditLink($user_name, $real_name);
- } else {
- $author_credit = wfMsg('siteuser', creditLink($user_name));
+ /**
+ * Get a list of contributors of $article
+ * @param $article Article object
+ * @param $cnt Int: maximum list of contributors to show
+ * @param $showIfMax Bool: whether to contributors if there more than $cnt
+ * @return String: html
+ */
+ public static function getCredits($article, $cnt, $showIfMax=true) {
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ $s = '';
+ if( isset( $cnt ) && $cnt != 0 ){
+ $s = self::getAuthor( $article );
+ if ($cnt > 1 || $cnt < 0) {
+ $s .= ' ' . self::getContributors( $article, $cnt - 1, $showIfMax );
+ }
- }
- $timestamp = $article->getTimestamp();
- if ($timestamp) {
- $d = $wgLang->date($article->getTimestamp(), true);
- $t = $wgLang->time($article->getTimestamp(), true);
- } else {
- $d = '';
- $t = '';
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return $s;
- return wfMsg('lastmodifiedatby', $d, $t, $author_credit);
- *
- */
-function getContributorCredits($article, $cnt, $showIfMax) {
- global $wgLang, $wgAllowRealName;
- $contributors = $article->getContributors();
+ /**
+ * Get the last author with the last modification time
+ * @param $article Article object
+ */
+ protected static function getAuthor( Article $article ){
+ global $wgLang, $wgAllowRealName;
- $others_link = '';
+ $user = User::newFromId( $article->getUser() );
- # Hmm... too many to fit!
- if ($cnt > 0 && count($contributors) > $cnt) {
- $others_link = creditOthersLink($article);
- if (!$showIfMax) {
- return wfMsg('othercontribs', $others_link);
+ $timestamp = $article->getTimestamp();
+ if( $timestamp ){
+ $d = $wgLang->date( $article->getTimestamp(), true );
+ $t = $wgLang->time( $article->getTimestamp(), true );
} else {
- $contributors = array_slice($contributors, 0, $cnt);
+ $d = '';
+ $t = '';
+ return wfMsg( 'lastmodifiedatby', $d, $t, self::userLink( $user ) );
- $real_names = array();
- $user_names = array();
- $anon = '';
- # Sift for real versus user names
- foreach ($contributors as $user_parts) {
- if ($user_parts[0] != 0) {
- if ($wgAllowRealName && !empty($user_parts[2])) {
- $real_names[] = creditLink($user_parts[1], $user_parts[2]);
+ /**
+ * Get a list of contributors of $article
+ * @param $article Article object
+ * @param $cnt Int: maximum list of contributors to show
+ * @param $showIfMax Bool: whether to contributors if there more than $cnt
+ * @return String: html
+ */
+ protected static function getContributors( Article $article, $cnt, $showIfMax ) {
+ global $wgLang, $wgAllowRealName;
+ $contributors = $article->getContributors();
+ $others_link = '';
+ # Hmm... too many to fit!
+ if( $cnt > 0 && $contributors->count() > $cnt ){
+ $others_link = self::othersLink( $article );
+ if( !$showIfMax )
+ return wfMsg( 'othercontribs', $others_link );
+ }
+ $real_names = array();
+ $user_names = array();
+ $anon = 0;
+ # Sift for real versus user names
+ foreach( $contributors as $user ) {
+ $cnt--;
+ if( $user->isLoggedIn() ){
+ $link = self::link( $user );
+ if( $wgAllowRealName && $user->getRealName() )
+ $real_names[] = $link;
+ else
+ $user_names[] = $link;
} else {
- $user_names[] = creditLink($user_parts[1]);
+ $anon++;
+ }
+ if( $cnt == 0 ) break;
+ }
+ # Two strings: real names, and user names
+ $real = $wgLang->listToText( $real_names );
+ $user = $wgLang->listToText( $user_names );
+ if( $anon )
+ $anon = wfMsgExt( 'anonymous', array( 'parseinline' ), $anon );
+ # "ThisSite user(s) A, B and C"
+ if( !empty( $user ) ){
+ $user = wfMsgExt( 'siteusers', array( 'parsemag' ), $user, count( $user_names ) );
+ }
+ # This is the big list, all mooshed together. We sift for blank strings
+ $fulllist = array();
+ foreach( array( $real, $user, $anon, $others_link ) as $s ){
+ if( !empty( $s ) ){
+ array_push( $fulllist, $s );
- } else {
- $anon = wfMsg('anonymous');
- }
- # Two strings: real names, and user names
- $real = $wgLang->listToText($real_names);
- $user = $wgLang->listToText($user_names);
- # "ThisSite user(s) A, B and C"
+ # Make the list into text...
+ $creds = $wgLang->listToText( $fulllist );
- if (!empty($user)) {
- $user = wfMsg('siteusers', $user);
+ # "Based on work by ..."
+ return empty( $creds ) ? '' : wfMsg( 'othercontribs', $creds );
- # This is the big list, all mooshed together. We sift for blank strings
- $fulllist = array();
+ /**
+ * Get a link to $user_name page
+ * @param $user User object
+ * @return String: html
+ */
+ protected static function link( User $user ) {
+ global $wgUser, $wgAllowRealName;
+ if( $wgAllowRealName )
+ $real = $user->getRealName();
+ else
+ $real = false;
+ $skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
+ $page = $user->getUserPage();
+ return $skin->link( $page, htmlspecialchars( $real ? $real : $user->getName() ) );
+ }
- foreach (array($real, $user, $anon, $others_link) as $s) {
- if (!empty($s)) {
- array_push($fulllist, $s);
+ /**
+ * Get a link to $user_name page
+ * @param $user_name String: user name
+ * @param $linkText String: optional display
+ * @return String: html
+ */
+ protected static function userLink( User $user ) {
+ global $wgUser, $wgAllowRealName;
+ if( $user->isAnon() ){
+ return wfMsgExt( 'anonymous', array( 'parseinline' ), 1 );
+ } else {
+ $link = self::link( $user );
+ if( $wgAllowRealName && $user->getRealName() )
+ return $link;
+ else
+ return wfMsgExt( 'siteuser', array( 'parseinline', 'replaceafter' ), $link );
- # Make the list into text...
- $creds = $wgLang->listToText($fulllist);
- # "Based on work by ..."
- return (empty($creds)) ? '' : wfMsg('othercontribs', $creds);
- *
- */
-function creditLink($user_name, $link_text = '') {
- global $wgUser, $wgContLang;
- $skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
- return $skin->makeLink($wgContLang->getNsText(NS_USER) . ':' . $user_name,
- htmlspecialchars( (empty($link_text)) ? $user_name : $link_text ));
- *
- */
-function creditOthersLink($article) {
- global $wgUser;
- $skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
- return $skin->makeKnownLink($article->mTitle->getPrefixedText(), wfMsg('others'), 'action=credits');
+ /**
+ * Get a link to action=credits of $article page
+ * @param $article Article object
+ * @return String: html
+ */
+ protected static function othersLink( Article $article ) {
+ global $wgUser;
+ $skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
+ return $skin->link( $article->getTitle(), wfMsgHtml( 'others' ), array(), array( 'action' => 'credits' ), array( 'known' ) );
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file