path: root/includes/MacBinary.php
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2006-10-11 18:12:39 +0000
committerPierre Schmitz <>2006-10-11 18:12:39 +0000
commit183851b06bd6c52f3cae5375f433da720d410447 (patch)
treea477257decbf3360127f6739c2f9d0ec57a03d39 /includes/MacBinary.php
MediaWiki 1.7.1 wiederhergestellt
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/MacBinary.php')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/MacBinary.php b/includes/MacBinary.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05c3ce5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/MacBinary.php
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+ * MacBinary signature checker and data fork extractor, for files
+ * uploaded from Internet Explorer for Mac.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Brion Vibber <>
+ * Portions based on Convert::BinHex by Eryq et al
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ * @package MediaWiki
+ * @subpackage SpecialPage
+ */
+class MacBinary {
+ function MacBinary( $filename ) {
+ $this->open( $filename );
+ $this->loadHeader();
+ }
+ /**
+ * The file must be seekable, such as local filesystem.
+ * Remote URLs probably won't work.
+ *
+ * @param string $filename
+ */
+ function open( $filename ) {
+ $this->valid = false;
+ $this->version = 0;
+ $this->filename = '';
+ $this->dataLength = 0;
+ $this->resourceLength = 0;
+ $this->handle = fopen( $filename, 'rb' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Does this appear to be a valid MacBinary archive?
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ function isValid() {
+ return $this->valid;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get length of data fork
+ * @return int
+ */
+ function dataForkLength() {
+ return $this->dataLength;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Copy the data fork to an external file or resource.
+ * @param resource $destination
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ function extractData( $destination ) {
+ if( !$this->isValid() ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Data fork appears immediately after header
+ fseek( $this->handle, 128 );
+ return $this->copyBytesTo( $destination, $this->dataLength );
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ function close() {
+ fclose( $this->handle );
+ }
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Check if the given file appears to be MacBinary-encoded,
+ * as Internet Explorer on Mac OS may provide for unknown types.
+ *
+ * If ok, load header data.
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ * @access private
+ */
+ function loadHeader() {
+ $fname = 'MacBinary::loadHeader';
+ fseek( $this->handle, 0 );
+ $head = fread( $this->handle, 128 );
+ $this->hexdump( $head );
+ if( strlen( $head ) < 128 ) {
+ wfDebug( "$fname: couldn't read full MacBinary header\n" );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( $head{0} != "\x00" || $head{74} != "\x00" ) {
+ wfDebug( "$fname: header bytes 0 and 74 not null\n" );
+ return false;
+ }
+ $signature = substr( $head, 102, 4 );
+ $a = unpack( "ncrc", substr( $head, 124, 2 ) );
+ $storedCRC = $a['crc'];
+ $calculatedCRC = $this->calcCRC( substr( $head, 0, 124 ) );
+ if( $storedCRC == $calculatedCRC ) {
+ if( $signature == 'mBIN' ) {
+ $this->version = 3;
+ } else {
+ $this->version = 2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $crc = sprintf( "%x != %x", $storedCRC, $calculatedCRC );
+ if( $storedCRC == 0 && $head{82} == "\x00" &&
+ substr( $head, 101, 24 ) == str_repeat( "\x00", 24 ) ) {
+ wfDebug( "$fname: no CRC, looks like MacBinary I\n" );
+ $this->version = 1;
+ } elseif( $signature == 'mBIN' && $storedCRC == 0x185 ) {
+ // Mac IE 5.0 seems to insert this value in the CRC field.
+ // 5.2.3 works correctly; don't know about other versions.
+ wfDebug( "$fname: CRC doesn't match ($crc), looks like Mac IE 5.0\n" );
+ $this->version = 3;
+ } else {
+ wfDebug( "$fname: CRC doesn't match ($crc) and not MacBinary I\n" );
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ $nameLength = ord( $head{1} );
+ if( $nameLength < 1 || $nameLength > 63 ) {
+ wfDebug( "$fname: invalid filename size $nameLength\n" );
+ return false;
+ }
+ $this->filename = substr( $head, 2, $nameLength );
+ $forks = unpack( "Ndata/Nresource", substr( $head, 83, 8 ) );
+ $this->dataLength = $forks['data'];
+ $this->resourceLength = $forks['resource'];
+ $maxForkLength = 0x7fffff;
+ if( $this->dataLength < 0 || $this->dataLength > $maxForkLength ) {
+ wfDebug( "$fname: invalid data fork length $this->dataLength\n" );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( $this->resourceLength < 0 || $this->resourceLength > $maxForkLength ) {
+ wfDebug( "$fname: invalid resource fork size $this->resourceLength\n" );
+ return false;
+ }
+ wfDebug( "$fname: appears to be MacBinary $this->version, data length $this->dataLength\n" );
+ $this->valid = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculate a 16-bit CRC value as for MacBinary headers.
+ * Adapted from perl5 Convert::BinHex by Eryq,
+ * based on the mcvert utility (Doug Moore, April '87),
+ * with magic array thingy by Jim Van Verth.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param string $data
+ * @param int $seed
+ * @return int
+ * @access private
+ */
+ function calcCRC( $data, $seed = 0 ) {
+ # An array useful for CRC calculations that use 0x1021 as the "seed":
+ $MAGIC = array(
+ 0x0000, 0x1021, 0x2042, 0x3063, 0x4084, 0x50a5, 0x60c6, 0x70e7,
+ 0x8108, 0x9129, 0xa14a, 0xb16b, 0xc18c, 0xd1ad, 0xe1ce, 0xf1ef,
+ 0x1231, 0x0210, 0x3273, 0x2252, 0x52b5, 0x4294, 0x72f7, 0x62d6,
+ 0x9339, 0x8318, 0xb37b, 0xa35a, 0xd3bd, 0xc39c, 0xf3ff, 0xe3de,
+ 0x2462, 0x3443, 0x0420, 0x1401, 0x64e6, 0x74c7, 0x44a4, 0x5485,
+ 0xa56a, 0xb54b, 0x8528, 0x9509, 0xe5ee, 0xf5cf, 0xc5ac, 0xd58d,
+ 0x3653, 0x2672, 0x1611, 0x0630, 0x76d7, 0x66f6, 0x5695, 0x46b4,
+ 0xb75b, 0xa77a, 0x9719, 0x8738, 0xf7df, 0xe7fe, 0xd79d, 0xc7bc,
+ 0x48c4, 0x58e5, 0x6886, 0x78a7, 0x0840, 0x1861, 0x2802, 0x3823,
+ 0xc9cc, 0xd9ed, 0xe98e, 0xf9af, 0x8948, 0x9969, 0xa90a, 0xb92b,
+ 0x5af5, 0x4ad4, 0x7ab7, 0x6a96, 0x1a71, 0x0a50, 0x3a33, 0x2a12,
+ 0xdbfd, 0xcbdc, 0xfbbf, 0xeb9e, 0x9b79, 0x8b58, 0xbb3b, 0xab1a,
+ 0x6ca6, 0x7c87, 0x4ce4, 0x5cc5, 0x2c22, 0x3c03, 0x0c60, 0x1c41,
+ 0xedae, 0xfd8f, 0xcdec, 0xddcd, 0xad2a, 0xbd0b, 0x8d68, 0x9d49,
+ 0x7e97, 0x6eb6, 0x5ed5, 0x4ef4, 0x3e13, 0x2e32, 0x1e51, 0x0e70,
+ 0xff9f, 0xefbe, 0xdfdd, 0xcffc, 0xbf1b, 0xaf3a, 0x9f59, 0x8f78,
+ 0x9188, 0x81a9, 0xb1ca, 0xa1eb, 0xd10c, 0xc12d, 0xf14e, 0xe16f,
+ 0x1080, 0x00a1, 0x30c2, 0x20e3, 0x5004, 0x4025, 0x7046, 0x6067,
+ 0x83b9, 0x9398, 0xa3fb, 0xb3da, 0xc33d, 0xd31c, 0xe37f, 0xf35e,
+ 0x02b1, 0x1290, 0x22f3, 0x32d2, 0x4235, 0x5214, 0x6277, 0x7256,
+ 0xb5ea, 0xa5cb, 0x95a8, 0x8589, 0xf56e, 0xe54f, 0xd52c, 0xc50d,
+ 0x34e2, 0x24c3, 0x14a0, 0x0481, 0x7466, 0x6447, 0x5424, 0x4405,
+ 0xa7db, 0xb7fa, 0x8799, 0x97b8, 0xe75f, 0xf77e, 0xc71d, 0xd73c,
+ 0x26d3, 0x36f2, 0x0691, 0x16b0, 0x6657, 0x7676, 0x4615, 0x5634,
+ 0xd94c, 0xc96d, 0xf90e, 0xe92f, 0x99c8, 0x89e9, 0xb98a, 0xa9ab,
+ 0x5844, 0x4865, 0x7806, 0x6827, 0x18c0, 0x08e1, 0x3882, 0x28a3,
+ 0xcb7d, 0xdb5c, 0xeb3f, 0xfb1e, 0x8bf9, 0x9bd8, 0xabbb, 0xbb9a,
+ 0x4a75, 0x5a54, 0x6a37, 0x7a16, 0x0af1, 0x1ad0, 0x2ab3, 0x3a92,
+ 0xfd2e, 0xed0f, 0xdd6c, 0xcd4d, 0xbdaa, 0xad8b, 0x9de8, 0x8dc9,
+ 0x7c26, 0x6c07, 0x5c64, 0x4c45, 0x3ca2, 0x2c83, 0x1ce0, 0x0cc1,
+ 0xef1f, 0xff3e, 0xcf5d, 0xdf7c, 0xaf9b, 0xbfba, 0x8fd9, 0x9ff8,
+ 0x6e17, 0x7e36, 0x4e55, 0x5e74, 0x2e93, 0x3eb2, 0x0ed1, 0x1ef0
+ );
+ $len = strlen( $data );
+ $crc = $seed;
+ for( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
+ $crc ^= ord( $data{$i} ) << 8;
+ $crc &= 0xFFFF;
+ $crc = ($crc << 8) ^ $MAGIC[$crc >> 8];
+ $crc &= 0xFFFF;
+ }
+ return $crc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param resource $destination
+ * @param int $bytesToCopy
+ * @return bool
+ * @access private
+ */
+ function copyBytesTo( $destination, $bytesToCopy ) {
+ $bufferSize = 65536;
+ for( $remaining = $bytesToCopy; $remaining > 0; $remaining -= $bufferSize ) {
+ $thisChunkSize = min( $remaining, $bufferSize );
+ $buffer = fread( $this->handle, $thisChunkSize );
+ fwrite( $destination, $buffer );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Hex dump of the header for debugging
+ * @access private
+ */
+ function hexdump( $data ) {
+ global $wgDebugLogFile;
+ if( !$wgDebugLogFile ) return;
+ $width = 16;
+ $at = 0;
+ for( $remaining = strlen( $data ); $remaining > 0; $remaining -= $width ) {
+ $line = sprintf( "%04x:", $at );
+ $printable = '';
+ for( $i = 0; $i < $width && $remaining - $i > 0; $i++ ) {
+ $byte = ord( $data{$at++} );
+ $line .= sprintf( " %02x", $byte );
+ $printable .= ($byte >= 32 && $byte <= 126 )
+ ? chr( $byte )
+ : '.';
+ }
+ if( $i < $width ) {
+ $line .= str_repeat( ' ', $width - $i );
+ }
+ wfDebug( "MacBinary: $line $printable\n" );
+ }
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file