path: root/includes/SpecialProtectedpages.php
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2008-12-15 18:02:47 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2008-12-15 18:02:47 +0100
commit396b28f3d881f5debd888ba9bb9b47c2d478a76f (patch)
tree10d6e1a721ee4ef69def34a57f02d7eb3fc9e31e /includes/SpecialProtectedpages.php
parent0be4d3ccf6c4fe98a72704f9463ecdea2ee5e615 (diff)
update to Mediawiki 1.13.3; some cleanups
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/SpecialProtectedpages.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 287 deletions
diff --git a/includes/SpecialProtectedpages.php b/includes/SpecialProtectedpages.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 60a8d602..00000000
--- a/includes/SpecialProtectedpages.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
- *
- * @addtogroup SpecialPage
- */
- * @todo document
- * @addtogroup SpecialPage
- */
-class ProtectedPagesForm {
- protected $IdLevel = 'level';
- protected $IdType = 'type';
- function showList( $msg = '' ) {
- global $wgOut, $wgRequest;
- $wgOut->setPagetitle( wfMsg( "protectedpages" ) );
- if ( "" != $msg ) {
- $wgOut->setSubtitle( $msg );
- }
- // Purge expired entries on one in every 10 queries
- if ( !mt_rand( 0, 10 ) ) {
- Title::purgeExpiredRestrictions();
- }
- $type = $wgRequest->getVal( $this->IdType );
- $level = $wgRequest->getVal( $this->IdLevel );
- $sizetype = $wgRequest->getVal( 'sizetype' );
- $size = $wgRequest->getIntOrNull( 'size' );
- $NS = $wgRequest->getIntOrNull( 'namespace' );
- $pager = new ProtectedPagesPager( $this, array(), $type, $level, $NS, $sizetype, $size );
- $wgOut->addHTML( $this->showOptions( $NS, $type, $level, $sizetype, $size ) );
- if ( $pager->getNumRows() ) {
- $s = $pager->getNavigationBar();
- $s .= "<ul>" .
- $pager->getBody() .
- "</ul>";
- $s .= $pager->getNavigationBar();
- } else {
- $s = '<p>' . wfMsgHtml( 'protectedpagesempty' ) . '</p>';
- }
- $wgOut->addHTML( $s );
- }
- /**
- * Callback function to output a restriction
- */
- function formatRow( $row ) {
- global $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgContLang;
- wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
- static $skin=null;
- if( is_null( $skin ) )
- $skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
- $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( $row->page_namespace, $row->page_title );
- $link = $skin->makeLinkObj( $title );
- $description_items = array ();
- $protType = wfMsgHtml( 'restriction-level-' . $row->pr_level );
- $description_items[] = $protType;
- if ( $row->pr_cascade ) {
- $description_items[] = wfMsg( 'protect-summary-cascade' );
- }
- $expiry_description = ''; $stxt = '';
- if ( $row->pr_expiry != 'infinity' && strlen($row->pr_expiry) ) {
- $expiry = Block::decodeExpiry( $row->pr_expiry );
- $expiry_description = wfMsgForContent( 'protect-expiring', $wgLang->timeanddate( $expiry ) );
- $description_items[] = $expiry_description;
- }
- if (!is_null($size = $row->page_len)) {
- if ($size == 0)
- $stxt = ' <small>' . wfMsgHtml('historyempty') . '</small>';
- else
- $stxt = ' <small>' . wfMsgHtml('historysize', $wgLang->formatNum( $size ) ) . '</small>';
- $stxt = $wgContLang->getDirMark() . $stxt;
- }
- wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
- return '<li>' . wfSpecialList( $link . $stxt, implode( $description_items, ', ' ) ) . "</li>\n";
- }
- /**
- * @param $namespace int
- * @param $type string
- * @param $level string
- * @param $minsize int
- * @private
- */
- function showOptions( $namespace, $type='edit', $level, $sizetype, $size ) {
- global $wgScript;
- $action = htmlspecialchars( $wgScript );
- $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'ProtectedPages' );
- $special = htmlspecialchars( $title->getPrefixedDBkey() );
- return "<form action=\"$action\" method=\"get\">\n" .
- '<fieldset>' .
- Xml::element( 'legend', array(), wfMsg( 'protectedpages' ) ) .
- Xml::hidden( 'title', $special ) . "&nbsp;\n" .
- $this->getNamespaceMenu( $namespace ) . "&nbsp;\n" .
- $this->getTypeMenu( $type ) . "&nbsp;\n" .
- $this->getLevelMenu( $level ) . "<br/>\n" .
- $this->getSizeLimit( $sizetype, $size ) . "\n" .
- "&nbsp;" . Xml::submitButton( wfMsg( 'allpagessubmit' ) ) . "\n" .
- "</fieldset></form>";
- }
- /**
- * Prepare the namespace filter drop-down; standard namespace
- * selector, sans the MediaWiki namespace
- *
- * @param mixed $namespace Pre-select namespace
- * @return string
- */
- function getNamespaceMenu( $namespace = null ) {
- return Xml::label( wfMsg( 'namespace' ), 'namespace' )
- . '&nbsp;'
- . Xml::namespaceSelector( $namespace, '' );
- }
- /**
- * @return string Formatted HTML
- * @private
- */
- function getSizeLimit( $sizetype, $size ) {
- $out = Xml::radio( 'sizetype', 'min', ($sizetype=='min'), array('id' => 'wpmin') );
- $out .= Xml::label( wfMsg("minimum-size"), 'wpmin' );
- $out .= "&nbsp;".Xml::radio( 'sizetype', 'max', ($sizetype=='max'), array('id' => 'wpmax') );
- $out .= Xml::label( wfMsg("maximum-size"), 'wpmax' );
- $out .= "&nbsp;".Xml::input('size', 9, $size, array( 'id' => 'wpsize' ) );
- $out .= ' '.wfMsgHtml('pagesize');
- return $out;
- }
- /**
- * @return string Formatted HTML
- * @private
- */
- function getTypeMenu( $pr_type ) {
- global $wgRestrictionTypes;
- $m = array(); // Temporary array
- $options = array();
- // First pass to load the log names
- foreach( $wgRestrictionTypes as $type ) {
- $text = wfMsg("restriction-$type");
- $m[$text] = $type;
- }
- // Third pass generates sorted XHTML content
- foreach( $m as $text => $type ) {
- $selected = ($type == $pr_type );
- $options[] = Xml::option( $text, $type, $selected ) . "\n";
- }
- return
- Xml::label( wfMsg('restriction-type') , $this->IdType ) . '&nbsp;' .
- Xml::tags( 'select',
- array( 'id' => $this->IdType, 'name' => $this->IdType ),
- implode( "\n", $options ) );
- }
- /**
- * @return string Formatted HTML
- * @private
- */
- function getLevelMenu( $pr_level ) {
- global $wgRestrictionLevels;
- $m = array( wfMsg('restriction-level-all') => 0 ); // Temporary array
- $options = array();
- // First pass to load the log names
- foreach( $wgRestrictionLevels as $type ) {
- if ( $type !='' && $type !='*') {
- $text = wfMsg("restriction-level-$type");
- $m[$text] = $type;
- }
- }
- // Third pass generates sorted XHTML content
- foreach( $m as $text => $type ) {
- $selected = ($type == $pr_level );
- $options[] = Xml::option( $text, $type, $selected );
- }
- return
- Xml::label( wfMsg('restriction-level') , $this->IdLevel ) . '&nbsp;' .
- Xml::tags( 'select',
- array( 'id' => $this->IdLevel, 'name' => $this->IdLevel ),
- implode( "\n", $options ) );
- }
- * @todo document
- * @addtogroup Pager
- */
-class ProtectedPagesPager extends AlphabeticPager {
- public $mForm, $mConds;
- function __construct( $form, $conds = array(), $type, $level, $namespace, $sizetype='', $size=0 ) {
- $this->mForm = $form;
- $this->mConds = $conds;
- $this->type = ( $type ) ? $type : 'edit';
- $this->level = $level;
- $this->namespace = $namespace;
- $this->sizetype = $sizetype;
- $this->size = intval($size);
- parent::__construct();
- }
- function getStartBody() {
- wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
- # Do a link batch query
- $this->mResult->seek( 0 );
- $lb = new LinkBatch;
- while ( $row = $this->mResult->fetchObject() ) {
- $lb->add( $row->page_namespace, $row->page_title );
- }
- $lb->execute();
- wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
- return '';
- }
- function formatRow( $row ) {
- return $this->mForm->formatRow( $row );
- }
- function getQueryInfo() {
- $conds = $this->mConds;
- $conds[] = 'pr_expiry>' . $this->mDb->addQuotes( $this->mDb->timestamp() );
- $conds[] = 'page_id=pr_page';
- $conds[] = 'pr_type=' . $this->mDb->addQuotes( $this->type );
- if( $this->sizetype=='min' ) {
- $conds[] = 'page_len>=' . $this->size;
- } else if( $this->sizetype=='max' ) {
- $conds[] = 'page_len<=' . $this->size;
- }
- if( $this->level )
- $conds[] = 'pr_level=' . $this->mDb->addQuotes( $this->level );
- if( !is_null($this->namespace) )
- $conds[] = 'page_namespace=' . $this->mDb->addQuotes( $this->namespace );
- return array(
- 'tables' => array( 'page_restrictions', 'page' ),
- 'fields' => 'pr_id,page_namespace,page_title,page_len,pr_type,pr_level,pr_expiry,pr_cascade',
- 'conds' => $conds
- );
- }
- function getIndexField() {
- return 'pr_id';
- }
- * Constructor
- */
-function wfSpecialProtectedpages() {
- $ppForm = new ProtectedPagesForm();
- $ppForm->showList();