path: root/includes/cbt/CBTProcessor.php
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authorPierre Schmitz <>2010-07-28 11:52:48 +0200
committerPierre Schmitz <>2010-07-28 11:52:48 +0200
commit222b01f5169f1c7e69762e0e8904c24f78f71882 (patch)
tree8e932e12546bb991357ec48eb1638d1770be7a35 /includes/cbt/CBTProcessor.php
parent00ab76a6b686e98a914afc1975812d2b1aaa7016 (diff)
update to MediaWiki 1.16.0
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/cbt/CBTProcessor.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 539 deletions
diff --git a/includes/cbt/CBTProcessor.php b/includes/cbt/CBTProcessor.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fa1a93b..00000000
--- a/includes/cbt/CBTProcessor.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,539 +0,0 @@
- * PHP version of the callback template processor
- * This is currently used as a test rig and is likely to be used for
- * compatibility purposes later, where the C++ extension is not available.
- */
-define( 'CBT_WHITE', " \t\r\n" );
-define( 'CBT_BRACE', '{}' );
-define( 'CBT_DEBUG', 0 );
-$GLOBALS['cbtExecutingGenerated'] = 0;
- * Attempting to be a MediaWiki-independent module
- */
-if ( !function_exists( 'wfProfileIn' ) ) {
- function wfProfileIn() {}
-if ( !function_exists( 'wfProfileOut' ) ) {
- function wfProfileOut() {}
- * Escape text for inclusion in template
- */
-function cbt_escape( $text ) {
- return strtr( $text, array( '{' => '{[}', '}' => '{]}' ) );
- * Create a CBTValue
- */
-function cbt_value( $text = '', $deps = array(), $isTemplate = false ) {
- global $cbtExecutingGenerated;
- if ( $cbtExecutingGenerated ) {
- return $text;
- } else {
- return new CBTValue( $text, $deps, $isTemplate );
- }
- * A dependency-tracking value class
- * Callback functions should return one of these, unless they have
- * no dependencies in which case they can return a string.
- */
-class CBTValue {
- var $mText, $mDeps, $mIsTemplate;
- /**
- * Create a new value
- * @param $text String: , default ''.
- * @param $deps Array: what this value depends on
- * @param $isTemplate Bool: whether the result needs compilation/execution, default 'false'.
- */
- function CBTValue( $text = '', $deps = array(), $isTemplate = false ) {
- $this->mText = $text;
- if ( !is_array( $deps ) ) {
- $this->mDeps = array( $deps ) ;
- } else {
- $this->mDeps = $deps;
- }
- $this->mIsTemplate = $isTemplate;
- }
- /** Concatenate two values, merging their dependencies */
- function cat( $val ) {
- if ( is_object( $val ) ) {
- $this->addDeps( $val );
- $this->mText .= $val->mText;
- } else {
- $this->mText .= $val;
- }
- }
- /** Add the dependencies of another value to this one */
- function addDeps( $values ) {
- if ( !is_array( $values ) ) {
- $this->mDeps = array_merge( $this->mDeps, $values->mDeps );
- } else {
- foreach ( $values as $val ) {
- if ( !is_object( $val ) ) {
- var_dump( debug_backtrace() );
- exit;
- }
- $this->mDeps = array_merge( $this->mDeps, $val->mDeps );
- }
- }
- }
- /** Remove a list of dependencies */
- function removeDeps( $deps ) {
- $this->mDeps = array_diff( $this->mDeps, $deps );
- }
- function setText( $text ) {
- $this->mText = $text;
- }
- function getText() {
- return $this->mText;
- }
- function getDeps() {
- return $this->mDeps;
- }
- /** If the value is a template, execute it */
- function execute( &$processor ) {
- if ( $this->mIsTemplate ) {
- $myProcessor = new CBTProcessor( $this->mText, $processor->mFunctionObj, $processor->mIgnorableDeps );
- $myProcessor->mCompiling = $processor->mCompiling;
- $val = $myProcessor->doText( 0, strlen( $this->mText ) );
- if ( $myProcessor->getLastError() ) {
- $processor->error( $myProcessor->getLastError() );
- $this->mText = '';
- } else {
- $this->mText = $val->mText;
- $this->addDeps( $val );
- }
- if ( !$processor->mCompiling ) {
- $this->mIsTemplate = false;
- }
- }
- }
- /** If the value is plain text, escape it for inclusion in a template */
- function templateEscape() {
- if ( !$this->mIsTemplate ) {
- $this->mText = cbt_escape( $this->mText );
- }
- }
- /** Return true if the value has no dependencies */
- function isStatic() {
- return count( $this->mDeps ) == 0;
- }
- * Template processor, for compilation and execution
- */
-class CBTProcessor {
- var $mText, # The text being processed
- $mFunctionObj, # The object containing callback functions
- $mCompiling = false, # True if compiling to a template, false if executing to text
- $mIgnorableDeps = array(), # Dependency names which should be treated as static
- $mFunctionCache = array(), # A cache of function results keyed by argument hash
- $mLastError = false, # Last error message or false for no error
- $mErrorPos = 0, # Last error position
- /** Built-in functions */
- $mBuiltins = array(
- 'if' => 'bi_if',
- 'true' => 'bi_true',
- '[' => 'bi_lbrace',
- 'lbrace' => 'bi_lbrace',
- ']' => 'bi_rbrace',
- 'rbrace' => 'bi_rbrace',
- 'escape' => 'bi_escape',
- '~' => 'bi_escape',
- );
- /**
- * Create a template processor for a given text, callback object and static dependency list
- */
- function CBTProcessor( $text, $functionObj, $ignorableDeps = array() ) {
- $this->mText = $text;
- $this->mFunctionObj = $functionObj;
- $this->mIgnorableDeps = $ignorableDeps;
- }
- /**
- * Execute the template.
- * If $compile is true, produces an optimised template where functions with static
- * dependencies have been replaced by their return values.
- */
- function execute( $compile = false ) {
- $fname = 'CBTProcessor::execute';
- wfProfileIn( $fname );
- $this->mCompiling = $compile;
- $this->mLastError = false;
- $val = $this->doText( 0, strlen( $this->mText ) );
- $text = $val->getText();
- if ( $this->mLastError !== false ) {
- $pos = $this->mErrorPos;
- // Find the line number at which the error occurred
- $startLine = 0;
- $endLine = 0;
- $line = 0;
- do {
- if ( $endLine ) {
- $startLine = $endLine + 1;
- }
- $endLine = strpos( $this->mText, "\n", $startLine );
- ++$line;
- } while ( $endLine !== false && $endLine < $pos );
- $text = "Template error at line $line: $this->mLastError\n<pre>\n";
- $context = rtrim( str_replace( "\t", " ", substr( $this->mText, $startLine, $endLine - $startLine ) ) );
- $text .= htmlspecialchars( $context ) . "\n" . str_repeat( ' ', $pos - $startLine ) . "^\n</pre>\n";
- }
- wfProfileOut( $fname );
- return $text;
- }
- /** Shortcut for execute(true) */
- function compile() {
- $fname = 'CBTProcessor::compile';
- wfProfileIn( $fname );
- $s = $this->execute( true );
- wfProfileOut( $fname );
- return $s;
- }
- /** Shortcut for doOpenText( $start, $end, false */
- function doText( $start, $end ) {
- return $this->doOpenText( $start, $end, false );
- }
- /**
- * Escape text for a template if we are producing a template. Do nothing
- * if we are producing plain text.
- */
- function templateEscape( $text ) {
- if ( $this->mCompiling ) {
- return cbt_escape( $text );
- } else {
- return $text;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Recursive workhorse for text mode.
- *
- * Processes text mode starting from offset $p, until either $end is
- * reached or a closing brace is found. If $needClosing is false, a
- * closing brace will flag an error, if $needClosing is true, the lack
- * of a closing brace will flag an error.
- *
- * The parameter $p is advanced to the position after the closing brace,
- * or after the end. A CBTValue is returned.
- *
- * @private
- */
- function doOpenText( &$p, $end, $needClosing = true ) {
- $fname = 'CBTProcessor::doOpenText';
- wfProfileIn( $fname );
- $in =& $this->mText;
- $start = $p;
- $ret = new CBTValue( '', array(), $this->mCompiling );
- $foundClosing = false;
- while ( $p < $end ) {
- $matchLength = strcspn( $in, CBT_BRACE, $p, $end - $p );
- $pToken = $p + $matchLength;
- if ( $pToken >= $end ) {
- // No more braces, output remainder
- $ret->cat( substr( $in, $p ) );
- $p = $end;
- break;
- }
- // Output the text before the brace
- $ret->cat( substr( $in, $p, $matchLength ) );
- // Advance the pointer
- $p = $pToken + 1;
- // Check for closing brace
- if ( $in[$pToken] == '}' ) {
- $foundClosing = true;
- break;
- }
- // Handle the "{fn}" special case
- if ( $pToken > 0 && $in[$pToken-1] == '"' ) {
- wfProfileOut( $fname );
- $val = $this->doOpenFunction( $p, $end );
- wfProfileIn( $fname );
- if ( $p < $end && $in[$p] == '"' ) {
- $val->setText( htmlspecialchars( $val->getText() ) );
- }
- $ret->cat( $val );
- } else {
- // Process the function mode component
- wfProfileOut( $fname );
- $ret->cat( $this->doOpenFunction( $p, $end ) );
- wfProfileIn( $fname );
- }
- }
- if ( $foundClosing && !$needClosing ) {
- $this->error( 'Errant closing brace', $p );
- } elseif ( !$foundClosing && $needClosing ) {
- $this->error( 'Unclosed text section', $start );
- }
- wfProfileOut( $fname );
- return $ret;
- }
- /**
- * Recursive workhorse for function mode.
- *
- * Processes function mode starting from offset $p, until either $end is
- * reached or a closing brace is found. If $needClosing is false, a
- * closing brace will flag an error, if $needClosing is true, the lack
- * of a closing brace will flag an error.
- *
- * The parameter $p is advanced to the position after the closing brace,
- * or after the end. A CBTValue is returned.
- *
- * @private
- */
- function doOpenFunction( &$p, $end, $needClosing = true ) {
- $in =& $this->mText;
- $start = $p;
- $tokens = array();
- $unexecutedTokens = array();
- $foundClosing = false;
- while ( $p < $end ) {
- $char = $in[$p];
- if ( $char == '{' ) {
- // Switch to text mode
- ++$p;
- $tokenStart = $p;
- $token = $this->doOpenText( $p, $end );
- $tokens[] = $token;
- $unexecutedTokens[] = '{' . substr( $in, $tokenStart, $p - $tokenStart - 1 ) . '}';
- } elseif ( $char == '}' ) {
- // Block end
- ++$p;
- $foundClosing = true;
- break;
- } elseif ( false !== strpos( CBT_WHITE, $char ) ) {
- // Whitespace
- // Consume the rest of the whitespace
- $p += strspn( $in, CBT_WHITE, $p, $end - $p );
- } else {
- // Token, find the end of it
- $tokenLength = strcspn( $in, CBT_DELIM, $p, $end - $p );
- $token = new CBTValue( substr( $in, $p, $tokenLength ) );
- // Execute the token as a function if it's not the function name
- if ( count( $tokens ) ) {
- $tokens[] = $this->doFunction( array( $token ), $p );
- } else {
- $tokens[] = $token;
- }
- $unexecutedTokens[] = $token->getText();
- $p += $tokenLength;
- }
- }
- if ( !$foundClosing && $needClosing ) {
- $this->error( 'Unclosed function', $start );
- return '';
- }
- $val = $this->doFunction( $tokens, $start );
- if ( $this->mCompiling && !$val->isStatic() ) {
- $compiled = '';
- $first = true;
- foreach( $tokens as $i => $token ) {
- if ( $first ) {
- $first = false;
- } else {
- $compiled .= ' ';
- }
- if ( $token->isStatic() ) {
- if ( $i !== 0 ) {
- $compiled .= '{' . $token->getText() . '}';
- } else {
- $compiled .= $token->getText();
- }
- } else {
- $compiled .= $unexecutedTokens[$i];
- }
- }
- // The dynamic parts of the string are still represented as functions, and
- // function invocations have no dependencies. Thus the compiled result has
- // no dependencies.
- $val = new CBTValue( "{{$compiled}}", array(), true );
- }
- return $val;
- }
- /**
- * Execute a function, caching and returning the result value.
- * $tokens is an array of CBTValue objects. $tokens[0] is the function
- * name, the others are arguments. $p is the string position, and is used
- * for error messages only.
- */
- function doFunction( $tokens, $p ) {
- if ( count( $tokens ) == 0 ) {
- return new CBTValue;
- }
- $fname = 'CBTProcessor::doFunction';
- wfProfileIn( $fname );
- $ret = new CBTValue;
- // All functions implicitly depend on their arguments, and the function name
- // While this is not strictly necessary for all functions, it's true almost
- // all the time and so convenient to do automatically.
- $ret->addDeps( $tokens );
- $this->mCurrentPos = $p;
- $func = array_shift( $tokens );
- $func = $func->getText();
- // Extract the text component from all the tokens
- // And convert any templates to plain text
- $textArgs = array();
- foreach ( $tokens as $token ) {
- $token->execute( $this );
- $textArgs[] = $token->getText();
- }
- // Try the local cache
- $cacheKey = $func . "\n" . implode( "\n", $textArgs );
- if ( isset( $this->mFunctionCache[$cacheKey] ) ) {
- $val = $this->mFunctionCache[$cacheKey];
- } elseif ( isset( $this->mBuiltins[$func] ) ) {
- $func = $this->mBuiltins[$func];
- $val = call_user_func_array( array( &$this, $func ), $tokens );
- $this->mFunctionCache[$cacheKey] = $val;
- } elseif ( method_exists( $this->mFunctionObj, $func ) ) {
- $profName = get_class( $this->mFunctionObj ) . '::' . $func;
- wfProfileIn( "$fname-callback" );
- wfProfileIn( $profName );
- $val = call_user_func_array( array( &$this->mFunctionObj, $func ), $textArgs );
- wfProfileOut( $profName );
- wfProfileOut( "$fname-callback" );
- $this->mFunctionCache[$cacheKey] = $val;
- } else {
- $this->error( "Call of undefined function \"$func\"", $p );
- $val = new CBTValue;
- }
- if ( !is_object( $val ) ) {
- $val = new CBTValue((string)$val);
- }
- if ( CBT_DEBUG ) {
- $unexpanded = $val;
- }
- // If the output was a template, execute it
- $val->execute( $this );
- if ( $this->mCompiling ) {
- // Escape any braces so that the output will be a valid template
- $val->templateEscape();
- }
- $val->removeDeps( $this->mIgnorableDeps );
- $ret->addDeps( $val );
- $ret->setText( $val->getText() );
- if ( CBT_DEBUG ) {
- wfDebug( "doFunction $func args = "
- . var_export( $tokens, true )
- . "unexpanded return = "
- . var_export( $unexpanded, true )
- . "expanded return = "
- . var_export( $ret, true )
- );
- }
- wfProfileOut( $fname );
- return $ret;
- }
- /**
- * Set a flag indicating that an error has been found.
- */
- function error( $text, $pos = false ) {
- $this->mLastError = $text;
- if ( $pos === false ) {
- $this->mErrorPos = $this->mCurrentPos;
- } else {
- $this->mErrorPos = $pos;
- }
- }
- function getLastError() {
- return $this->mLastError;
- }
- /** 'if' built-in function */
- function bi_if( $condition, $trueBlock, $falseBlock = null ) {
- if ( is_null( $condition ) ) {
- $this->error( "Missing condition in if" );
- return '';
- }
- if ( $condition->getText() != '' ) {
- return new CBTValue( $trueBlock->getText(),
- array_merge( $condition->getDeps(), $trueBlock->getDeps() ),
- $trueBlock->mIsTemplate );
- } else {
- if ( !is_null( $falseBlock ) ) {
- return new CBTValue( $falseBlock->getText(),
- array_merge( $condition->getDeps(), $falseBlock->getDeps() ),
- $falseBlock->mIsTemplate );
- } else {
- return new CBTValue( '', $condition->getDeps() );
- }
- }
- }
- /** 'true' built-in function */
- function bi_true() {
- return "true";
- }
- /** left brace built-in */
- function bi_lbrace() {
- return '{';
- }
- /** right brace built-in */
- function bi_rbrace() {
- return '}';
- }
- /**
- * escape built-in.
- * Escape text for inclusion in an HTML attribute
- */
- function bi_escape( $val ) {
- return new CBTValue( htmlspecialchars( $val->getText() ), $val->getDeps() );
- }