path: root/languages/LanguageFi.php
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2006-10-11 18:12:39 +0000
committerPierre Schmitz <>2006-10-11 18:12:39 +0000
commit183851b06bd6c52f3cae5375f433da720d410447 (patch)
treea477257decbf3360127f6739c2f9d0ec57a03d39 /languages/LanguageFi.php
MediaWiki 1.7.1 wiederhergestellt
Diffstat (limited to 'languages/LanguageFi.php')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/languages/LanguageFi.php b/languages/LanguageFi.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f075713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/LanguageFi.php
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+/** Finnish (Suomi)
+ *
+ * @package MediaWiki
+ * @subpackage Language
+ *
+ * @author Niklas Laxström
+ */
+require_once( 'LanguageUtf8.php' );
+if (!$wgCachedMessageArrays) {
+ require_once('MessagesFi.php');
+class LanguageFi extends LanguageUtf8 {
+ private $mMessagesFi, $mNamespaceNamesFi = null;
+ private $mSkinNamesFi = array(
+ 'standard' => 'Perus',
+ 'cologneblue' => 'Kölnin sininen',
+ 'myskin' => 'Oma tyylisivu'
+ );
+ private $mQuickbarSettingsFi = array(
+ 'Ei mitään', 'Tekstin mukana, vasen', 'Tekstin mukana, oikea', 'Pysyen vasemmalla', 'Pysyen oikealla'
+ );
+ private $mDateFormatsFi = array(
+ MW_DATE_DEFAULT => 'Ei valintaa',
+ 1 => '15. tammikuuta 2001 kello 16.12',
+ 2 => '15. tammikuuta 2001 kello 16:12:34',
+ 3 => '15.1.2001 16.12',
+ MW_DATE_ISO => '2001-01-15 16:12:34'
+ );
+ private $mBookstoreListFi = array(
+ 'Bookplus' => '$1',
+ 'Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto' => '$1&submit=Hae&engine_helka=ON',
+ 'Pääkaupunkiseudun kirjastot' => '*fin/i?SEARCH=$1',
+ 'Tampereen seudun kirjastot' => '$1'
+ );
+ function __construct() {
+ parent::__construct();
+ global $wgAllMessagesFi;
+ $this->mMessagesFi =& $wgAllMessagesFi;
+ global $wgMetaNamespace;
+ $this->mNamespaceNamesFi = array(
+ NS_MEDIA => 'Media',
+ NS_SPECIAL => 'Toiminnot',
+ NS_MAIN => '',
+ NS_TALK => 'Keskustelu',
+ NS_USER => 'Käyttäjä',
+ NS_USER_TALK => 'Keskustelu_käyttäjästä',
+ NS_PROJECT => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ NS_PROJECT_TALK => 'Keskustelu_' . $this->convertGrammar( $wgMetaNamespace, 'elative' ),
+ NS_IMAGE => 'Kuva',
+ NS_IMAGE_TALK => 'Keskustelu_kuvasta',
+ NS_MEDIAWIKI => 'MediaWiki',
+ NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => 'MediaWiki_talk',
+ NS_TEMPLATE => 'Malline',
+ NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => 'Keskustelu_mallineesta',
+ NS_HELP => 'Ohje',
+ NS_HELP_TALK => 'Keskustelu_ohjeesta',
+ NS_CATEGORY => 'Luokka',
+ NS_CATEGORY_TALK => 'Keskustelu_luokasta'
+ );
+ }
+ function getBookstoreList () {
+ return $this->mBookstoreListFi;
+ }
+ function getNamespaces() {
+ return $this->mNamespaceNamesFi + parent::getNamespaces();
+ }
+ function getQuickbarSettings() {
+ return $this->mQuickbarSettingsFi;
+ }
+ function getSkinNames() {
+ return $this->mSkinNamesFi + parent::getSkinNames();
+ }
+ function getDateFormats() {
+ return $this->mDateFormatsFi;
+ }
+ function getMessage( $key ) {
+ if( isset( $this->mMessagesFi[$key] ) ) {
+ return $this->mMessagesFi[$key];
+ } else {
+ return parent::getMessage( $key );
+ }
+ }
+ function getAllMessages() {
+ return $this->mMessagesFi;
+ }
+ /**
+ * See Language.php for documentation
+ */
+ function date( $ts, $adj = false, $format = true, $timecorrection = false ) {
+ if ( $adj ) { $ts = $this->userAdjust( $ts, $timecorrection ); }
+ $yyyy = substr( $ts, 0, 4 );
+ $mm = substr( $ts, 4, 2 );
+ $m = 0 + $mm;
+ $mmmm = $this->getMonthName( $mm ) . 'ta';
+ $dd = substr( $ts, 6, 2 );
+ $d = 0 + $dd;
+ $datePreference = $this->dateFormat($format);
+ switch( $datePreference ) {
+ case '3': return "$d.$m.$yyyy";
+ case MW_DATE_ISO: return "$yyyy-$mm-$dd";
+ default: return "$d. $mmmm $yyyy";
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * See Language.php for documentation
+ */
+ function time( $ts, $adj = false, $format = true, $timecorrection = false ) {
+ if ( $adj ) { $ts = $this->userAdjust( $ts, $timecorrection ); }
+ $hh = substr( $ts, 8, 2 );
+ $mm = substr( $ts, 10, 2 );
+ $ss = substr( $ts, 12, 2 );
+ $datePreference = $this->dateFormat($format);
+ switch( $datePreference ) {
+ case '2':
+ case MW_DATE_ISO: return "$hh:$mm:$ss";
+ default: return "$hh.$mm";
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * See Language.php for documentation
+ */
+ function timeanddate( $ts, $adj = false, $format = true, $timecorrection = false) {
+ $date = $this->date( $ts, $adj, $format, $timecorrection );
+ $time = $this->time( $ts, $adj, $format, $timecorrection );
+ $datePreference = $this->dateFormat($format);
+ switch( $datePreference ) {
+ case '3':
+ case MW_DATE_ISO: return "$date $time";
+ default: return "$date kello $time";
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finnish numeric formatting is 123 456,78.
+ */
+ function separatorTransformTable() {
+ return array(',' => "\xc2\xa0", '.' => ',' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Avoid grouping whole numbers between 0 to 9999
+ */
+ function commafy($_) {
+ if (!preg_match('/^\d{1,4}$/',$_)) {
+ return strrev((string)preg_replace('/(\d{3})(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/','$1,',strrev($_)));
+ } else {
+ return $_;
+ }
+ }
+ function linkTrail() {
+ return '/^([a-zäö]+)(.*)$/sDu';
+ }
+ # Convert from the nominative form of a noun to some other case
+ # Invoked with {{GRAMMAR:case|word}}
+ function convertGrammar( $word, $case ) {
+ global $wgGrammarForms;
+ if ( isset($wgGrammarForms['fi'][$case][$word]) ) {
+ return $wgGrammarForms['fi'][$case][$word];
+ }
+ # These rules are not perfect, but they are currently only used for site names so it doesn't
+ # matter if they are wrong sometimes. Just add a special case for your site name if necessary.
+ switch ( $case ) {
+ case 'genitive':
+ if ( $word == 'Wikisitaatit' ) {
+ $word = 'Wikisitaattien';
+ } else {
+ $word .= 'n';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'elative':
+ if ( $word == 'Wikisitaatit' ) {
+ $word = 'Wikisitaateista';
+ } else {
+ if ( mb_substr($word, -1) == 'y' ) {
+ $word .= 'stä';
+ } else {
+ $word .= 'sta';
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'partitive':
+ if ( $word == 'Wikisitaatit' ) {
+ $word = 'Wikisitaatteja';
+ } else {
+ if ( mb_substr($word, -1) == 'y' ) {
+ $word .= 'ä';
+ } else {
+ $word .= 'a';
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'illative':
+ # Double the last letter and add 'n'
+ # mb_substr has a compatibility function in GlobalFunctions.php
+ if ( $word == 'Wikisitaatit' ) {
+ $word = 'Wikisitaatteihin';
+ } else {
+ $word = $word . mb_substr($word,-1) . 'n';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'inessive':
+ if ( $word == 'Wikisitaatit' ) {
+ $word = 'Wikisitaateissa';
+ } else {
+ if ( mb_substr($word, -1) == 'y' ) {
+ $word .= 'ssä';
+ } else {
+ $word .= 'ssa';
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return $word;
+ }
+ function translateBlockExpiry( $str ) {
+ /*
+ 'ago', 'now', 'today', 'this', 'next',
+ 'first', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth', 'sixth', 'seventh', 'eighth', 'ninth', 'tenth', 'eleventh', 'twelfth',
+ 'tomorrow', 'yesterday'
+ $months = 'january:tammikuu,february:helmikuu,march:maaliskuu,april:huhtikuu,may:toukokuu,june:kesäkuu,' .
+ 'july:heinäkuu,august:elokuu,september:syyskuu,october:lokakuu,november:marraskuu,december:joulukuu,' .
+ 'jan:tammikuu,feb:helmikuu,mar:maaliskuu,apr:huhtikuu,jun:kesäkuu,jul:heinäkuu,aug:elokuu,sep:syyskuu,'.
+ 'oct:lokakuu,nov:marraskuu,dec:joulukuu,sept:syyskuu';
+ */
+ $weekds = array(
+ 'monday' => 'maanantai',
+ 'tuesday' => 'tiistai',
+ 'wednesday' => 'keskiviikko',
+ 'thursay' => 'torstai',
+ 'friday' => 'perjantai',
+ 'saturday' => 'lauantai',
+ 'sunday' => 'sunnuntai',
+ 'mon' => 'ma',
+ 'tue' => 'ti',
+ 'tues' => 'ti',
+ 'wed' => 'ke',
+ 'wednes' => 'ke',
+ 'thu' => 'to',
+ 'thur' => 'to',
+ 'thurs' => 'to',
+ 'fri' => 'pe',
+ 'sat' => 'la',
+ 'sun' => 'su',
+ 'next' => 'seuraava',
+ 'tomorrow' => 'huomenna',
+ 'ago' => 'sitten',
+ 'seconds' => 'sekuntia',
+ 'second' => 'sekunti',
+ 'secs' => 's',
+ 'sec' => 's',
+ 'minutes' => 'minuuttia',
+ 'minute' => 'minuutti',
+ 'mins' => 'min',
+ 'min' => 'min',
+ 'days' => 'päivää',
+ 'day' => 'päivä',
+ 'hours' => 'tuntia',
+ 'hour' => 'tunti',
+ 'weeks' => 'viikkoa',
+ 'week' => 'viikko',
+ 'fortnights' => 'tuplaviikkoa',
+ 'fortnight' => 'tuplaviikko',
+ 'months' => 'kuukautta',
+ 'month' => 'kuukausi',
+ 'years' => 'vuotta',
+ 'year' => 'vuosi',
+ 'infinite' => 'ikuisesti',
+ 'indefinite' => 'ikuisesti'
+ );
+ $final = '';
+ $tokens = explode ( ' ', $str);
+ foreach( $tokens as $item ) {
+ if ( !is_numeric($item) ) {
+ if ( count ( explode( '-', $item ) ) == 3 && strlen($item) == 10 ) {
+ list( $yyyy, $mm, $dd ) = explode( '-', $item );
+ $final .= ' ' . $this->date( "{$yyyy}{$mm}{$dd}00000000");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( isset( $weekds[$item] ) ) {
+ $final .= ' ' . $weekds[$item];
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ $final .= ' ' . $item;
+ }
+ return '<span class="blockexpiry" title="' . htmlspecialchars($str). '">”' . trim( $final ) . '”</span>';
+ }