path: root/languages/i18n/ang.json
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2015-12-17 09:15:42 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2015-12-17 09:44:51 +0100
commita1789ddde42033f1b05cc4929491214ee6e79383 (patch)
tree63615735c4ddffaaabf2428946bb26f90899f7bf /languages/i18n/ang.json
parent9e06a62f265e3a2aaabecc598d4bc617e06fa32d (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.26.0
Diffstat (limited to 'languages/i18n/ang.json')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/languages/i18n/ang.json b/languages/i18n/ang.json
index 9221af9b..f5b8df07 100644
--- a/languages/i18n/ang.json
+++ b/languages/i18n/ang.json
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"tog-newpageshidepatrolled": "Hȳdan weardode trametas in nīwra andwendinga getæle",
"tog-extendwatchlist": "Sprǣdan behealdungtæl tō īwenne ealla andwendinga, nā synderlīce þā nīwostan",
"tog-usenewrc": "Settan andwendunga on hēapas on trametum on nīwra andwendunga getæle and behealdungtæle",
- "tog-numberheadings": "Settan rīm on fōrecwidas selflīce",
+ "tog-numberheadings": "Settan rīm on forecwidas selflīce",
"tog-showtoolbar": "Īwan þā adihtunge tōlmearce",
"tog-editondblclick": "Adihtan trametas mid twifealdum mȳs swenge",
"tog-editsectiononrightclick": "Þafian dǣla adihtunge þurh swīðran healfe mȳs swengas on dǣla titulum",
@@ -173,12 +173,12 @@
"history": "Trametes stǣr",
"history_short": "Stǣr",
"updatedmarker": "nīwod æfter mīnre lætestan sōcne",
- "printableversion": "Ūtmǣlendlīc fadung",
+ "printableversion": "Ūtmǣlendlicu fadung",
"permalink": "Fæst hlenca",
"print": "Ūtmǣlan",
"view": "Sihþ",
"view-foreign": "Sihþ on $1",
- "edit": "Adihtan",
+ "edit": "Ādihtan",
"create": "Scieppan",
"create-local": "Besettan stōwlice gemearcunge",
"editthispage": "Adihtan þisne tramet",
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
"view-pool-error": "Wālā, þā þegntōlas nū oferlīce wyrcaþ.\nTō mænige brūcendas gesēcaþ tō sēonne þisne tramet.\nWē biddaþ þæt þū abīde scortne tīman ǣr þū gesēce to sēonne þisne tramet eft.\n\n$1",
"pool-errorunknown": "Uncūþ wōh",
"aboutsite": "Gecȳþness ymbe {{GRAMMAR:wrēgendlīc|{{SITENAME}}}}",
- "aboutpage": "Project:Gecȳþness",
+ "aboutpage": "Project:Gefrǣge",
"copyright": "Man mæg innunge under $1 findan, būton þǣr hit is elles amearcod.",
"copyrightpage": "{{ns:project}}:Gelīcnessriht",
"currentevents": "Gelimpunga þisses tīman",
@@ -231,13 +231,14 @@
"disclaimers": "Ætsacunga",
"disclaimerpage": "Project:Gemǣne ætsacung",
"edithelp": "Help on adihtunge",
+ "helppage-top-gethelp": "Help",
"mainpage": "Hēafodtramet",
"mainpage-description": "Hēafodtramet",
"policy-url": "Project:Rǣd",
"portal": "Gemǣnscipes ingang",
"portal-url": "Project:Gemǣnscipes ingang",
"privacy": "Ānlēpnesse rǣd",
- "privacypage": "Project:Ānlēpnesse rǣd",
+ "privacypage": "Project:Ānlīēpnesse rǣd",
"badaccess": "Þafunge wōh",
"badaccess-group0": "Þū ne mōst dōn þā dǣde þǣre þe þū hafast abede.",
"badaccess-groups": "Þēos dǣd þǣre þū hafast abeden is synderlīce alȳfedlic brūcendum on {{PLURAL:$2|þissum þrēate|ānum þāra þrēata}}: $1.",
@@ -327,7 +328,7 @@
"exception-nologin": "Ne inloggod",
"virus-badscanner": "Yfel gesetedness: Uncūþ wyrmsēcend: <em>$1</em>",
"virus-unknownscanner": "uncūþ andgund:",
- "logouttext": "'''Þū eart nū ūtmeldod.'''\n\nÞū canst ætfeolan þǣre nytte {{SITENAME}} tō ungecūðum, oþþe þū canst <span class='plainlinks'>[$1 inmeldian eft]</span> tō þǣm ylcan oþþe ōðrum brūcende.\nCnāw þæt sume trametas mihten gīet wesan geīwde swā þū wǣre gīet inmeldod, oþ þæt þū clǣnsie þīnes sēcendtōles hord.",
+ "logouttext": "'''Þū eart nū ūtmeldod.'''\n\nWit þū þe sume trametas wēnunga sīen gīet geīwed swā þū sīe inmeldod, ōþ þū ǣmetgie þīnes webbsēcendes hord.",
"welcomeuser": "Wilcume, $1!",
"yourname": "Þīn brūcendnama:",
"userlogin-yourname": "Brūcendnama:",
@@ -359,19 +360,47 @@
"gotaccount": "Hafast þū reccinge ǣr? $1.",
"gotaccountlink": "Inmeldian",
"userlogin-resetpassword-link": "Forgēate þū þīn gelēafword?",
+ "userlogin-helplink2": "Inmeldunge help",
+ "createacct-emailrequired": "Spearcǣrenda nama",
+ "createacct-emailoptional": "Spearcǣrenda nama (ungenēdedlic)",
+ "createacct-email-ph": "Besettan þīnne spearcǣrenda naman",
+ "createacct-another-email-ph": "Besettan spearcǣrenda naman",
"createaccountmail": "Notian hwīlendlic hlīetlic þafungword and sendan hit tō þǣm genamodan spearcǣrendnaman",
+ "createacct-realname": "Sōt nama (ungenēdedlic)",
"createaccountreason": "Racu:",
+ "createacct-reason": "Racu",
+ "createacct-reason-ph": "For hwȳ wyrcest þū ōðerne grīman",
+ "createacct-imgcaptcha-ph": "Besettan þone traht þe þū sīhst būfan",
+ "createacct-submit": "Scieppan þīnne grīman",
+ "createacct-another-submit": "Scieppan ōðerne grīman",
+ "createacct-benefit-heading": "{{SITENAME}} is geworht fram hādum swilce þū.",
+ "createacct-benefit-body1": "{{PLURAL:$1|adihtung|adihtunga}}",
+ "createacct-benefit-body2": "{{PLURAL:$1|tramet|trameta}}",
+ "createacct-benefit-body3": "{{PLURAL:$1|nīwe fyrðrend|nīwe fyrðrendas}}",
"badretype": "Þā þafungword þe write þū, bēoþ ungelīc.",
"userexists": "Se brūcendnama is ǣr gebrocen. Cēos lā ōðerne naman.",
"loginerror": "Inmeldunge wōh",
+ "createacct-error": "Grīman scieppunge misfeng",
"createaccounterror": "Ne cūðe scieppan reccinge: $1",
"nocookiesnew": "Sēo brūcendreccing wæs gemacod, ac þū neart inmeldod.\n{{SITENAME}} brȳcþ cȳþþu grētunga tō inmeldienne brūcendas.\nÞū hafast forwierned cȳþþu grētunga.\nLīef him lā, and siþþan inmelda þīnne nīwan brūcendnaman and þīn nīwe þafungword.",
+ "noname": "Þū nafast gewriten gengne brūcendes naman.",
"loginsuccesstitle": "Inmeldung gesǣlde",
"loginsuccess": "'''Þu eart nū inmeldod tō {{SITENAME}} tō \"$1\".'''",
"nosuchuser": "Þǣr nis nān brūcend þe hæfþ þone naman \"$1\".\nStafena micelnessa sind hefiga and ānlica on brūcendnamum.\nScēawa þīne wrītunge eft, oþþe [[Special:UserLogin/signup|sciepp nīwe reccinge]].",
"nosuchusershort": "Þǣr nis nān brūcend mid þǣm naman \"$1\". Scēawa þīne wrītunge.",
+ "nouserspecified": "Þū scealt wrītan brūcendes naman.",
+ "login-userblocked": "Þes brūcend is fortȳned. Inmeldung nis gelīfed.",
+ "wrongpassword": "Nā riht þafungword wæs gewriten. Sēc þū eft lā.",
+ "wrongpasswordempty": "Þū ne write nǣnig þafungword. \nSēc þū eft lā.",
"passwordtooshort": "Þafungword sculon habban læst {{PLURAL:$1|1 stafan|$1 stafena}}.",
+ "passwordtoolong": "Þafungword ne cunnon wesan lengran þonne {{PLURAL:$1|1 stafa|$1 stafena}}.",
+ "password-name-match": "Þīn þafungword sceal wesan ungelīc þīnum brūcendes naman.",
+ "password-login-forbidden": "Sēo nytt þisses brūcendes naman and þafungwordes nis gelīfed.",
"mailmypassword": "Settan þafungword eft",
+ "passwordremindertitle": "Nīwe hwīlendlic þafungword for {{SITENAME}}",
+ "noemail": "Þær nis nǣnig spearcǣrenda nama gewriten for \"$1\" brūcende.",
+ "noemailcreate": "Þū þearft wrītan gengne spearcǣrenda naman.",
+ "blocked-mailpassword": "Þīn IP nama is fortȳned and ne cann adihtan; þæs ne cann hit brūcan þone þafungworda eftgemyndgunge tōl swā þæt man ne miswende hine.",
"acct_creation_throttle_hit": "Nēosiende tō þissum wici, þe þīnne IP-Stōwe brȳcþ, hæfþ gesett {{PLURAL:$1|1 hordcleofan|$1 hordcleofan}} in þǣm læsten dæge. Þu ne canst settan ǣnige māran. Þǣrfram ne cunnon Nēosiende, þe þisne IP-Stōwe brȳcþ, settan ǣnige hordcleofan māran on þisse handhwīle.",
"accountcreated": "Scōp reccinge",
"loginlanguagelabel": "Sprǣc: $1",
@@ -386,7 +415,6 @@
"resetpass-submit-loggedin": "Andwendan þafungword",
"resetpass-submit-cancel": "Undōn",
"passwordreset": "Settan þafungword eft",
- "passwordreset-legend": "Settan þafungword eft",
"passwordreset-username": "Brūcendnama:",
"bold_sample": "Þicce traht",
"bold_tip": "Þicce traht",
@@ -495,8 +523,10 @@
"searchresults": "Sōcne wæstmas",
"searchresults-title": "Sōcne wæstmas for \"$1\"",
"notextmatches": "Nis þǣr nǣnig swilc traht on nǣngum trametum",
- "prevn": "ǣror {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}",
+ "prevn": "ǣrre {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}",
"nextn": "nīehst {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}",
+ "nextn-title": "Nīhst $1 {{PLURAL:$1|gefunden|gefundenra}}",
+ "shown-title": "Īwan $1 {{PLURAL:$1|gefunden|gefundenra}} on ǣlcum tramete",
"viewprevnext": "Sēon ($1 {{int:pipe-separator}} $2) ($3)",
"searchmenu-new": "<strong>Scieppan þone tramet \"[[:$1]]\" on þissum wiki!</strong> {{PLURAL:$2|0=|Seoh ēac þone tramet þe wæs gefunden mid þīnre sōcne.|Seoh ēac þā þing þā wǣron gefunden.}}",
"searchprofile-articles": "Innunge trametas",
@@ -506,6 +536,7 @@
"searchprofile-articles-tooltip": "Sēcan in $1",
"searchprofile-images-tooltip": "Sēcan ymelan",
"searchprofile-everything-tooltip": "Sēcan geond ealla innunga (ēac mōtungum)",
+ "searchprofile-advanced-tooltip": "Sēcan on mā namsteda",
"search-result-size": "$1 ({{PLURAL:$2|1 word|$2 worda}})",
"search-redirect": "(edlǣded fram \"$1\")",
"search-section": "(dǣl $1)",
@@ -571,12 +602,12 @@
"recentchanges-legend": "Nīwra andwendunga cyras",
"recentchanges-summary": "Sēon þā nīwostan andwendunga þisses wiki on þissum tramete",
"recentchanges-feed-description": "Īwan þā nīwostan andwendunga þæs wiki mid þissum strēame",
- "recentchanges-label-newpage": "Þēos adihtung scōp nīwne tramet",
- "recentchanges-label-minor": "Þēos is lytel adihtung",
+ "recentchanges-label-newpage": "Þēos ādihtung scōp nīwne tramet",
+ "recentchanges-label-minor": "Þēos is lytel ādihtung",
"recentchanges-label-bot": "Searuþrǣl fremede þās adihtunge",
"recentchanges-label-plusminus": "Þæs trametes micelness wæs andwended þȳs rīme grēatbitena",
"recentchanges-legend-newpage": "{{int:recentchanges-label-newpage}} (seoh ēac [[Special:NewPages|getæl nīwra trameta]])",
- "rcnotefrom": "Niðer sind þā andwendunga fram <strong>$2</strong> (mǣst īweþ <strong>$1</strong>).",
+ "rcnotefrom": "Niðer {{PLURAL:$5|is sēo andwendung|sindon þā andwendunga}} fram <strong>$4 of $3</strong> (swā fela swā <strong>$1</strong> sind geīwed).",
"rclistfrom": "Īwan nīwa andwendunga fram $3 $2 and siþþan",
"rcshowhideminor": "$1 lytela adihtunga",
"rcshowhideminor-show": "Īwan",
@@ -613,9 +644,9 @@
"uploadbtn": "Hladan ymelan forþ",
"uploadnologin": "Nā inmeldod",
"uploaderror": "Wōh on forþhladunge",
- "upload-permitted": "Geþafod ymelena cynn: $1.",
- "upload-preferred": "Fōreboren ymelena cynn: $1.",
- "upload-prohibited": "Forboden ymelena cynn: $1.",
+ "upload-permitted": "Geþafod ymelena {{PLURAL:$2|cynn|cynn}}: $1.",
+ "upload-preferred": "Foreboren ymelena {{PLURAL:$2|cynn|cynn}}: $1.",
+ "upload-prohibited": "Forboden ymelena {{PLURAL:$2|cynn|cynn}}: $1.",
"uploadlogpage": "Hladan ealdhord forþ",
"filename": "Ymelan nama",
"filedesc": "Scortness",
@@ -664,7 +695,7 @@
"filerevert-legend": "Settan ymelan on bæc",
"filedelete-submit": "Forlēosan",
"unusedtemplateswlh": "ōðre hlencan",
- "randompage": "Gelimplīc tramet",
+ "randompage": "Gelimplic tramet",
"statistics": "Cȳþþu",
"statistics-articles": "Innunge trametas",
"statistics-pages": "Trametas",
@@ -687,8 +718,8 @@
"wantedpages": "Gewilnode trametas",
"mostlinked": "Trametas mid þǣm mǣstan rīme hlencena",
"mostlinkedcategories": "Floccas mid þǣm mǣstan rīme hlencena",
- "mostlinkedtemplates": "Bysena mid þǣm mǣstan rīme hlencena",
- "prefixindex": "Ealle trametas mid fōredǣle",
+ "mostlinkedtemplates": "Trametas mid þǣm mǣstan rīme hlencena",
+ "prefixindex": "Ealle trametas mid foredǣle",
"shortpages": "Scorte trametas",
"longpages": "Lange trametas",
"listusers": "Brūcenda getæl",
@@ -697,8 +728,8 @@
"ancientpages": "Ieldestan trametas",
"move": "Wegan",
"movethispage": "Wegan þisne tramet",
- "pager-newer-n": "{{PLURAL:$1|nīwre 1|nīwran $1}}",
- "pager-older-n": "{{PLURAL:$1|ieldre 1|ieldran $1}}",
+ "pager-newer-n": "{{PLURAL:$1|nīwre 1|nīwre $1}}",
+ "pager-older-n": "{{PLURAL:$1|ieldre 1|ieldre $1}}",
"booksources": "Bōcfruman",
"booksources-search-legend": "Sēcan bōcfruman",
"booksources-search": "Sēcan",
@@ -744,7 +775,7 @@
"unwatch": "Ablinnan behealdunge",
"unwatchthispage": "Ablinnan behealdunge",
"watchlist-details": "{{PLURAL:$1|Þǣr is $1 tramet|Þǣr sind $1 trameta}} on þīnum behealdunggetæle, nā sunderlīce arīmedum mōtunga trametum.",
- "wlnote": "Niðer {{PLURAL:$1|is sēo nīwoste andwendung|sind þā nīwostan '''$1''' andwendunga}} in {{PLURAL:$2|þǣre latostan tīde|þǣm latostan '''$2''' tīda}}, fram: $3, $4.",
+ "wlnote": "Niðer {{PLURAL:$1|is sēo nīwoste andwendung|sind þā nīwostan '''$1''' andwendunga}} in {{PLURAL:$2|þǣre nīwostan tīde|þǣm nīwostum '''$2''' tīda}}, fram $4 of $3.",
"wlshowlast": "Īwan þā nīwostan $1 tīda $2 daga",
"watchlist-options": "Behealdungtæles cyras",
"watching": "Behealdende...",
@@ -803,6 +834,7 @@
"undelete-search-submit": "Sēcan",
"namespace": "Namstede:",
"invert": "Onhwirfan gecorennesse",
+ "namespace_association": "Gesibbe namstedas",
"blanknamespace": "(Hēafod)",
"contributions": "{{GENDER:$1|Brūcendes}} forðunga",
"contributions-title": "Brūcendes forðunga for $1",
@@ -823,6 +855,8 @@
"isredirect": "edlǣdunge tramet",
"istemplate": "bysene nytt",
"isimage": "ymelan hlenca",
+ "whatlinkshere-prev": "{{PLURAL:$1|ǣrre|ǣrre $1}}",
+ "whatlinkshere-next": "{{PLURAL:$1|nīhst|nīhst $1}}",
"whatlinkshere-links": "← hlencan",
"whatlinkshere-hideredirs": "$1 edlǣdunga",
"whatlinkshere-hidetrans": "$1 bysene nytta",
@@ -863,7 +897,7 @@
"allmessages-filter-modified": "Andwended",
"allmessages-language": "Sprǣc:",
"allmessages-filter-submit": "Gān",
- "thumbnail-more": "Mǣrsian",
+ "thumbnail-more": "Gerȳman",
"filemissing": "Ymele is æfweard",
"import": "Inbringan trametas",
"import-interwiki-submit": "Inbringan",
@@ -881,7 +915,7 @@
"tooltip-pt-logout": "Ūtmeldian",
"tooltip-pt-createaccount": "Þū āhst wyrcan grīman tō brūcenne, ac þū ne þearft þæt dōn.",
"tooltip-ca-talk": "Mōtung ymbe þone innunge tramet",
- "tooltip-ca-edit": "Þū meaht þisne tramet adihtan. Brūc lā þone fōrebysene cnæpp ǣr þū hordie.",
+ "tooltip-ca-edit": "Þisne tramet ādihtan.",
"tooltip-ca-addsection": "Beginnan nīwne dǣl",
"tooltip-ca-viewsource": "Þes tramet is borgen.\nÞū canst his fruman sēon.",
"tooltip-ca-history": "Ǣrran fadunga þisses trametes",
@@ -921,11 +955,11 @@
"tooltip-ca-nstab-category": "Sēon þone flocces tramet",
"tooltip-minoredit": "Mearcian þās tō lytelre adihtunge",
"tooltip-save": "Hordian þīna andwendunga",
- "tooltip-preview": "Seoh fōrebysene þīnra andwendunga. Brūc þis lā ǣr þū hordie!",
+ "tooltip-preview": "Seoh forebysene þīnra andwendunga. Brūc þis lā ǣr þū hordie!",
"tooltip-diff": "Īwan þā andwendunga þā þū dydest wiþ þone traht",
"tooltip-compareselectedversions": "Sēon þā gescēad betweonan þǣm twǣm gecorenum fadungum þisses trametes",
"tooltip-watch": "Ēacnian þīn behealdungtæl mid þissum tramete",
- "tooltip-undo": "\"Undōn\" undēþ þās adihtunge and openaþ þǣre adihtunge bysene tō fōrebysene. Man cann secgan race on þǣre sceortnesse.",
+ "tooltip-undo": "\"Undōn\" undēþ þās adihtunge and openaþ þǣre adihtunge bysene tō forebysene. Man cann secgan race on þǣre sceortnesse.",
"tooltip-summary": "Wrītan sceorte gemearcunge",
"anonymous": "{{PLURAL:$1|uncūþ brūcend|uncūðra brūcenda}} of {{SITENAME}}",
"siteuser": "{{SITENAME}}n brūcend $1",
@@ -1005,7 +1039,7 @@
"exif-gpsdirection-t": "Sōþ rihtung",
"namespacesall": "eall",
"monthsall": "eall",
- "confirmemail_body": "Hwilchwega, gewēne þu of IP stōwe $1, hæfþ in namanbēc gestt ǣnne hordcleofan\n\"$2\" mid þissum e-ǣrendes naman on {{SITENAME}}n.\n\nTō āsēðenne þæt þes hordcleofa tō þē gebyraþ and tō openienne\ne-ǣrenda hwilcnessa on {{SITENAME}}n, opena þisne bend in þīnum webbscēawere:\n\n$3\n\nGif þis is *nā* þū, ne folga þisne bend.\n\n$5\n\nÞēos āsēðungrūn forealdaþ æt $4.",
+ "confirmemail_body": "Hwilchwega, gewēne þu of IP stōwe $1, hæfþ in namanbēc gesett ǣnne grīman\n\"$2\" mid þissum spearcǣrenda naman on {{SITENAME}}.\n\nTō asēðenne þæt þes grīma tō þē gebȳraþ and tō openienne\nspearcǣrenda hwilcnessa on {{SITENAME}}, opena þisne bend in þīnum webbsēcende:\n\n$3\n\nGif þis *nis* þū, ne folga þisne bend.\n\n$5\n\nÞis asēðunge rūnword forealdaþ æt $4.",
"scarytranscludefailed": "[Bysene feccung trucode for $1]",
"scarytranscludetoolong": "[URL is tō lang]",
"imgmultigo": "Gān!",
@@ -1023,6 +1057,7 @@
"watchlisttools-view": "Sēon andwendunga",
"watchlisttools-edit": "Sēon and adihtan behealdungtæl",
"watchlisttools-raw": "Adihtan hrēaw behealdungtæl",
+ "signature": "[[{{ns:user}}:$1|$2]]\n([[{{ns:user_talk}}:$1|mōtung]])",
"version": "Fadung",
"version-specialpages": "Syndrige trametas",
"version-other": "Ōðer",
@@ -1035,12 +1070,21 @@
"specialpages-group-other": "Ōðre syndrige trametas",
"specialpages-group-users": "Brūcendas and riht",
"blankpage": "Tramet is æmettig",
+ "tag-filter": "[[Special:Tags|Mearcincles]] siftere:",
"tags-edit": "adihtan",
"htmlform-submit": "Forþsendan",
"htmlform-reset": "Undōn andwendunga",
"htmlform-selectorother-other": "Ōðer",
"logentry-delete-delete": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|forlēas}} tramet $3",
+ "logentry-move-move": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|wæg}} þone tramet $3 tō $4",
"logentry-newusers-create": "Brūcendes grīma $1 wæs {{GENDER:$2|geworht}}",
"revdelete-summary": "ādihtscortnes",
- "searchsuggest-search": "Sēcan"
+ "searchsuggest-search": "Sēcan",
+ "special-characters-group-latin": "Lǣden",
+ "special-characters-group-latinextended": "Ēacnod Lǣden",
+ "special-characters-group-symbols": "Tācnu",
+ "special-characters-group-greek": "Grēcisc",
+ "special-characters-group-cyrillic": "Cyrillisc",
+ "special-characters-group-arabic": "Arabisc",
+ "special-characters-group-persian": "Perseanisc"