path: root/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/GlobalTest.php
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authorPierre Schmitz <>2013-08-12 09:28:15 +0200
committerPierre Schmitz <>2013-08-12 09:28:15 +0200
commit08aa4418c30cfc18ccc69a0f0f9cb9e17be6c196 (patch)
tree577a29fb579188d16003a209ce2a2e9c5b0aa2bd /tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/GlobalTest.php
parentcacc939b34e315b85e2d72997811eb6677996cc1 (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.21.1
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/GlobalTest.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 598 deletions
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/GlobalTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/GlobalTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9097d301..00000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/GlobalTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,598 +0,0 @@
-class GlobalTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
- function setUp() {
- global $wgReadOnlyFile, $wgUrlProtocols;
- $this->originals['wgReadOnlyFile'] = $wgReadOnlyFile;
- $this->originals['wgUrlProtocols'] = $wgUrlProtocols;
- $wgReadOnlyFile = tempnam( wfTempDir(), "mwtest_readonly" );
- $wgUrlProtocols[] = 'file://';
- unlink( $wgReadOnlyFile );
- }
- function tearDown() {
- global $wgReadOnlyFile, $wgUrlProtocols;
- if ( file_exists( $wgReadOnlyFile ) ) {
- unlink( $wgReadOnlyFile );
- }
- $wgReadOnlyFile = $this->originals['wgReadOnlyFile'];
- $wgUrlProtocols = $this->originals['wgUrlProtocols'];
- }
- /** @dataProvider provideForWfArrayDiff2 */
- public function testWfArrayDiff2( $a, $b, $expected ) {
- $this->assertEquals(
- wfArrayDiff2( $a, $b), $expected
- );
- }
- // @todo Provide more tests
- public function provideForWfArrayDiff2() {
- // $a $b $expected
- return array(
- array(
- array( 'a', 'b'),
- array( 'a', 'b'),
- array(),
- ),
- array(
- array( array( 'a'), array( 'a', 'b', 'c' )),
- array( array( 'a'), array( 'a', 'b' )),
- array( 1 => array( 'a', 'b', 'c' ) ),
- ),
- );
- }
- function testRandom() {
- # This could hypothetically fail, but it shouldn't ;)
- $this->assertFalse(
- wfRandom() == wfRandom() );
- }
- function testUrlencode() {
- $this->assertEquals(
- "%E7%89%B9%E5%88%A5:Contributions/Foobar",
- wfUrlencode( "\xE7\x89\xB9\xE5\x88\xA5:Contributions/Foobar" ) );
- }
- function testExpandIRI() {
- $this->assertEquals(
- "ఉబుంటు_వాడుకరి_మార్గదర్శని",
- wfExpandIRI( "" ) );
- }
- function testReadOnlyEmpty() {
- global $wgReadOnly;
- $wgReadOnly = null;
- $this->assertFalse( wfReadOnly() );
- $this->assertFalse( wfReadOnly() );
- }
- function testReadOnlySet() {
- global $wgReadOnly, $wgReadOnlyFile;
- $f = fopen( $wgReadOnlyFile, "wt" );
- fwrite( $f, 'Message' );
- fclose( $f );
- $wgReadOnly = null; # Check on $wgReadOnlyFile
- $this->assertTrue( wfReadOnly() );
- $this->assertTrue( wfReadOnly() ); # Check cached
- unlink( $wgReadOnlyFile );
- $wgReadOnly = null; # Clean cache
- $this->assertFalse( wfReadOnly() );
- $this->assertFalse( wfReadOnly() );
- }
- function testQuotedPrintable() {
- $this->assertEquals(
- "=?UTF-8?Q?=C4=88u=20legebla=3F?=",
- UserMailer::quotedPrintable( "\xc4\x88u legebla?", "UTF-8" ) );
- }
- function testTime() {
- $start = wfTime();
- $this->assertInternalType( 'float', $start );
- $end = wfTime();
- $this->assertTrue( $end > $start, "Time is running backwards!" );
- }
- function dataArrayToCGI() {
- return array(
- array( array(), '' ), // empty
- array( array( 'foo' => 'bar' ), 'foo=bar' ), // string test
- array( array( 'foo' => '' ), 'foo=' ), // empty string test
- array( array( 'foo' => 1 ), 'foo=1' ), // number test
- array( array( 'foo' => true ), 'foo=1' ), // true test
- array( array( 'foo' => false ), '' ), // false test
- array( array( 'foo' => null ), '' ), // null test
- array( array( 'foo' => 'A&B=5+6@!"\'' ), 'foo=A%26B%3D5%2B6%40%21%22%27' ), // urlencoding test
- array( array( 'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'is', 'asdf' => 'qwerty' ), 'foo=bar&baz=is&asdf=qwerty' ), // multi-item test
- array( array( 'foo' => array( 'bar' => 'baz' ) ), 'foo%5Bbar%5D=baz' ),
- array( array( 'foo' => array( 'bar' => 'baz', 'qwerty' => 'asdf' ) ), 'foo%5Bbar%5D=baz&foo%5Bqwerty%5D=asdf' ),
- array( array( 'foo' => array( 'bar', 'baz' ) ), 'foo%5B0%5D=bar&foo%5B1%5D=baz' ),
- array( array( 'foo' => array( 'bar' => array( 'bar' => 'baz' ) ) ), 'foo%5Bbar%5D%5Bbar%5D=baz' ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider dataArrayToCGI
- */
- function testArrayToCGI( $array, $result ) {
- $this->assertEquals( $result, wfArrayToCGI( $array ) );
- }
- function testArrayToCGI2() {
- $this->assertEquals(
- "baz=bar&foo=bar",
- wfArrayToCGI(
- array( 'baz' => 'bar' ),
- array( 'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'overridden value' ) ) );
- }
- function dataCgiToArray() {
- return array(
- array( '', array() ), // empty
- array( 'foo=bar', array( 'foo' => 'bar' ) ), // string
- array( 'foo=', array( 'foo' => '' ) ), // empty string
- array( 'foo', array( 'foo' => '' ) ), // missing =
- array( 'foo=bar&qwerty=asdf', array( 'foo' => 'bar', 'qwerty' => 'asdf' ) ), // multiple value
- array( 'foo=A%26B%3D5%2B6%40%21%22%27', array( 'foo' => 'A&B=5+6@!"\'' ) ), // urldecoding test
- array( 'foo%5Bbar%5D=baz', array( 'foo' => array( 'bar' => 'baz' ) ) ),
- array( 'foo%5Bbar%5D=baz&foo%5Bqwerty%5D=asdf', array( 'foo' => array( 'bar' => 'baz', 'qwerty' => 'asdf' ) ) ),
- array( 'foo%5B0%5D=bar&foo%5B1%5D=baz', array( 'foo' => array( 0 => 'bar', 1 => 'baz' ) ) ),
- array( 'foo%5Bbar%5D%5Bbar%5D=baz', array( 'foo' => array( 'bar' => array( 'bar' => 'baz' ) ) ) ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider dataCgiToArray
- */
- function testCgiToArray( $cgi, $result ) {
- $this->assertEquals( $result, wfCgiToArray( $cgi ) );
- }
- function dataCgiRoundTrip() {
- return array(
- array( '' ),
- array( 'foo=bar' ),
- array( 'foo=' ),
- array( 'foo=bar&baz=biz' ),
- array( 'foo=A%26B%3D5%2B6%40%21%22%27' ),
- array( 'foo%5Bbar%5D=baz' ),
- array( 'foo%5B0%5D=bar&foo%5B1%5D=baz' ),
- array( 'foo%5Bbar%5D%5Bbar%5D=baz' ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider dataCgiRoundTrip
- */
- function testCgiRoundTrip( $cgi ) {
- $this->assertEquals( $cgi, wfArrayToCGI( wfCgiToArray( $cgi ) ) );
- }
- function testMimeTypeMatch() {
- $this->assertEquals(
- 'text/html',
- mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html',
- array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
- 'text/html' => 0.7,
- 'text/plain' => 0.3 ) ) );
- $this->assertEquals(
- 'text/*',
- mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html',
- array( 'image/*' => 1.0,
- 'text/*' => 0.5 ) ) );
- $this->assertEquals(
- '*/*',
- mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html',
- array( '*/*' => 1.0 ) ) );
- $this->assertNull(
- mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html',
- array( 'image/png' => 1.0,
- 'image/svg+xml' => 0.5 ) ) );
- }
- function testNegotiateType() {
- $this->assertEquals(
- 'text/html',
- wfNegotiateType(
- array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
- 'text/html' => 0.7,
- 'text/plain' => 0.5,
- 'text/*' => 0.2 ),
- array( 'text/html' => 1.0 ) ) );
- $this->assertEquals(
- 'application/xhtml+xml',
- wfNegotiateType(
- array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
- 'text/html' => 0.7,
- 'text/plain' => 0.5,
- 'text/*' => 0.2 ),
- array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
- 'text/html' => 0.5 ) ) );
- $this->assertEquals(
- 'text/html',
- wfNegotiateType(
- array( 'text/html' => 1.0,
- 'text/plain' => 0.5,
- 'text/*' => 0.5,
- 'application/xhtml+xml' => 0.2 ),
- array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
- 'text/html' => 0.5 ) ) );
- $this->assertEquals(
- 'text/html',
- wfNegotiateType(
- array( 'text/*' => 1.0,
- 'image/*' => 0.7,
- '*/*' => 0.3 ),
- array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
- 'text/html' => 0.5 ) ) );
- $this->assertNull(
- wfNegotiateType(
- array( 'text/*' => 1.0 ),
- array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0 ) ) );
- }
- function testFallbackMbstringFunctions() {
- if( !extension_loaded( 'mbstring' ) ) {
- $this->markTestSkipped( "The mb_string functions must be installed to test the fallback functions" );
- }
- $sampleUTF = "Östergötland_coat_of_arms.png";
- //mb_substr
- $substr_params = array(
- array( 0, 0 ),
- array( 5, -4 ),
- array( 33 ),
- array( 100, -5 ),
- array( -8, 10 ),
- array( 1, 1 ),
- array( 2, -1 )
- );
- foreach( $substr_params as $param_set ) {
- $old_param_set = $param_set;
- array_unshift( $param_set, $sampleUTF );
- $this->assertEquals(
- MWFunction::callArray( 'mb_substr', $param_set ),
- MWFunction::callArray( 'Fallback::mb_substr', $param_set ),
- 'Fallback mb_substr with params ' . implode( ', ', $old_param_set )
- );
- }
- //mb_strlen
- $this->assertEquals(
- mb_strlen( $sampleUTF ),
- Fallback::mb_strlen( $sampleUTF ),
- 'Fallback mb_strlen'
- );
- //mb_str(r?)pos
- $strpos_params = array(
- //array( 'ter' ),
- //array( 'Ö' ),
- //array( 'Ö', 3 ),
- //array( 'oat_', 100 ),
- //array( 'c', -10 ),
- //Broken for now
- );
- foreach( $strpos_params as $param_set ) {
- $old_param_set = $param_set;
- array_unshift( $param_set, $sampleUTF );
- $this->assertEquals(
- MWFunction::callArray( 'mb_strpos', $param_set ),
- MWFunction::callArray( 'Fallback::mb_strpos', $param_set ),
- 'Fallback mb_strpos with params ' . implode( ', ', $old_param_set )
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- MWFunction::callArray( 'mb_strrpos', $param_set ),
- MWFunction::callArray( 'Fallback::mb_strrpos', $param_set ),
- 'Fallback mb_strrpos with params ' . implode( ', ', $old_param_set )
- );
- }
- }
- function testDebugFunctionTest() {
- global $wgDebugLogFile, $wgDebugTimestamps;
- $old_log_file = $wgDebugLogFile;
- $wgDebugLogFile = tempnam( wfTempDir(), 'mw-' );
- # @todo FIXME: This setting should be tested
- $wgDebugTimestamps = false;
- wfDebug( "This is a normal string" );
- $this->assertEquals( "This is a normal string", file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) );
- unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
- wfDebug( "This is nöt an ASCII string" );
- $this->assertEquals( "This is nöt an ASCII string", file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) );
- unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
- wfDebug( "\00305This has böth UTF and control chars\003" );
- $this->assertEquals( " 05This has böth UTF and control chars ", file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) );
- unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
- wfDebugMem();
- $this->assertGreaterThan( 5000, preg_replace( '/\D/', '', file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) ) );
- unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
- wfDebugMem(true);
- $this->assertGreaterThan( 5000000, preg_replace( '/\D/', '', file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) ) );
- unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
- $wgDebugLogFile = $old_log_file;
- }
- function testClientAcceptsGzipTest() {
- $settings = array(
- 'gzip' => true,
- 'bzip' => false,
- '*' => false,
- 'compress, gzip' => true,
- 'gzip;q=1.0' => true,
- 'foozip' => false,
- 'foo*zip' => false,
- 'gzip;q=abcde' => true, //is this REALLY valid?
- 'gzip;q=12345678.9' => true,
- ' gzip' => true,
- );
- if( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] ) ) $old_server_setting = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'];
- foreach ( $settings as $encoding => $expect ) {
- $this->assertEquals( $expect, wfClientAcceptsGzip( true ),
- "'$encoding' => " . wfBoolToStr( $expect ) );
- }
- if( isset( $old_server_setting ) ) $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] = $old_server_setting;
- }
- function testSwapVarsTest() {
- $var1 = 1;
- $var2 = 2;
- $this->assertEquals( $var1, 1, 'var1 is set originally' );
- $this->assertEquals( $var2, 2, 'var1 is set originally' );
- swap( $var1, $var2 );
- $this->assertEquals( $var1, 2, 'var1 is swapped' );
- $this->assertEquals( $var2, 1, 'var2 is swapped' );
- }
- function testWfPercentTest() {
- $pcts = array(
- array( 6/7, '0.86%', 2, false ),
- array( 3/3, '1%' ),
- array( 22/7, '3.14286%', 5 ),
- array( 3/6, '0.5%' ),
- array( 1/3, '0%', 0 ),
- array( 10/3, '0%', -1 ),
- array( 3/4/5, '0.1%', 1 ),
- array( 6/7*8, '6.8571428571%', 10 ),
- );
- foreach( $pcts as $pct ) {
- if( !isset( $pct[2] ) ) $pct[2] = 2;
- if( !isset( $pct[3] ) ) $pct[3] = true;
- $this->assertEquals( wfPercent( $pct[0], $pct[2], $pct[3] ), $pct[1], $pct[1] );
- }
- }
- function testInStringTest() {
- $this->assertTrue( in_string( 'foo', 'foobar' ), 'foo is in foobar' );
- $this->assertFalse( in_string( 'Bar', 'foobar' ), 'Case-sensitive by default' );
- $this->assertTrue( in_string( 'Foo', 'foobar', true ), 'Case-insensitive when asked' );
- }
- /**
- * test @see wfShorthandToInteger()
- * @dataProvider provideShorthand
- */
- public function testWfShorthandToInteger( $shorthand, $expected ) {
- $this->assertEquals( $expected,
- wfShorthandToInteger( $shorthand )
- );
- }
- /** array( shorthand, expected integer ) */
- public function provideShorthand() {
- return array(
- # Null, empty ...
- array( '', -1),
- array( ' ', -1),
- array( null, -1),
- # Failures returns 0 :(
- array( 'ABCDEFG', 0 ),
- array( 'Ak', 0 ),
- # Int, strings with spaces
- array( 1, 1 ),
- array( ' 1 ', 1 ),
- array( 1023, 1023 ),
- array( ' 1023 ', 1023 ),
- # kilo, Mega, Giga
- array( '1k', 1024 ),
- array( '1K', 1024 ),
- array( '1m', 1024 * 1024 ),
- array( '1M', 1024 * 1024 ),
- array( '1g', 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ),
- array( '1G', 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ),
- # Negatives
- array( -1, -1 ),
- array( -500, -500 ),
- array( '-500', -500 ),
- array( '-1k', -1024 ),
- # Zeroes
- array( '0', 0 ),
- array( '0k', 0 ),
- array( '0M', 0 ),
- array( '0G', 0 ),
- array( '-0', 0 ),
- array( '-0k', 0 ),
- array( '-0M', 0 ),
- array( '-0G', 0 ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider provideMakeUrlIndexes()
- */
- function testMakeUrlIndexes( $url, $expected ) {
- $index = wfMakeUrlIndexes( $url );
- $this->assertEquals( $expected, $index, "wfMakeUrlIndexes(\"$url\")" );
- }
- function provideMakeUrlIndexes() {
- return array(
- array(
- // just a regular :)
- '',
- array( 'https://org.wikimedia.bugzilla./show_bug.cgi?id=28627' )
- ),
- array(
- // mailtos are handled special
- // is this really right though? that final . probably belongs earlier?
- '',
- array( 'mailto:org.wikimedia@wiki.' )
- ),
- // file URL cases per bug 28627...
- array(
- // three slashes: local filesystem path Unix-style
- 'file:///whatever/you/like.txt',
- array( 'file://./whatever/you/like.txt' )
- ),
- array(
- // three slashes: local filesystem path Windows-style
- 'file:///c:/whatever/you/like.txt',
- array( 'file://./c:/whatever/you/like.txt' )
- ),
- array(
- // two slashes: UNC filesystem path Windows-style
- 'file://intranet/whatever/you/like.txt',
- array( 'file://intranet./whatever/you/like.txt' )
- ),
- // Multiple-slash cases that can sorta work on Mozilla
- // if you hack it just right are kinda pathological,
- // and unreliable cross-platform or on IE which means they're
- // unlikely to appear on intranets.
- //
- // Those will survive the algorithm but with results that
- // are less consistent.
- // protocol-relative URL cases per bug 29854...
- array(
- '//',
- array(
- 'http://org.wikimedia.bugzilla./show_bug.cgi?id=28627',
- 'https://org.wikimedia.bugzilla./show_bug.cgi?id=28627'
- )
- ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider provideWfMatchesDomainList
- */
- function testWfMatchesDomainList( $url, $domains, $expected, $description ) {
- $actual = wfMatchesDomainList( $url, $domains );
- $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual, $description );
- }
- function provideWfMatchesDomainList() {
- $a = array();
- $protocols = array( 'HTTP' => 'http:', 'HTTPS' => 'https:', 'protocol-relative' => '' );
- foreach ( $protocols as $pDesc => $p ) {
- $a = array_merge( $a, array(
- array( "$p//", array(), false, "No matches for empty domains array, $pDesc URL" ),
- array( "$p//", array( '' ), true, "Exact match in domains array, $pDesc URL" ),
- array( "$p//", array( '' ), true, "Match without subdomain in domains array, $pDesc URL" ),
- array( "$p//", array( '', '', '' ), true, "Exact match with other domains in array, $pDesc URL" ),
- array( "$p//", array( '', '', 'example3,com' ), true, "Match without subdomain with other domains in array, $pDesc URL" ),
- array( "$p//", array( '', '', 'example3,com' ), false, "Domain not in array, $pDesc URL" ),
- // FIXME: This is a bug in wfMatchesDomainList(). If and when this is fixed, update this test case
- array( "$p//", array( '' ), true, "Substrings of domains match while they shouldn't, $pDesc URL" ),
- ) );
- }
- return $a;
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider provideWfShellMaintenanceCmdList
- */
- function testWfShellMaintenanceCmd( $script, $parameters, $options, $expected, $description ) {
- if( wfIsWindows() ) {
- // Approximation that's good enough for our purposes just now
- $expected = str_replace( "'", '"', $expected );
- }
- $actual = wfShellMaintenanceCmd( $script, $parameters, $options );
- $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual, $description );
- }
- function provideWfShellMaintenanceCmdList() {
- global $wgPhpCli;
- return array(
- array( 'eval.php', array( '--help', '--test' ), array(),
- "'$wgPhpCli' 'eval.php' '--help' '--test'",
- "Called eval.php --help --test" ),
- array( 'eval.php', array( '--help', '--test space' ), array('php' => 'php5'),
- "'php5' 'eval.php' '--help' '--test space'",
- "Called eval.php --help --test with php option" ),
- array( 'eval.php', array( '--help', '--test', 'X' ), array('wrapper' => 'MWScript.php'),
- "'$wgPhpCli' 'MWScript.php' 'eval.php' '--help' '--test' 'X'",
- "Called eval.php --help --test with wrapper option" ),
- array( 'eval.php', array( '--help', '--test', 'y' ), array('php' => 'php5', 'wrapper' => 'MWScript.php'),
- "'php5' 'MWScript.php' 'eval.php' '--help' '--test' 'y'",
- "Called eval.php --help --test with wrapper and php option" ),
- );
- }
- /* TODO: many more! */