path: root/resources/src/jquery/jquery.confirmable.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'resources/src/jquery/jquery.confirmable.js')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/resources/src/jquery/jquery.confirmable.js b/resources/src/jquery/jquery.confirmable.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..339e65a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/src/jquery/jquery.confirmable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ * jQuery confirmable plugin
+ *
+ * Released under the MIT License.
+ *
+ * @author Bartosz Dziewoński
+ *
+ * @class jQuery.plugin.confirmable
+ */
+( function ( $ ) {
+ var identity = function ( data ) {
+ return data;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Enable inline confirmation for given clickable element (like `<a />` or `<button />`).
+ *
+ * An additional inline confirmation step being shown before the default action is carried out on
+ * click.
+ *
+ * Calling `.confirmable( { handler: function () { … } } )` will fire the handler only after the
+ * confirmation step.
+ *
+ * The element will have the `jquery-confirmable-element` class added to it when it's clicked for
+ * the first time, which has `white-space: nowrap;` and `display: inline-block;` defined in CSS.
+ * If the computed values for the element are different when you make it confirmable, you might
+ * encounter unexpected behavior.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} [options]
+ * @param {string} ['click'] Events to hook to.
+ * @param {Function} [options.wrapperCallback] Callback to fire when preparing confirmable
+ * interface. Receives the interface jQuery object as the only parameter.
+ * @param {Function} [options.buttonCallback] Callback to fire when preparing confirmable buttons.
+ * It is fired separately for the 'Yes' and 'No' button. Receives the button jQuery object as
+ * the first parameter and 'yes' or 'no' as the second.
+ * @param {Function} [options.handler] Callback to fire when the action is confirmed (user clicks
+ * the 'Yes' button).
+ * @param {string} [options.i18n] Text to use for interface elements.
+ * @param {string} [] Word separator to place between the three text messages.
+ * @param {string} [options.i18n.confirm] Text to use for the confirmation question.
+ * @param {string} [options.i18n.yes] Text to use for the 'Yes' button.
+ * @param {string} [] Text to use for the 'No' button.
+ *
+ * @chainable
+ */
+ $.fn.confirmable = function ( options ) {
+ options = $.extend( true, {}, $.fn.confirmable.defaultOptions, options || {} );
+ return this.on(, function ( e ) {
+ var $element, $text, $buttonYes, $buttonNo, $wrapper, $interface, $elementClone,
+ interfaceWidth, elementWidth, rtl, positionOffscreen, positionRestore, sideMargin;
+ $element = $( this );
+ if ( $ 'jquery-confirmable-button' ) ) {
+ // We're running on a clone of this element that represents the 'Yes' or 'No' button.
+ // (This should never happen for the 'No' case unless calling code does bad things.)
+ return;
+ }
+ // Only prevent native event handling. Stopping other JavaScript event handlers
+ // is impossible because they might have already run (we have no control over the order).
+ e.preventDefault();
+ rtl = $element.css( 'direction' ) === 'rtl';
+ if ( rtl ) {
+ positionOffscreen = { position: 'absolute', right: '-9999px' };
+ positionRestore = { position: '', right: '' };
+ sideMargin = 'marginRight';
+ } else {
+ positionOffscreen = { position: 'absolute', left: '-9999px' };
+ positionRestore = { position: '', left: '' };
+ sideMargin = 'marginLeft';
+ }
+ if ( $element.hasClass( 'jquery-confirmable-element' ) ) {
+ $wrapper = $element.closest( '.jquery-confirmable-wrapper' );
+ $interface = $wrapper.find( '.jquery-confirmable-interface' );
+ $text = $interface.find( '.jquery-confirmable-text' );
+ $buttonYes = $interface.find( '.jquery-confirmable-button-yes' );
+ $buttonNo = $interface.find( '.jquery-confirmable-button-no' );
+ interfaceWidth = $ 'jquery-confirmable-width' );
+ elementWidth = $ 'jquery-confirmable-width' );
+ } else {
+ $elementClone = $element.clone( true );
+ $element.addClass( 'jquery-confirmable-element' );
+ elementWidth = $element.width();
+ $ 'jquery-confirmable-width', elementWidth );
+ $wrapper = $( '<span>' )
+ .addClass( 'jquery-confirmable-wrapper' );
+ $element.wrap( $wrapper );
+ // Build the mini-dialog
+ $text = $( '<span>' )
+ .addClass( 'jquery-confirmable-text' )
+ .text( options.i18n.confirm );
+ // Clone original element along with event handlers to easily replicate its behavior.
+ // We could fiddle with .trigger() etc., but that is troublesome especially since
+ // Safari doesn't implement .click() on <a> links and jQuery follows suit.
+ $buttonYes = $elementClone.clone( true )
+ .addClass( 'jquery-confirmable-button jquery-confirmable-button-yes' )
+ .data( 'jquery-confirmable-button', true )
+ .text( options.i18n.yes );
+ if ( options.handler ) {
+ $buttonYes.on(, options.handler );
+ }
+ $buttonYes = options.buttonCallback( $buttonYes, 'yes' );
+ // Clone it without any events and prevent default action to represent the 'No' button.
+ $buttonNo = $elementClone.clone( false )
+ .addClass( 'jquery-confirmable-button jquery-confirmable-button-no' )
+ .data( 'jquery-confirmable-button', true )
+ .text( )
+ .on(, function ( e ) {
+ $element.css( sideMargin, 0 );
+ $interface.css( 'width', 0 );
+ e.preventDefault();
+ } );
+ $buttonNo = options.buttonCallback( $buttonNo, 'no' );
+ // Prevent memory leaks
+ $elementClone.remove();
+ $interface = $( '<span>' )
+ .addClass( 'jquery-confirmable-interface' )
+ .append( $text,, $buttonYes,, $buttonNo );
+ $interface = options.wrapperCallback( $interface );
+ // Render offscreen to measure real width
+ $interface.css( positionOffscreen );
+ // Insert it in the correct place while we're at it
+ $element.after( $interface );
+ interfaceWidth = $interface.width();
+ $ 'jquery-confirmable-width', interfaceWidth );
+ $interface.css( positionRestore );
+ // Hide to animate the transition later
+ $interface.css( 'width', 0 );
+ }
+ // Hide element, show interface. This triggers both transitions.
+ // In a timeout to trigger the 'width' transition.
+ setTimeout( function () {
+ $element.css( sideMargin, -elementWidth );
+ $interface.css( 'width', interfaceWidth );
+ }, 1 );
+ } );
+ };
+ /**
+ * Default options. Overridable primarily for internationalisation handling.
+ * @property {Object} defaultOptions
+ */
+ $.fn.confirmable.defaultOptions = {
+ events: 'click',
+ wrapperCallback: identity,
+ buttonCallback: identity,
+ handler: null,
+ i18n: {
+ space: ' ',
+ confirm: 'Are you sure?',
+ yes: 'Yes',
+ no: 'No'
+ }
+ };
+}( jQuery ) );