path: root/vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/src/layouts/StackLayout.js
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diff --git a/vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/src/layouts/StackLayout.js b/vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/src/layouts/StackLayout.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 58f35d31..00000000
--- a/vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/src/layouts/StackLayout.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
- * StackLayouts contain a series of {@link OO.ui.PanelLayout panel layouts}. By default, only one panel is displayed
- * at a time, though the stack layout can also be configured to show all contained panels, one after another,
- * by setting the #continuous option to 'true'.
- *
- * @example
- * // A stack layout with two panels, configured to be displayed continously
- * var myStack = new OO.ui.StackLayout( {
- * items: [
- * new OO.ui.PanelLayout( {
- * $content: $( '<p>Panel One</p>' ),
- * padded: true,
- * framed: true
- * } ),
- * new OO.ui.PanelLayout( {
- * $content: $( '<p>Panel Two</p>' ),
- * padded: true,
- * framed: true
- * } )
- * ],
- * continuous: true
- * } );
- * $( 'body' ).append( myStack.$element );
- *
- * @class
- * @extends OO.ui.PanelLayout
- * @mixins OO.ui.GroupElement
- *
- * @constructor
- * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
- * @cfg {boolean} [continuous=false] Show all panels, one after another. By default, only one panel is displayed at a time.
- * @cfg {OO.ui.Layout[]} [items] Panel layouts to add to the stack layout.
- */
-OO.ui.StackLayout = function OoUiStackLayout( config ) {
- // Configuration initialization
- config = $.extend( { scrollable: true }, config );
- // Parent constructor
- this, config );
- // Mixin constructors
- this, $.extend( {}, config, { $group: this.$element } ) );
- // Properties
- this.currentItem = null;
- this.continuous = !!config.continuous;
- // Initialization
- this.$element.addClass( 'oo-ui-stackLayout' );
- if ( this.continuous ) {
- this.$element.addClass( 'oo-ui-stackLayout-continuous' );
- }
- if ( Array.isArray( config.items ) ) {
- this.addItems( config.items );
- }
-/* Setup */
-OO.inheritClass( OO.ui.StackLayout, OO.ui.PanelLayout );
-OO.mixinClass( OO.ui.StackLayout, OO.ui.GroupElement );
-/* Events */
- * A 'set' event is emitted when panels are {@link #addItems added}, {@link #removeItems removed},
- * {@link #clearItems cleared} or {@link #setItem displayed}.
- *
- * @event set
- * @param {OO.ui.Layout|null} item Current panel or `null` if no panel is shown
- */
-/* Methods */
- * Get the current panel.
- *
- * @return {OO.ui.Layout|null}
- */
-OO.ui.StackLayout.prototype.getCurrentItem = function () {
- return this.currentItem;
- * Unset the current item.
- *
- * @private
- * @param {OO.ui.StackLayout} layout
- * @fires set
- */
-OO.ui.StackLayout.prototype.unsetCurrentItem = function () {
- var prevItem = this.currentItem;
- if ( prevItem === null ) {
- return;
- }
- this.currentItem = null;
- this.emit( 'set', null );
- * Add panel layouts to the stack layout.
- *
- * Panels will be added to the end of the stack layout array unless the optional index parameter specifies a different
- * insertion point. Adding a panel that is already in the stack will move it to the end of the array or the point specified
- * by the index.
- *
- * @param {OO.ui.Layout[]} items Panels to add
- * @param {number} [index] Index of the insertion point
- * @chainable
- */
-OO.ui.StackLayout.prototype.addItems = function ( items, index ) {
- // Update the visibility
- this.updateHiddenState( items, this.currentItem );
- // Mixin method
- this, items, index );
- if ( !this.currentItem && items.length ) {
- this.setItem( items[ 0 ] );
- }
- return this;
- * Remove the specified panels from the stack layout.
- *
- * Removed panels are detached from the DOM, not removed, so that they may be reused. To remove all panels,
- * you may wish to use the #clearItems method instead.
- *
- * @param {OO.ui.Layout[]} items Panels to remove
- * @chainable
- * @fires set
- */
-OO.ui.StackLayout.prototype.removeItems = function ( items ) {
- // Mixin method
- this, items );
- if ( $.inArray( this.currentItem, items ) !== -1 ) {
- if ( this.items.length ) {
- this.setItem( this.items[ 0 ] );
- } else {
- this.unsetCurrentItem();
- }
- }
- return this;
- * Clear all panels from the stack layout.
- *
- * Cleared panels are detached from the DOM, not removed, so that they may be reused. To remove only
- * a subset of panels, use the #removeItems method.
- *
- * @chainable
- * @fires set
- */
-OO.ui.StackLayout.prototype.clearItems = function () {
- this.unsetCurrentItem();
- this );
- return this;
- * Show the specified panel.
- *
- * If another panel is currently displayed, it will be hidden.
- *
- * @param {OO.ui.Layout} item Panel to show
- * @chainable
- * @fires set
- */
-OO.ui.StackLayout.prototype.setItem = function ( item ) {
- if ( item !== this.currentItem ) {
- this.updateHiddenState( this.items, item );
- if ( $.inArray( item, this.items ) !== -1 ) {
- this.currentItem = item;
- this.emit( 'set', item );
- } else {
- this.unsetCurrentItem();
- }
- }
- return this;
- * Update the visibility of all items in case of non-continuous view.
- *
- * Ensure all items are hidden except for the selected one.
- * This method does nothing when the stack is continuous.
- *
- * @private
- * @param {OO.ui.Layout[]} items Item list iterate over
- * @param {OO.ui.Layout} [selectedItem] Selected item to show
- */
-OO.ui.StackLayout.prototype.updateHiddenState = function ( items, selectedItem ) {
- var i, len;
- if ( !this.continuous ) {
- for ( i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++ ) {
- if ( !selectedItem || selectedItem !== items[ i ] ) {
- items[ i ].$element.addClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden' );
- }
- }
- if ( selectedItem ) {
- selectedItem.$element.removeClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden' );
- }
- }