path: root/app/controllers
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-08-26make invalid CSRF-token/no-cookie error more informativebill-auger
2018-04-07Merged r17269 into 3.4-stable (#28302).Jean-Philippe Lang
2018-03-25Merged r17237 from trunk to 3.4-stable (#28393).Go MAEDA
2018-02-18Merged r17199 from trunk to 3.4-stable (#28110).Go MAEDA
2018-01-07Merged r17155 and r17156 to 3.4-stable (#27153).Jean-Philippe Lang
2018-01-07Merged r17141 from trunk to 3.4-stable (#27695).Go MAEDA
2017-12-09Merged r17078 to 3.4-stable (#27754).Go MAEDA
2017-08-30Merged r16957 from trunk to 3.4-stable (#26599)Toshi MARUYAMA
2017-07-30Merged r16918 and r16919 (#26564).Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-07-16Merged r16812 (#26393).Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-06-26Merged r16721 (#7068).Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-06-25Update copyright.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-06-10Set inverse_of on project boards association.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-06-10Highlight menu item when viewing an attachment (#25988).Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-06-10remove is_binary_data? from String (#25563)Toshi MARUYAMA
2017-06-03Don't check that param is a Hash.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-06-03Don't check that param is a Hash.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-06-03Permit role_ids on update.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-06-03Use strong params for CustomFieldEnumeration.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-06-03Permit enumeration params.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-06-03Don't check that param is a Hash.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-06-03AR uniq deprecated in Rails 5.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-06-03Use regular instance methods instead of association extensions.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-06-03redirect_to :back deprecated in Rails 5.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-06-01Use JSON instead of XML for reposman.rb.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-06-01Use #safe_attributes= instead.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-06-01Use #skip_after_action instead of #skip_after_filter.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-06-01Don't call #head with a hash.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-05-27Rescue any EncodingError exceptions (#25861).Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-05-13Render register page on all non-POST requests to account#register (#25653).Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-05-13Only perform login action on explicit POST (#25653).Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-05-13Moves project quick search to a dedicated action.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-04-13Preview when editing journal notes broken by r15621.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-04-06Option to copy watchers when copying issues (#10460).Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-04-05Code cleanup.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-04-04Adds a link back to the issue list that we are coming from.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-04-04Better handling of update failures when bulk editing time entries.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-04-04Don't hardcode the groups on My page.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-04-04Adds methods to User model to handle tokens.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-04-03Deny edit/update/delete for anonymous user (#25483).Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-04-03Send email even if password is not changed (#7577).Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-04-02spelling fixes (#25495)Toshi MARUYAMA
2017-03-14Delete :issue_query from session instead of :query.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-03-14Let user choose columns and sort order of issue lists on "My page" (#1565).Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-03-13Retrieve issues in each responder.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-03-13Don't reload the page when adding/removing a block.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-03-13Removes unneeded inclusions of sort_helper.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-03-13Get rid of sort_helper when using queries.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-03-09Get the count by group from the query directly.Jean-Philippe Lang
2017-03-09Removes MyControllerTest#page_layout (#25297).Jean-Philippe Lang