path: root/configs/lxde-openrc/airootfs/etc/local.d/choose-mirror.start
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-08-26[openrc] airootfs: add/modify scripts to emulate its systemd counterparts, ↵v47.1David P
better than before New: * add choose-mirror to openrc profiles * add choose-mirror.start and etc-pacman.d-gnupg.start to openrc profiles * enable haveged in openrc profiles Fixed: * read the kernel cmdline in reflector NM dispatcher script and pacman-init.start * talkingparabola: a little improvement in .zlogin, discovered by shellcheck * Makefile: add talkingparabola's choose-mirror to the shellcheck'ed files Signed-off-by: David P <>