path: root/languages/messages/MessagesGan_hant.php
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2010-07-28 11:52:48 +0200
committerPierre Schmitz <>2010-07-28 11:52:48 +0200
commit222b01f5169f1c7e69762e0e8904c24f78f71882 (patch)
tree8e932e12546bb991357ec48eb1638d1770be7a35 /languages/messages/MessagesGan_hant.php
parent00ab76a6b686e98a914afc1975812d2b1aaa7016 (diff)
update to MediaWiki 1.16.0
Diffstat (limited to 'languages/messages/MessagesGan_hant.php')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/languages/messages/MessagesGan_hant.php b/languages/messages/MessagesGan_hant.php
index c38eeb33..aea19d21 100644
--- a/languages/messages/MessagesGan_hant.php
+++ b/languages/messages/MessagesGan_hant.php
@@ -22,7 +22,33 @@ $namespaceNames = array(
NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => 'MediaWiki談詑',
NS_HELP_TALK => '幫助談詑',
- NS_CATEGORY_TALK => '分類談詑'
+ NS_CATEGORY_TALK => '分類談詑',
+$specialPageAliases = array(
+ 'BrokenRedirects' => array( '壞吥嗰重定向頁' ),
+ 'Disambiguations' => array( '多義項' ),
+ 'CreateAccount' => array( '新建隻帳戶' ),
+ 'Preferences' => array( '個人設定' ),
+ 'Watchlist' => array( '監視列表' ),
+ 'Recentchanges' => array( '最晏嗰改動' ),
+ 'Uncategorizedpages' => array( '冇歸類嗰頁面' ),
+ 'Uncategorizedcategories' => array( '冇歸類嗰分類' ),
+ 'Uncategorizedimages' => array( '冇歸類嗰檔案' ),
+ 'Uncategorizedtemplates' => array( '冇歸類嗰模板' ),
+ 'Unusedcategories' => array( '冇用嗰分類' ),
+ 'Unusedimages' => array( '冇用嗰檔案' ),
+ 'Mostlinked' => array( '拕連得最多嗰頁面' ),
+ 'Mostlinkedcategories' => array( '拕連得最多嗰分類' ),
+ 'Mostlinkedtemplates' => array( '拕連得最多嗰模板' ),
+ 'Mostimages' => array( '拕連得最多嗰檔案' ),
+ 'Mostcategories' => array( '最多分類嗰頁面' ),
+ 'Mostrevisions' => array( '最多改動嗰頁面' ),
+ 'Fewestrevisions' => array( '最少改動嗰頁面' ),
+ 'Shortpages' => array( '細文章' ),
+ 'Longpages' => array( '莽文章' ),
+ 'Newpages' => array( '全新嗰頁面' ),
+ 'Ancientpages' => array( '老早嗰頁面' ),
$messages = array(
@@ -56,6 +82,7 @@ $messages = array(
'tog-enotifminoredits' => '有細嗰改動都要發email到偶',
'tog-enotifrevealaddr' => '通知郵件可話到人聽偶嗰email地址',
'tog-shownumberswatching' => '顯示有幾多人監視',
+'tog-oldsig' => '原有簽名嗰預覽:',
'tog-fancysig' => '搦簽名以維基字對待(冇自動連結)',
'tog-externaleditor' => '默認用外部編輯器(專家用嗰功能,要到倷嗰電腦上頭特別嗰設置一下)',
'tog-externaldiff' => '默認用外部差異比較器(專家用嗰功能,要到倷嗰電腦上頭特別嗰設置一下)',
@@ -78,6 +105,13 @@ $messages = array(
'underline-never' => '絕伓使用',
'underline-default' => '瀏覽器預設',
+# Font style option in Special:Preferences
+'editfont-style' => '編輯區字型樣式:',
+'editfont-default' => '瀏覽器預設',
+'editfont-monospace' => '固定間距字型',
+'editfont-sansserif' => '冇腳字型',
+'editfont-serif' => '有腳字型',
# Dates
'sunday' => '禮拜天',
'monday' => '禮拜一',
@@ -137,7 +171,7 @@ $messages = array(
'category-media-header' => '“$1”分類裡頭嗰媒體',
'category-empty' => '“箇隻分類有包到任何文章或媒體”',
'hidden-categories' => '{{PLURAL:$1|隻隱藏分類|隻隱藏分類}}',
-'hidden-category-category' => '弆到嗰分類', # Name of the category where hidden categories will be listed
+'hidden-category-category' => '弆到嗰分類',
'category-subcat-count' => '{{PLURAL:$2|箇隻分類淨係有下頭嗰細分類。|箇隻分類有下頭嗰$1隻細分類,攏共有$2類。}}',
'category-subcat-count-limited' => '箇隻類別裡頭有$1隻細類別。',
'category-article-count' => '{{PLURAL:$2|箇隻分類淨係有下頭嗰版本。|箇隻分類有下頭嗰$1版本,攏共有$2版。}}',
@@ -145,6 +179,8 @@ $messages = array(
'category-file-count' => '{{PLURAL:$2|箇類淨係有下頭嗰檔案。|箇類有下頭嗰$1隻檔案,攏共有$2隻檔案。}}',
'category-file-count-limited' => '箇隻類別裡頭有$1隻檔案。',
'listingcontinuesabbrev' => '續',
+'index-category' => '做正索引嗰頁面',
+'noindex-category' => '冇做索引嗰頁面',
'mainpagetext' => "'''安裝正MediaWiki嘍。'''",
'mainpagedocfooter' => '參看[ 用戶指南]裡頭會話到啷用wiki軟件
@@ -155,10 +191,18 @@ $messages = array(
* [ MediaWiki 平常問題解答]
* [ MediaWiki 發佈email清單]',
-'about' => '關於',
-'article' => '文章',
-'newwindow' => '(開隻新窗口)',
-'cancel' => '取消',
+'about' => '關於',
+'article' => '文章',
+'newwindow' => '(開隻新窗口)',
+'cancel' => '取消',
+'moredotdotdot' => '別嗰...',
+'mypage' => '偶嗰頁面',
+'mytalk' => '偶嗰對話框',
+'anontalk' => '箇隻IP嗰對話框',
+'navigation' => '導航',
+'and' => '&#32;同到',
+# Cologne Blue skin
'qbfind' => '尋',
'qbbrowse' => '查看',
'qbedit' => '編寫',
@@ -166,15 +210,35 @@ $messages = array(
'qbpageinfo' => '箇頁信息',
'qbmyoptions' => '偶嗰選項',
'qbspecialpages' => '特殊頁',
-'moredotdotdot' => '別嗰...',
-'mypage' => '偶嗰頁面',
-'mytalk' => '偶嗰對話框',
-'anontalk' => '箇隻IP嗰對話框',
-'navigation' => '導航',
-'and' => '&#32;同到',
-# Metadata in edit box
-'metadata_help' => '元數據:',
+'faq' => 'FAQ',
+'faqpage' => 'Project:問得蠻多嗰問題',
+# Vector skin
+'vector-action-addsection' => '添主題',
+'vector-action-delete' => '刪吥',
+'vector-action-move' => '移吥',
+'vector-action-protect' => '護到',
+'vector-action-undelete' => '望下刪吥嗰頁面',
+'vector-action-unprotect' => '解除保護',
+'vector-namespace-category' => '分類',
+'vector-namespace-help' => '幫助頁',
+'vector-namespace-image' => '檔案',
+'vector-namespace-main' => '頁面',
+'vector-namespace-media' => '媒體頁',
+'vector-namespace-mediawiki' => '介面',
+'vector-namespace-project' => '計劃頁',
+'vector-namespace-special' => '特別頁',
+'vector-namespace-talk' => '談詑',
+'vector-namespace-template' => '模板',
+'vector-namespace-user' => '用戶頁',
+'vector-view-create' => '創建',
+'vector-view-edit' => '編輯',
+'vector-view-history' => '望下歷史',
+'vector-view-view' => '讀',
+'vector-view-viewsource' => '望下原始碼',
+'actions' => '動作',
+'namespaces' => '空間名',
+'variants' => '變換',
'errorpagetitle' => '錯誤',
'returnto' => '去歸$1。',
@@ -224,18 +288,22 @@ $messages = array(
'otherlanguages' => '別嗰話',
'redirectedfrom' => '(從$1跳過來)',
'redirectpagesub' => '跳轉頁',
-'lastmodifiedat' => '箇頁最晏嗰改動係:$1 $2。', # $1 date, $2 time
+'lastmodifiedat' => '箇頁最晏嗰改動係:$1 $2。',
'viewcount' => '箇頁拕人眵嘞$1回。',
'protectedpage' => '拕保護頁',
'jumpto' => '跳到:',
'jumptonavigation' => '導航',
'jumptosearch' => '尋',
+'view-pool-error' => '不過意,箇隻伺服器到箇時間超吥最大負荷。
# All link text and link target definitions of links into project namespace that get used by other message strings, with the exception of user group pages (see grouppage) and the disambiguation template definition (see disambiguations).
'aboutsite' => '關於 {{SITENAME}}',
'aboutpage' => 'Project:關於',
'copyright' => '箇版嗰內容係根據$1嗰條款發佈。',
-'copyrightpagename' => '{{SITENAME}} 版權',
'copyrightpage' => '{{ns:project}}:版權資訊',
'currentevents' => '新出嗰事',
'currentevents-url' => 'Project:新出嗰事',
@@ -243,8 +311,6 @@ $messages = array(
'disclaimerpage' => 'Project:免責聲明',
'edithelp' => '編寫幫助',
'edithelppage' => 'Help:啷編寫文章',
-'faq' => 'FAQ',
-'faqpage' => 'Project:問得蠻多嗰問題',
'helppage' => 'Help:説明',
'mainpage' => '封面',
'mainpage-description' => '封面',
@@ -322,10 +388,6 @@ MySQL回到錯誤 "<tt>$3: $4</tt>"。',
MySQL回到錯誤“$3: $4”。',
-'noconnect' => '對伓住!wiki碰到嘞技術問題,連伓到資料庫服務器。<br />
-'nodb' => '選伓正服務器 $1',
-'cachederror' => '底下係請求頁嗰緩存副本,可能伓係最新嗰。',
'laggedslavemode' => '警告:頁面可能冇有新近內容。',
'readonly' => '資料庫上正鎖囉',
'enterlockreason' => '請輸入鎖到資料庫嗰理由,包括預計幾時間解鎖',
@@ -376,14 +438,12 @@ $2',
'virus-unknownscanner' => '不曉得嗰防病毒:',
# Login and logout pages
-'logouttitle' => '用戶退出',
'logouttext' => "'''倷退出正嘞。'''
'welcomecreation' => '== 歡迎, $1! ==
-'loginpagetitle' => '用戶登入',
'yourname' => '用戶名:',
'yourpassword' => '密碼:',
'yourpasswordagain' => '輸過道密碼:',
@@ -405,20 +465,7 @@ $2',
'createaccountmail' => '通過email',
'badretype' => '倷輸嗰密碼伓合。',
'userexists' => '倷輸嗰用戶名係人家嗰,選過隻嘍!',
-'youremail' => '電子郵件:',
-'username' => '用戶名:',
-'uid' => '用戶ID:',
-'yourrealname' => '真名:',
-'yourlanguage' => '語言:',
-'yourvariant' => '轉換字體',
-'yournick' => '簽名:',
-'badsig' => '原始簽名錯誤,請檢查HTML。',
-'badsiglength' => '花名咁長?佢嗰長度要少過$1隻字符。',
-'email' => '電子郵件',
-'prefs-help-realname' => '真名係選填嗰,要係倷填嘞,倷嗰作品就會標到倷嗰名字。',
'loginerror' => '登入錯誤',
-'prefs-help-email' => 'email係選填嗰,佢可以讓伓認得倷嗰人通過email聯繫正倷。',
-'prefs-help-email-required' => '需要電子郵件地址。',
'nocookiesnew' => '帳戶扤正嘞!測到倷關吥嘞Cookies,麻煩倷開到佢登入過。',
'nocookieslogin' => '箇首要用 Cookies 登入,測到倷關吥嘞Cookies,麻煩倷開到佢登入過。',
'noname' => '倷冇輸正有效嗰用戶名。',
@@ -454,16 +501,15 @@ $2',
'loginlanguagelabel' => '語言: $1',
# Password reset dialog
-'resetpass' => '設過帳戶密碼',
-'resetpass_announce' => '倷係用到臨時email嗰代碼登入嗰。要登正入,倷要到箇首設定隻新密碼:',
-'resetpass_header' => '設過密碼',
-'oldpassword' => '老密碼:',
-'newpassword' => '新密碼:',
-'retypenew' => '確認密碼:',
-'resetpass_submit' => '設定密碼同到登入',
-'resetpass_success' => '倷嗰密碼改正嘍!正幫倷登入...',
-'resetpass_bad_temporary' => '冇用嗰臨時密碼。可能倷改正嘞倷嗰密碼,或者重新要過隻新嗰臨時密碼。',
-'resetpass_forbidden' => '到{{SITENAME}}上改伓正密碼',
+'resetpass' => '設過帳戶密碼',
+'resetpass_announce' => '倷係用到臨時email嗰代碼登入嗰。要登正入,倷要到箇首設定隻新密碼:',
+'resetpass_header' => '設過密碼',
+'oldpassword' => '老密碼:',
+'newpassword' => '新密碼:',
+'retypenew' => '確認密碼:',
+'resetpass_submit' => '設定密碼同到登入',
+'resetpass_success' => '倷嗰密碼改正嘍!正幫倷登入...',
+'resetpass_forbidden' => '到{{SITENAME}}上改伓正密碼',
# Edit page toolbar
'bold_sample' => '粗體字',
@@ -529,7 +575,6 @@ $2',
'blockededitsource' => "底下係倷對'''$1'''嗰'''編輯'''內容:",
'whitelistedittitle' => '登入後才編得正',
'whitelistedittext' => '起先倷要$1才編得正箇頁。',
-'confirmedittitle' => 'email確認後才編得正',
'confirmedittext' => '確認嘞email才能編寫箇頁。麻煩用[[Special:Preferences|參數設置]]設置同確認倷嗰email。',
'nosuchsectiontitle' => '冇箇隻段落',
'nosuchsectiontext' => '倷嘗試編寫嗰段落伓存在。',
@@ -546,7 +591,8 @@ $2',
'noarticletext' => '眼下箇頁哈冇內容,倷可以到別嗰頁面[[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|尋吖箇頁嗰標題]],
<span class="plainlinks">[{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} 尋吖有關日誌]或[{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} 編寫箇頁]。',
'clearyourcache' => "'''注意:''' 保存之後, 倷要清吥瀏覽器嗰緩存才眵得正改嗰內容。 '''Mozilla / Firefox / Safari:''' 按到 ''Shift'' 接到按''刷新''(或按吖''Ctrl-Shift-R'',到蘋果Mac上按''Cmd-Shift-R'');'''IE:''' 按到 ''Ctrl''接到按''刷新'',或按吖''Ctrl-F5'';'''Konqueror:''' 單只要按 ''刷新'';'''Opera:''' 用戶要到 ''工具-設置'' 完全嗰清除緩存。",
-'usercssjsyoucanpreview' => "'''提示:''' 存到前請用'望吖起'來測吖倷嗰新CSS/JS 。",
+'usercssyoucanpreview' => "'''提示:''' 存到前請用'望吖起'來測吖倷嗰新CSS 。",
+'userjsyoucanpreview' => "'''提示:''' 存到前請用'望吖起'來測吖倷嗰新JS 。",
'usercsspreview' => "'''注意倷單係到預覽倷個人嗰 CSS,內容哈冇保存!'''",
'userjspreview' => "'''注意倷單係到測試/預覽倷個人嗰 JavaScript,內容哈冇保存!'''",
'userinvalidcssjstitle' => "'''警告:''' 冇\"\$1\"嗰皮膚。請記到自定義嗰 .css 同 .js 頁要用小寫。就話,{{ns:user}}:Foo/monobook.css 伓等同 {{ns:user}}:Foo/Monobook.css。",
@@ -591,8 +637,8 @@ $2',
'semiprotectedpagewarning' => "'''注意:'''箇頁拕鎖到嘞,單只註冊用戶編得正。",
'cascadeprotectedwarning' => '警告: 箇頁已經受保護,單只管理員許可權嗰用戶才改得正,因為箇頁同底下嗰連鎖保護嗰{{PLURAL:$1|一隻|多隻}}頁面包到嘞:',
'titleprotectedwarning' => "'''警告:箇隻頁鎖到嘍,只有一滴子人才建得正。'''",
-'templatesused' => '箇隻頁面使用嗰模板有:',
-'templatesusedpreview' => '箇隻預覽使用嗰模板有:',
+'templatesused' => '箇隻頁面使用嗰有{{PLURAL:$1|模板|模板}}:',
+'templatesusedpreview' => '箇隻預覽使用嗰有{{PLURAL:$1|模板|模板}}',
'templatesusedsection' => '箇隻段落使用嗰模板有:',
'template-protected' => '(保護)',
'template-semiprotected' => '(半保護)',
@@ -604,10 +650,12 @@ $2',
'permissionserrors' => '許可權錯誤',
'permissionserrorstext' => '根據底下嗰{{PLURAL:$1|原因|原因}},倷冇許可權去扤:',
'permissionserrorstext-withaction' => '根據下頭嗰{{PLURAL:$1|原因|原因}},你冇權力去舞$2:',
-'recreate-deleted-warn' => "'''警告: 倷正重建一隻之前拕刪吥嗰頁面。'''
+'recreate-moveddeleted-warn' => "'''警告: 倷正重建一隻之前拕刪吥嗰頁面。'''
+'moveddeleted-notice' => '箇隻版面已經拕刪吥嘍。
# "Undo" feature
'undo-success' => '箇隻編輯可以拕取銷。請檢查吖以確定箇係倷想扤嗰,接到保存修改去完成撤銷編輯。',
@@ -624,7 +672,7 @@ $2',
'currentrev' => '眼前嗰修改版本',
'currentrev-asof' => '到 $1 嗰眼下改動',
'revisionasof' => '$1嗰修改版本',
-'revision-info' => '$2到$1扤嗰修訂版本', # Additionally available: $3: revision id
+'revision-info' => '$2到$1扤嗰修訂版本',
'previousrevision' => '←之前嗰修改',
'nextrevision' => '接到嗰修改→',
'currentrevisionlink' => '眼前嗰修改',
@@ -636,7 +684,6 @@ $2',
'histlegend' => '差異選擇: 標到伓同版本嗰單選鍵,接到按吖督上嗰鍵比較下。<br />
說明: (眼下) 指同目前版本嗰比較,(之前) 指同之前修改版本嗰比較,細 = 細修改。',
'history-fieldset-title' => '瀏覽歷史',
-'deletedrev' => '[拕刪除]',
'histfirst' => '最早版本',
'histlast' => '最晏版本',
'historysize' => '({{PLURAL:$1|1 字節|$1 字節}})',
@@ -645,15 +692,15 @@ $2',
# Revision feed
'history-feed-title' => '修改歷史',
'history-feed-description' => '本站箇頁嗰修改歷史',
-'history-feed-item-nocomment' => '$1到$2', # user at time
+'history-feed-item-nocomment' => '$1到$2',
'history-feed-empty' => '要求嗰頁面伓存在。佢可能拕刪吥嘞或改嘞名。試吖[[Special:Search|到本站尋]]有關嗰新頁面內容。',
# Revision deletion
'rev-deleted-comment' => '(注釋挪吥嘞)',
'rev-deleted-user' => '(用戶名挪吥嘞)',
'rev-deleted-event' => '(項目挪吥嘞)',
-'rev-deleted-text-permission' => '箇頁嗰改動從共用文檔挪吥嘞。到[{{fullurl:Special:Log/delete|page={{PAGENAMEE}}}} 刪除日誌] 裡度倷話伓定有詳細嗰資料。',
-'rev-deleted-text-view' => '箇頁嗰改動從共用文檔挪吥嘞。作為本站嗰管理員,倷查看得正;到[{{fullurl:Special:Log/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} 刪除日誌] 裡度有詳細嗰資料。',
+'rev-deleted-text-permission' => '箇頁嗰改動從共用文檔挪吥嘞。到[{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{PAGENAMEE}}}} 刪除日誌] 裡度倷話伓定有詳細嗰資料。',
+'rev-deleted-text-view' => '箇頁嗰改動從共用文檔挪吥嘞。作為本站嗰管理員,倷查看得正;到[{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} 刪除日誌] 裡度有詳細嗰資料。',
'rev-delundel' => '顯示/弆到',
'revisiondelete' => '刪除/反刪除修改',
'revdelete-nooldid-title' => '冇目標修訂',
@@ -665,12 +712,12 @@ $2',
'revdelete-legend' => '設置可見性嗰限制',
'revdelete-hide-text' => '弆到修改內容',
+'revdelete-hide-image' => '弆到檔內容',
'revdelete-hide-name' => '弆到動作同目標',
'revdelete-hide-comment' => '弆到編輯說明',
'revdelete-hide-user' => '弆到編者嗰用戶名/IP',
'revdelete-hide-restricted' => '同樣嗰限制應用到管理員,接到鎖定箇隻界面',
'revdelete-suppress' => '同時壓到由操作員同別嗰用戶嗰資料',
-'revdelete-hide-image' => '弆到檔內容',
'revdelete-unsuppress' => '移吥恢復正嗰改動嗰限制',
'revdelete-log' => '原因:',
'revdelete-submit' => '應用到選正嗰修改',
@@ -714,16 +761,14 @@ $2',
'searchresulttext' => '有關嗰{{SITENAME}}嗰更多資料,請參看[[{{MediaWiki:Helppage}}|{{int:help}}]]。',
'searchsubtitle' => "用'''[[:$1]]'''",
'searchsubtitleinvalid' => "用'''$1'''尋",
-'noexactmatch' => "'''冇尋到標題係\"\$1\"嗰頁面。''' 倷可以[[:\$1|新開箇隻頁面]]。",
-'noexactmatch-nocreate' => "'''冇題目係 \"\$1\" 嗰頁面'''",
'toomanymatches' => '返回多傷嘍嗰結果,請試吖用別嗰詞語尋過',
'titlematches' => '文章標題符合',
'notitlematches' => '冇頁面同文章標題符合',
'textmatches' => '頁面內容符合',
'notextmatches' => '冇頁面內容符合',
-'prevn' => '前$1隻',
-'nextn' => '後$1隻',
-'viewprevnext' => '眵吖($1) ($2) ($3)',
+'prevn' => '前{{PLURAL:$1|$1}}隻',
+'nextn' => '後{{PLURAL:$1|$1}}隻',
+'viewprevnext' => '眵吖($1 {{int:pipe-separator}} $2) ($3)',
'searchhelp-url' => 'Help:説明',
'search-result-size' => '$1 ($2隻字)',
'search-redirect' => '(重定向 $1)',
@@ -736,7 +781,6 @@ $2',
'search-mwsuggest-disabled' => '冇建議',
'showingresults' => '底下從第<b>$2</b>條顯示起先嗰<b>$1</b>條結果:',
'showingresultsnum' => '底下從第<b>$2</b>條顯示起先嗰<b>$3</b>條結果:',
-'showingresultstotal' => "下頭顯示到由第'''$1{{PLURAL:$4|| - $2}}'''項,攏共'''$3'''項嗰結果",
'nonefound' => '<strong>注意:</strong>尋伓到往往係因為搜索夾到像“嗰”或“同”之類嗰常用字扤得。',
'search-nonefound' => '冇合到嗰查詢結果。',
'powersearch' => '高級尋',
@@ -746,67 +790,70 @@ $2',
'powersearch-field' => '尋',
'searchdisabled' => '{{SITENAME}}嗰搜索功能已經關閉。倷可以用Google尋吖。但係佢嗰索引可能係早先嗰。',
-# Preferences page
-'preferences' => '參數設置',
-'mypreferences' => '偶嗰參數設置',
-'prefs-edits' => '編輯數:',
-'prefsnologin' => '哈冇登入',
-'prefsnologintext' => '倷要[[Special:UserLogin|登入]]後才設得正個人參數。',
-'prefsreset' => '參數已經拕重新設過。',
+# Quickbar
'qbsettings' => '快捷導航條',
'qbsettings-none' => '冇',
'qbsettings-fixedleft' => '左首固定',
'qbsettings-fixedright' => '右首固定',
'qbsettings-floatingleft' => '左首漂移',
'qbsettings-floatingright' => '左首漂移',
-'changepassword' => '改過密碼',
-'skin' => '皮',
-'skin-preview' => '(預覽)',
-'math' => '數學公式',
-'dateformat' => '日期格式',
-'datedefault' => '默認項目',
-'datetime' => '日期同到時間',
-'math_failure' => '分析失敗',
-'math_unknown_error' => '未知錯誤',
-'math_unknown_function' => '未知函數',
-'math_lexing_error' => '句法錯誤',
-'math_syntax_error' => '文法錯誤',
-'math_image_error' => 'PNG轉換失敗;請檢查係否裝正嘞latex, dvips, gs同到convert',
-'math_bad_tmpdir' => '寫伓正或建伓正數學公式臨時目錄',
-'math_bad_output' => '寫伓正或建伓正數學公式輸出目錄',
-'math_notexvc' => '執行伓正"texvc";請參看 math/README 再配置過。',
-'prefs-personal' => '用戶介紹',
-'prefs-rc' => '最近更改',
-'prefs-watchlist' => '監視列表',
-'prefs-watchlist-days' => '監視列表顯示最久嗰日數:',
-'prefs-watchlist-edits' => '加強版嗰監視列表顯示最多更改數目:',
-'prefs-misc' => '雜項',
-'saveprefs' => '存到參數',
-'resetprefs' => '設過參數',
-'textboxsize' => '編寫',
-'rows' => '橫:',
-'columns' => '豎:',
-'searchresultshead' => '設置尋到嗰結果',
-'resultsperpage' => '設置尋到嗰連結數',
-'contextlines' => '設置尋到嗰行數:',
-'contextchars' => '設置尋到嗰字數:',
-'stub-threshold' => '<a href="#" class="stub">細文連結</a>格式門檻:',
-'recentchangesdays' => '最近更改中嗰顯示日數:',
-'recentchangescount' => '最近更改中嗰編輯數:',
-'savedprefs' => '倷嗰個人參數設置保存正嘞。',
-'timezonelegend' => '時區',
-'timezonetext' => '¹倷嗰當地時區同服務器時間(UTC)嗰時差。',
-'localtime' => '當地時區',
-'timezoneoffset' => '時差¹',
-'servertime' => '服務器時間',
-'guesstimezone' => '到瀏覽器上填',
-'allowemail' => '接受別嗰用戶嗰郵件',
-'defaultns' => '默認搜索嗰名字空間:',
-'default' => '默認',
-'files' => '檔案',
+# Preferences page
+'preferences' => '參數設置',
+'mypreferences' => '偶嗰參數設置',
+'prefs-edits' => '編輯數:',
+'prefsnologin' => '哈冇登入',
+'prefsnologintext' => '倷要[[Special:UserLogin|登入]]後才設得正個人參數。',
+'changepassword' => '改過密碼',
+'prefs-skin' => '皮',
+'skin-preview' => '(預覽)',
+'prefs-math' => '數學公式',
+'datedefault' => '默認項目',
+'prefs-datetime' => '日期同到時間',
+'prefs-personal' => '用戶介紹',
+'prefs-rc' => '最近更改',
+'prefs-watchlist' => '監視列表',
+'prefs-watchlist-days' => '監視列表顯示最久嗰日數:',
+'prefs-watchlist-edits' => '加強版嗰監視列表顯示最多更改數目:',
+'prefs-misc' => '雜項',
+'saveprefs' => '存到參數',
+'resetprefs' => '設過參數',
+'prefs-editing' => '編寫',
+'rows' => '橫:',
+'columns' => '豎:',
+'searchresultshead' => '設置尋到嗰結果',
+'resultsperpage' => '設置尋到嗰連結數',
+'contextlines' => '設置尋到嗰行數:',
+'contextchars' => '設置尋到嗰字數:',
+'stub-threshold' => '<a href="#" class="stub">細文連結</a>格式門檻:',
+'recentchangesdays' => '最近更改中嗰顯示日數:',
+'recentchangescount' => '最近更改中嗰編輯數:',
+'savedprefs' => '倷嗰個人參數設置保存正嘞。',
+'timezonelegend' => '時區',
+'localtime' => '當地時區',
+'timezoneoffset' => '時差¹',
+'servertime' => '服務器時間',
+'guesstimezone' => '到瀏覽器上填',
+'allowemail' => '接受別嗰用戶嗰郵件',
+'defaultns' => '默認搜索嗰名字空間:',
+'default' => '默認',
+'prefs-files' => '檔案',
+'youremail' => '電子郵件:',
+'username' => '用戶名:',
+'uid' => '用戶ID:',
+'yourrealname' => '真名:',
+'yourlanguage' => '語言:',
+'yourvariant' => '轉換字體',
+'yournick' => '簽名:',
+'badsig' => '原始簽名錯誤,請檢查HTML。',
+'badsiglength' => '花名咁長?佢嗰長度要少過$1隻字符。',
+'email' => '電子郵件',
+'prefs-help-realname' => '真名係選填嗰,要係倷填嘞,倷嗰作品就會標到倷嗰名字。',
+'prefs-help-email' => 'email係選填嗰,佢可以讓伓認得倷嗰人通過email聯繫正倷。',
+'prefs-help-email-required' => '需要電子郵件地址。',
# User rights
-'userrights' => '用戶許可權管理', # Not used as normal message but as header for the special page itself
+'userrights' => '用戶許可權管理',
'userrights-lookup-user' => '管理用戶群',
'userrights-user-editname' => '輸入用戶名:',
'editusergroup' => '編輯用戶群',
@@ -852,7 +899,7 @@ $2',
'recentchangestext' => '跟到箇隻wiki上嗰最新改動。',
'recentchanges-feed-description' => '跟到箇隻 wiki 上集合嗰最後改動。',
'rcnote' => "下底係到$4 $5,箇'''$2'''日嗰'''$1'''回改動:",
-'rcnotefrom' => "底下係自'''$2'''嗰更改(頂多顯示'''$1'''):",
+'rcnotefrom' => "底下係自'''$2'''嗰更改(頂多顯示'''$1'''):",
'rclistfrom' => '顯示自$1後嗰新改動',
'rcshowhideminor' => '$1細編輯',
'rcshowhidebots' => '$1機器人嗰編輯',
@@ -877,6 +924,8 @@ $2',
# Recent changes linked
'recentchangeslinked' => '連結頁嗰更改',
+'recentchangeslinked-feed' => '連結頁嗰更改',
+'recentchangeslinked-toolbox' => '連結頁嗰更改',
'recentchangeslinked-title' => '連結頁嗰改動到 "$1"',
'recentchangeslinked-noresult' => '箇段時間嗰連結頁冇更改。',
'recentchangeslinked-summary' => "箇隻特殊頁列出箇頁連出去頁面嗰最晏改動(或係某隻分類嗰頁面)。
@@ -887,7 +936,6 @@ $2',
# Upload
'upload' => '上傳檔案',
'uploadbtn' => '上傳檔案',
-'reupload' => '上傳過',
'reuploaddesc' => '返回上傳列表。',
'uploadnologin' => '冇登入',
'uploadnologintext' => '倷要[[Special:UserLogin|登入]]再上傳得正檔案。',
@@ -927,7 +975,6 @@ $2',
* 上載文檔嗰檔名: '''<tt>[[:$1]]</tt>'''
* 目前檔嗰檔名: '''<tt>[[:$2]]</tt>'''
-'fileexists-thumb' => "<center>'''早就有嘍嗰文件'''</center>",
'fileexists-thumbnail-yes' => "箇隻檔案好像係一隻圖像嗰縮小版''(縮圖)''。 [[$1|thumb]]
@@ -942,7 +989,6 @@ $2',
'uploaddisabled' => '上傳伓正',
'uploaddisabledtext' => '上傳伓正文件到{{SITENAME}}。',
'uploadscripted' => '箇隻檔案包到可能會誤導網絡瀏覽器錯誤解釋嗰 HTML 或腳本代碼。',
-'uploadcorrupt' => '箇隻檔案包含或者係一隻伓正確嗰副檔名。請檢查吖接到重新上傳。',
'uploadvirus' => '箇隻檔案有病毒!詳情: $1',
'sourcefilename' => '原始檔案名:',
'destfilename' => '目標檔案名:',
@@ -968,6 +1014,7 @@ $2',
'upload-curl-error28-text' => '站點回應時間過長。請檢查箇隻網站嗰訪問係否正常,過吖再試過。倷可能要等網絡伓咁卡嗰時間再試吖。',
'license' => '授權:',
+'license-header' => '授權:',
'nolicense' => '冇選定',
'license-nopreview' => '(冇預覽用得正)',
'upload_source_url' => '(一隻有效嗰,公開嗰 URL)',
@@ -984,6 +1031,7 @@ $2',
'listfiles_description' => '簡話',
# File description page
+'file-anchor-link' => '檔案',
'filehist' => '檔案歷史',
'filehist-help' => '按到日期/時間去眵吖許時間有過嗰檔案。',
'filehist-deleteall' => '全部刪掉',
@@ -1000,11 +1048,11 @@ $2',
'imagelinks' => '連結',
'linkstoimage' => '底下嗰$1隻頁面連結到箇隻檔案:',
'nolinkstoimage' => '冇頁面連結到箇隻檔案。',
-'sharedupload' => '箇隻檔案來自$1,佢可能拕應用嘚別嗰項目。', # $1 is the repo name, $2 is shareduploadwiki(-desc)
-'shareduploadwiki' => '更多信息請參看$1。',
-'shareduploadwiki-linktext' => '檔案描述頁',
-'noimage' => '同名嗰檔案伓存在,倷可以$1。',
-'noimage-linktext' => '上傳佢',
+'sharedupload' => '箇隻檔案來自$1,佢可能拕應用嘚別嗰項目。',
+'sharedupload-desc-there' => '箇隻檔案來自$1,佢可能拕應用嘚別嗰項目。
+請相吖[$2 檔案描述頁面]以了解佢嗰相關資訊。',
+'sharedupload-desc-here' => '箇隻檔案來自$1,佢可能拕應用嘚別嗰項目。
+佢嗰[$2 檔案描述頁面]顯示嘚下頭。',
'uploadnewversion-linktext' => '上傳箇隻檔案嗰新版本',
# File reversion
@@ -1065,6 +1113,7 @@ $2',
'statistics-header-edits' => '編輯數據',
'statistics-header-views' => '查看數據',
'statistics-header-users' => '用戶數據',
+'statistics-header-hooks' => '別嗰數據',
'statistics-articles' => '內容頁',
'statistics-pages' => '頁面',
'statistics-pages-desc' => 'wiki上頭所有頁面,包到談詑頁、重定向等',
@@ -1090,8 +1139,8 @@ $2',
'brokenredirects' => '壞吥嗰重定向頁',
'brokenredirectstext' => '底下嗰重定向頁面指到嗰係伓存在嗰頁面:',
-'brokenredirects-edit' => '(編寫)',
-'brokenredirects-delete' => '(刪吥)',
+'brokenredirects-edit' => '編寫',
+'brokenredirects-delete' => '刪吥',
'withoutinterwiki' => '冇語言連結嗰頁面',
'withoutinterwiki-summary' => '底下嗰頁面係冇語言連結到別嗰語言版本:',
@@ -1272,7 +1321,7 @@ $NEWPAGE
本站: $PAGEEDITOR_WIKI 今後伓會通知倷將來嗰改動,除非接到來到箇頁。倷也能設過倷全部監視頁嗰通知標記。
-{{SITENAME}}通知系統 – 會改卟倷嗰監視列表設置,請去 {{fullurl:{{ns:special}}:Watchlist/edit}}
+{{SITENAME}}通知系統 – 會改卟倷嗰監視列表設置,請去 {{fullurl:{{#special:Watchlist}}/edit}}
回饋同到別嗰説明: {{fullurl:{{MediaWiki:Helppage}}}}',
@@ -1312,8 +1361,8 @@ $NEWPAGE
最晏編輯人: [[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|討論]])。',
-'editcomment' => "編輯介紹: \"''\$1''\"。", # only shown if there is an edit comment
-'revertpage' => '返回由[[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|對話]])嗰編輯;恢復到[[User:$1|$1]]嗰最末一隻版本', # Additionally available: $3: revid of the revision reverted to, $4: timestamp of the revision reverted to, $5: revid of the revision reverted from, $6: timestamp of the revision reverted from
+'editcomment' => "編輯介紹: \"''\$1''\"。",
+'revertpage' => '返回由[[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|對話]])嗰編輯;恢復到[[User:$1|$1]]嗰最末一隻版本',
'rollback-success' => '返回由$1嗰編輯;恢復到$2嗰最末一隻版本。',
'sessionfailure' => '倷嗰登入好像有嚸問題,為到防範未然,箇隻動作拕取消嘞。
@@ -1332,7 +1381,6 @@ $NEWPAGE
'protectexpiry' => '期限:',
'protect_expiry_invalid' => '到期時間無效。',
'protect_expiry_old' => '到期時間已過。',
-'protect-unchain' => '莫鎖到移動許可權',
'protect-text' => "倷到箇首能瀏覽或修改頁面'''<nowiki>$1</nowiki>'''嗰保護級別。",
'protect-locked-blocked' => "倷改伓正拕封鎖時嗰保護級別。下底係'''$1'''現今嗰保護級別:",
'protect-locked-dblock' => "資料庫鎖到嘞就改伓正保護級別。下底係'''$1'''現今嗰保護級別:",
@@ -1348,7 +1396,7 @@ $NEWPAGE
'protect-expiring' => '$1 (UTC)到期',
'protect-cascade' => '保護箇頁含到嗰頁面 (連鎖保護)',
'protect-cantedit' => '倷改伓正箇頁嗰保護程度,因為倷冇搦到編輯授權。',
-'protect-expiry-options' => '兩個鍾頭:2 hours,一日:1 day,三日:3 days,一個禮拜:1 week,兩個禮拜:2 weeks,一個月:1 month,三個月:3 months,六個月:6 months,一年:1 year,一世:infinite', # display1:time1,display2:time2,...
+'protect-expiry-options' => '兩個鍾頭:2 hours,一日:1 day,三日:3 days,一個禮拜:1 week,兩個禮拜:2 weeks,一個月:1 month,三個月:3 months,六個月:6 months,一年:1 year,一世:infinite',
'restriction-type' => '許可權:',
'restriction-level' => '限制級別:',
'minimum-size' => '最細碼子',
@@ -1414,7 +1462,7 @@ $1',
'contributions-title' => '$1嗰用戶貢獻',
'mycontris' => '偶嗰貢獻',
'contribsub2' => '$1嗰貢獻 ($2)',
-'nocontribs' => '冇尋到合到條件嗰改動。', # Optional parameter: $1 is the user name
+'nocontribs' => '冇尋到合到條件嗰改動。',
'uctop' => '(頭上)',
'month' => '從箇月 (或更早):',
'year' => '從箇年 (或更早):',
@@ -1422,6 +1470,8 @@ $1',
'sp-contributions-newbies' => '單顯到新用戶嗰貢獻',
'sp-contributions-newbies-sub' => '新用戶嗰貢獻',
'sp-contributions-blocklog' => '封鎖記錄',
+'sp-contributions-talk' => '談詑',
+'sp-contributions-userrights' => '用戶許可權管理',
'sp-contributions-search' => '尋貢獻',
'sp-contributions-username' => 'IP地址或用戶名:',
'sp-contributions-submit' => '尋',
@@ -1466,7 +1516,7 @@ $1',
'ipbenableautoblock' => '自動封鎖箇隻用戶最晏嗰IP,同後來佢編寫用過嗰地址',
'ipbsubmit' => '封鎖箇隻地址',
'ipbother' => '別嗰時間:',
-'ipboptions' => '兩個鍾頭:2 hours,一日:1 day,三日:3 days,一個禮拜:1 week,兩個禮拜:2 weeks,一個月:1 month,三個月:3 months,六個月:6 months,一年:1 year,一世:infinite', # display1:time1,display2:time2,...
+'ipboptions' => '兩個鍾頭:2 hours,一日:1 day,三日:3 days,一個禮拜:1 week,兩個禮拜:2 weeks,一個月:1 month,三個月:3 months,六個月:6 months,一年:1 year,一世:infinite',
'ipbotheroption' => '別嗰',
'ipbotherreason' => '別嗰/附加原因:',
'ipbhidename' => '封鎖日誌、活躍封鎖列表同用戶列表裡頭弆到用戶名',
@@ -1489,7 +1539,7 @@ $1',
'ipblocklist-submit' => '尋',
'blocklistline' => '$1,$2封到$3 ($4)',
'infiniteblock' => '伓限期',
-'expiringblock' => '$1到期',
+'expiringblock' => '$1 $2到期',
'anononlyblock' => '單限制匿名用戶',
'noautoblockblock' => '停用自動封鎖',
'createaccountblock' => '禁止新開帳戶',
@@ -1565,7 +1615,7 @@ $1',
'move-watch' => '眏到箇頁',
'movepagebtn' => '換卟箇頁',
'pagemovedsub' => '移正嘞',
-'movepage-moved' => "'''「$1」拕移到「$2」'''", # The two titles are passed in plain text as $3 and $4 to allow additional goodies in the message.
+'movepage-moved' => "'''「$1」拕移到「$2」'''",
'articleexists' => '已經有頁面叫箇隻名字,要伓倷揀嗰名字冇用。請揀過隻名字。',
'cantmove-titleprotected' => '倷移伓正一隻頁面到箇隻位置,箇隻新題目已經拕保護起來嘞,新建伓正。',
'talkexists' => '頁面本身移動正嘞,但係新標題下底有嘞對話頁,所以對話頁移伓正。請手工合併兩頁。',
@@ -1607,8 +1657,6 @@ $1',
'allmessagestext' => '箇首列到全部制定得正嗰系統界面。
Please visit [ MediaWiki Localisation] and [] if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.',
'allmessagesnotsupportedDB' => "'''{{ns:special}}:系統界面功能'''關卟嘞('''\$wgUseDatabaseMessages''')。",
-'allmessagesfilter' => '按消息名篩:',
-'allmessagesmodified' => '單顯到改正嗰',
# Thumbnails
'thumbnail-more' => '放大',
@@ -1673,6 +1721,7 @@ Please visit [ MediaWiki Localisation]
'tooltip-ca-viewsource' => '箇頁已拕保護。但倷能望吖佢嗰原始碼。',
'tooltip-ca-history' => '箇頁早先嗰版本',
'tooltip-ca-protect' => '護到箇頁',
+'tooltip-ca-unprotect' => '護得箇頁',
'tooltip-ca-delete' => '刪卟箇頁',
'tooltip-ca-undelete' => '拿箇頁還原到刪卟之前嗰樣子',
'tooltip-ca-move' => '移動箇頁',
@@ -1683,6 +1732,7 @@ Please visit [ MediaWiki Localisation]
'tooltip-search-fulltext' => '尋箇隻文字嗰頁面',
'tooltip-p-logo' => '封面',
'tooltip-n-mainpage' => '眵吖封面',
+'tooltip-n-mainpage-description' => '眵吖封面',
'tooltip-n-portal' => '對於箇隻計劃,倷能做什哩,又啷做',
'tooltip-n-currentevents' => '提供目前嗰事嗰背景',
'tooltip-n-recentchanges' => '列出箇隻網站該朝子嗰改動',
@@ -1735,10 +1785,12 @@ Please visit [ MediaWiki Localisation]
# Attribution
'anonymous' => '{{SITENAME}}嗰匿名用戶',
'siteuser' => '{{SITENAME}}用戶$1',
-'lastmodifiedatby' => '箇頁由$3對$1 $2最晏嗰改動。', # $1 date, $2 time, $3 user
+'anonuser' => '{{SITENAME}}匿名用戶$1',
+'lastmodifiedatby' => '箇頁由$3對$1 $2最晏嗰改動。',
'othercontribs' => '以$1為基礎。',
'others' => '別嗰',
'siteusers' => '{{SITENAME}}用戶$1',
+'anonusers' => '{{SITENAME}}匿名{{PLURAL:$2|用戶|用戶}}$1',
'creditspage' => '頁面感謝',
'nocredits' => '箇頁冇致謝名單。',
@@ -1766,6 +1818,17 @@ Please visit [ MediaWiki Localisation]
'mw_math_modern' => '新版瀏覽器嗰建議',
'mw_math_mathml' => '儘可能用MathML (試驗中)',
+# Math errors
+'math_failure' => '分析失敗',
+'math_unknown_error' => '未知錯誤',
+'math_unknown_function' => '未知函數',
+'math_lexing_error' => '句法錯誤',
+'math_syntax_error' => '文法錯誤',
+'math_image_error' => 'PNG轉換失敗;請檢查係否裝正嘞latex, dvips, gs同到convert',
+'math_bad_tmpdir' => '寫伓正或建伓正數學公式臨時目錄',
+'math_bad_output' => '寫伓正或建伓正數學公式輸出目錄',
+'math_notexvc' => '執行伓正"texvc";請參看 math/README 再配置過。',
# Patrolling
'markaspatrolleddiff' => '標到係檢查過嗰',
'markaspatrolledtext' => '標到箇篇文章係檢查過嗰',
@@ -1837,7 +1900,7 @@ $1',
* exposuretime
* fnumber
* isospeedratings
-* focallength', # Do not translate list items
+* focallength',
# EXIF tags
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@@ -1964,14 +2027,14 @@ $1',
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-'exif-orientation-4' => '上下翻轉', # 0th row: bottom; 0th column: left
-'exif-orientation-5' => '逆時針轉90°接到上下翻轉', # 0th row: left; 0th column: top
-'exif-orientation-6' => '順時針轉90°', # 0th row: right; 0th column: top
-'exif-orientation-7' => '順時針轉90°接到上下翻轉', # 0th row: right; 0th column: bottom
-'exif-orientation-8' => '逆時針轉90°', # 0th row: left; 0th column: bottom
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+'exif-orientation-4' => '上下翻轉',
+'exif-orientation-5' => '逆時針轉90°接到上下翻轉',
+'exif-orientation-6' => '順時針轉90°',
+'exif-orientation-7' => '順時針轉90°接到上下翻轉',
+'exif-orientation-8' => '逆時針轉90°',
'exif-planarconfiguration-1' => 'chunky格式',
'exif-planarconfiguration-2' => 'planar格式',
@@ -2081,7 +2144,7 @@ $1',
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'exif-gpsmeasuremode-3' => '三維測量',
-# Pseudotags used for GPSSpeedRef and GPSDestDistanceRef
+# Pseudotags used for GPSSpeedRef
'exif-gpsspeed-k' => '公里每小時',
'exif-gpsspeed-m' => '英里每小時',
'exif-gpsspeed-n' => '海浬每小時(節)',
@@ -2119,7 +2182,7 @@ $1',
'confirmemail_loggedin' => '倷嗰email地址已得到確認。',
'confirmemail_error' => '確認過程出錯。',
'confirmemail_subject' => '{{SITENAME}}電子郵件地址確認',
-'confirmemail_body' => 'IP地址$1嗰用戶(可能係倷)到{{SITENAME}}註冊嘞帳戶"$2",並一同用嘞倷嗰email地址。
+'confirmemail_body' => 'IP地址$1嗰用戶(可能係倷)到{{SITENAME}}註冊嘞帳戶"$2",並一同用嘞倷嗰email地址。
@@ -2152,6 +2215,7 @@ $1',
# Separators for various lists, etc.
'comma-separator' => '、',
+'parentheses' => '($1)',
# Multipage image navigation
'imgmultipageprev' => '← 上頁',
@@ -2211,7 +2275,7 @@ $1',
'unknown_extension_tag' => '伓認得嗰擴展標籤 "$1"',
# Special:Version
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+'version' => '版本',
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'version-parserhooks' => '解析器鉤子',
@@ -2223,7 +2287,7 @@ $1',
'version-skin-extension-functions' => '封皮插件功能',
'version-hook-name' => '鉤子名',
'version-hook-subscribedby' => '訂閱人',
-'version-version' => '版本',
+'version-version' => '(版本 $1)',
'version-license' => '許可證',
'version-software' => '裝正嗰軟件',
'version-software-version' => '版本',