AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-06-01update READMEHEADmasterbill-auger
2022-05-31update user-story examplesbill-auger
2022-05-05Merge branch 'wip-repository' of dachary/forgefed into masterzPlus
2021-07-15Merge branch 'wip-example' of dachary/forgefed into masterzPlus
2021-07-15Modeling spec: attributedTo type under 'Repository'Loïc Dachary
2021-07-15Modeling spec: add attributedTo example for 'Repository'Loïc Dachary
2020-08-05Allow 'resolvedBy' to specify an activityfr33domlover
2020-08-02Vocabulary: Add 'resolved' propertyfr33domlover
2020-07-23Vocabulary spec: Add property 'currentVersion'fr33domlover
2020-07-23Vocabulary spec: Add property 'previousVersions'fr33domlover
2020-07-22Add 'resolvedBy' to the JSON-LD contextfr33domlover
2020-07-22Vocabulary spec: Add new property 'resolvedBy'fr33domlover
2020-07-22Behavior spec: Simplify the text about opening a ticketfr33domlover
2020-07-22Behavior spec: Add section about the Create and Offer flowsfr33domlover
2020-05-18Vocab spec: Set range of 'description' to AS2 'Object'fr33domlover
2020-05-17Add properties sendPatchesTo and tracksPatchesForfr33domlover
2020-05-15Add ontology file.zPlus
2020-05-15Add TODO note for @type of property "description".zPlus
2020-05-14Add funding-plan pagefr33domlover
2020-02-10Update project status in index pagefr33domlover
2020-01-22Modeling spec: List 'forks' under 'Repository'fr33domlover
2020-01-22Vocab spec: Add 'forks' term, a collection of a repo's forksfr33domlover
2020-01-22Link to working group & community group from websitefr33domlover
2020-01-22Link to working group & community group pages from READMEfr33domlover
2020-01-22Use 'summary' for ticket and commit titles, instead of 'name'fr33domlover
2020-01-21Document use of `attributedTo` in `Repository`fr33domlover
2020-01-21Define how to determine the ticket tracker for a given objectfr33domlover
2020-01-21Document `earlyItems` propertyfr33domlover
2020-01-21Fix typofr33domlover
2020-01-21Document the Create flow for opening a ticketfr33domlover
2019-12-28Merge branch 'master' of iko/forgefed into masterfr33domlover
2019-12-28Adjust bullet and numbered list itemsIko
2019-12-28Merge branch 'master' of iko/forgefed into masterfr33domlover
2019-12-27Change css selectorIko
2019-12-27Add rudimentary syntax highlightingIko
2019-12-26Edit project links indent, resize header logoIko
2019-12-27Link to Liberapay in footerfr33domlover
2019-12-15Merge branch 'fix-link' of remram44/forgefed into masterzPlus
2019-12-14Fix a link in index pageRemi Rampin
2019-12-08Merge branch 'link-to-website' of jaywink/forgefed into masterzPlus
2019-12-08Add link to the forgefed spec to readmeJason Robinson
2019-12-05Initial JSON-LD context filefr33domlover
2019-12-05Vocab spec: Tweak links and make sure all types have a parent typefr33domlover
2019-12-05Modeling spec: Remove `slug` property from examplefr33domlover
2019-12-04Behavior spec: Document commenting using Create{Note}fr33domlover
2019-12-04Behavior spec: Link to RFC2119, about the MUST/MAY/etc. keywordsfr33domlover
2019-12-04Behavior spec: Document publishing Push activityfr33domlover
2019-12-04Modeling spec: Clarify wording about prefix of commit listfr33domlover
2019-12-04Modeling spec: Document representation of commentsfr33domlover
2019-12-04Modeling spec: Document representation of a ticketfr33domlover